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British police says responding to serious incident at Manchester Arena


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4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

There have been hundreds of people arrested and many charged and that is ongoing every week.  The UK has a brilliant record in uncovering and stopping these terrorist cells and lot's of planned attacks have been intercepted.  Much of it thanks to the vigilance of the Muslim communities.  What I suggest we do is carry on with what we are doing, taking out suspected terrorists as they are unearthed.  Knee jerk responses are non productive.  I have faith in our security services, obviously you don't?

Why are there hundreds being arrested every week? Is it poor vetting of new  immigrants? Is it enlisting of 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants? Either way there are way to many,if hundreds are arrested weekly. If it is so deeply settled into the Uk then it simply cannot be taken out by conventional means. . It really is time to bear arms against such acts and people willing to commit such acts.Let their groups suffer collateral damage not ours.

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4 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Where do you suggest they are deported to? Deporting them to the ISIS caliphate won't help much!

Much as i hate what they do and stand for. How can the UK deport a UK citizen? How can the UK lock up indefinitely suspected terrorists with no proof. Doesnt that smack in the face of everything countless genarations have fought and died for?. More intelligence is required more feet on the ground not taking money away as is always the case. Stop immigrants coming in untill a full and proper vetting procedure has been applied to all immigrants white back yellow pink.

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9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

If this is indeed a terrorist act, that has targeted young people and kids it is a terrible, cowardly and evil thing to do.

RIP to those who have been killed, a speedy recovery to those injured and an even speedier arrest of those evil sons of bitches responsible.

Britain will NEVER surrender to terrorists.

as opposed to "brave" terrorist acts

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5 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Much as i hate what they do and stand for. How can the UK deport a UK citizen? How can the UK lock up indefinitely suspected terrorists with no proof. Doesnt that smack in the face of everything countless genarations have fought and died for?. More intelligence is required more feet on the ground not taking money away as is always the case. Stop immigrants coming in untill a full and proper vetting procedure has been applied to all immigrants white back yellow pink.

You are wasting your time trying to appeal to those who are blinkered in their views.  The haters will always only hear what they want to hear.

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5 minutes ago, transam said:

What do you mean....?

It probably means that by quantifying what type of terrorist attack, it denotes that there are at least two types of attacks carried out  by terrorists. One is  terrible, cowardly, and evil - which really describes this attack, no need to quantify - the other is brave (which is not appropriate).   


I doubt that's clearer...


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3 minutes ago, ResandePohm said:

I read several times and I also find it far from clear. Please explain

Let's try again. This attack was terrible, cowardly and evil, so the word 'terrorist' is redundant as it implies the same meaning. just a play on words.


Being clever.

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26 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Much as i hate what they do and stand for. How can the UK deport a UK citizen? How can the UK lock up indefinitely suspected terrorists with no proof. Doesnt that smack in the face of everything countless genarations have fought and died for?. More intelligence is required more feet on the ground not taking money away as is always the case. Stop immigrants coming in untill a full and proper vetting procedure has been applied to all immigrants white back yellow pink.

First, don't allow Imams from abroad speak in local mosques. Close all mosques for good which are known for hate speech. Stop halal food in western countries. No tolerance for intolerance.

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Just now, alocacoc said:

First, don't allow Imams from abroad speak in local mosques. Close all mosques for good which are known for hate speech. Stop halal food in western countries. No tolerance for intolerance.

I don't see the need for any foreign Imams to preach in British mosques. We have enough trained and properly educated British Imams. Stopping Halal food will be more difficult as it is also a requirement that the Jews have.

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5 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

Let's try again. This attack was terrible, cowardly and evil, so the word 'terrorist' is redundant as it implies the same meaning. just a play on words.


Being clever.

I still don't get it but then maybe I am stupid


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Heinious, cowardly, sick, sick, act by a deranged extremist lslamist terrorist. Was heartening to see Manchester truly unite around helping the victims, opening homes, hotels, inns and caring for each other.  Such an awful tragedy... but if blaming 'all' within an entire religion, one is actually helping ISIS in their desired goal of creating a clash of civilizations. Refuse to aid terrorists, do not give in to their desires, do not turn the loss of these precious lives into propaganda for ISIS's goal, do not give ISIS one jot to feed on.


God speed to the victims in recovery and a heavy heart goes out to the families and friends of lost loved ones.

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3 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

First, don't allow Imams from abroad speak in local mosques. Close all mosques for good which are known for hate speech. Stop halal food in western countries. No tolerance for intolerance.

I agree. This is a sensible hard line approach that the UK government will need to act upon, as Muslim communities will never integrate with UK citizens.  Whether any government would have the balls to do it, is another matter, and I'm afraid would never happen in a lifetime unless there were mass terrorist attacks.

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30 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

You are wasting your time trying to appeal to those who are blinkered in their views.  The haters will always only hear what they want to hear.

By 'haters', I assume you mean the people who blow up children at pop concerts. That is the purest expression of someone who is blinkered in their views,


Or did you have some other group in mind?

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5 minutes ago, ResandePohm said:

I don't see the need for any foreign Imams to preach in British mosques. We have enough trained and properly educated British Imams. Stopping Halal food will be more difficult as it is also a requirement that the Jews have.

Denmark bans kosher and halal slaughter as minister says ‘animal rights come before religion’



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5 minutes ago, ResandePohm said:

I don't see the need for any foreign Imams to preach in British mosques. We have enough trained and properly educated British Imams. Stopping Halal food will be more difficult as it is also a requirement that the Jews have.

always a reason why we cant do this or that. Harsh measures needed and if that involves Jews having to go elsewhere so be it time has come for massive rethink on who settles here in the uk

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35 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

You are wasting your time trying to appeal to those who are blinkered in their views.  The haters will always only hear what they want to hear.

what the hell are haters ??   where on earth has this term come from lately just bizarre

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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

Sorry but I am not baiting I really want to know what he is referring to.

In a nut shell, make the bomber(s)' community pay.


I would demolish the neighborhood on grounds of sanitation and let the resulting brown field site be used for affordable housing


Do that a couple of times and you will see communities keeping themselves clean of these creatures because of the risk


No wish to physically harm anyone.


But the whole community will feel the benefit!

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Just reading about the parents of the missing 8 year old girl on the BBC along with the other terrified friends and family of children not been in contact since the attack. It's one time social media plays a positive role.

I wish their hopes and prayers are answered.



Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


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BBC have said there has been much chatter on social media with people cheering and praising the attack.


Can these ****s not be traced?


I would just publish their names and addresses......


It would soon stop I can promise you

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12 minutes ago, Grouse said:

BBC have said there has been much chatter on social media with people cheering and praising the attack.


Can these ****s not be traced?


I would just publish their names and addresses......


It would soon stop I can promise you

UK does have the tech to find them....Find them and prosecute for aiding and abetting terrorism.....Those they can, deport, those they can't, lock 'em up.....I think we all agree....

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

You are wasting your time trying to appeal to those who are blinkered in their views.  The haters will always only hear what they want to hear.

Dont get me qrong here i l9ath the creature who did this and his masters. If i got my hands on him if the coward would not have killed himself i would take great delight in inflicting as much pain as possible before killing him. Just wanted to set the record straight.

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Tomorrow we will hear the speeches: 
We condemn this attack 
We stand with Manchester 
Our hearts go out to the victims 
Don’t blame all Muslims 
This will not change our way of life 
The perpetrators will be punished 

Flowers will be laid and candles will be light, then we’ll wait for the next one and repeat the process.

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Tomorrow we will hear the speeches: 
We condemn this attack 
We stand with Manchester 
Our hearts go out to the victims 
Don’t blame all Muslims 
This will not change our way of life 
The perpetrators will be punished 

Flowers will be laid and candles will be light, then we’ll wait for the next one and repeat the process.

Hopefully some speeches like this will be made today as well. It's important that our politicians remain steadfast. The people of Manchester, of all religions and political affiliations have been inspirational. Terrorism and hate must not be allowed to win.
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1 minute ago, stander said:

Tomorrow we will hear the speeches: 
We condemn this attack 
We stand with Manchester 
Our hearts go out to the victims 
Don’t blame all Muslims 
This will not change our way of life 
The perpetrators will be punished 

Flowers will be laid and candles will be light, then we’ll wait for the next one and repeat the process.

And that is the reality. No UK government would take a hard line approach unless there are mass terrorist attacks. And then we'll have a referendum on it. 

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58 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

First, don't allow Imams from abroad speak in local mosques. Close all mosques for good which are known for hate speech. Stop halal food in western countries. No tolerance for intolerance.

Now thats plain stupidity talking. I know a great many personal friends who are Muslim they have served there country and done no wrong, like the very very mass majority of muslims they will deplore this outrage. I agree about imans as do the vast majority of muslims who shun the hate preachers. Stop Halal food why? Do we stop eating and making Yorkshire puddings beacuse Sutcliffe was from yorkshire (the yorkshire ripper). Do we stop drinking Guinness beacuse the IRA terrorist came from southern Island no of course not

Edited by jeab1980
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3 minutes ago, stander said:

Tomorrow we will hear the speeches: 
We condemn this attack 
We stand with Manchester 
Our hearts go out to the victims 
Don’t blame all Muslims 
This will not change our way of life 
The perpetrators will be punished 

Flowers will be laid and candles will be light, then we’ll wait for the next one and repeat the process.

You got it right on. All talk just sit and be politically correct till they kill again then same as your post said will be done again.

candle and flowers will fix every thing

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Just now, jeab1980 said:

Now thats plain stupidity talking. I know a great many personal friends who are Muslim they have served there country and done no wrong, like the very very mass majority of muslims they will deplore this outrage. I agree about imans as do the vast majority of muslims who shun the hate preachers. Stop Halal food why? Do we stop eating and making Yorkshire puddinds beacuse Sutcliffe was from yorkshire (the yorkshire ripper). Do we stop drinking Guinness beacuse the IRA terrorist came from southern Island no of course not

But they tolerate it, don't they? Because we're soft. If push comes to shove, who they going to support?  

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