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British police says responding to serious incident at Manchester Arena


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1 hour ago, impulse said:


Just to be real clear, I abhor this kind of violence and I'd love to see those involved hunted down and skinned alive.  But only those involved.  Not their neighbors, not the other people who go to their place of worship, and not innocent civilians in the countries they came from.


This kind of act just reinforces the futility of striking back in a manner that creates more terrorists than they can possibly kill.  The math just doesn't work out when you kill a terrorist in a way that instills a hatred in all the so called "collateral damage" that our leaders seem to think is an acceptable part of their war on terror.


I disagree. Enough pussy footing around now.


We need draconian measures to clamp down on these people and encourage them to leave.


I think there will be a major backlash. Manchester is VERY different from London.


A bomb of such explosive performance is not made by a lone wolf in her kitchen. There will be a bunch of people involved. We need to make it WAY too dangerous to cover for or consort with these creatures.


When they resort to killing our children, their whole community must understand our wrath and take the consequences. 

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10 minutes ago, oldcarguy said:

there are so many CCTV cameras they will see who did it ,


my guess is he did not have a ticket , when they opened the doors for people to leave that is when he came inside.


Shame to go after kids , what a coward !


Despicable?  Yes.  Absolutely evil?  Yes.


But to call someone who's willing to kill himself for what he believes in a coward is to underestimate the enemy.  And that's a recipe for disaster in any conflict.


We'd all like them to stand with their AK47's on the battlefield and face up to A-10's, artillery, drones and the most advanced killing machinery ever conceived.  Instead, they're fighting the next century's war.  They're not idiots.


We're still being told that we need to support fighting the last century's war on them- or we're somehow unpatriotic or Islamist apologists.


Only in fighting last century's wars, our leaders are creating a dozen new terrorists to replace every one they kill.  Even neglecting the inhumanity of it, the math just doesn't work out.  You can't win if your "collateral damage"  creates more enemy than you kill.  And what's different today is that "collateral damage" in Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria doesn't just create more enemies in foreign lands.  We're instilling hate into productive, peaceful immigrants who have been in our own countries for generations.  The reason most of them are Muslims is because that's the demographic of our own collateral damage. 

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They are all brothers, no matter where they come from.

From a perspective of idealism, but at a pragmatic level, rubbish.

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

Do you wish our government to act in the same manner as those who carry out these terrible atrocities? Personally I do not, nor to use similar language as these killer's ideology. as do some of the weirdos on TV.

There are multiple other tactics that can and should be employed to protect us. Do you need me to spell these out?

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10 minutes ago, simple1 said:

UK has removed capital punishment from legislation for a number of reasons,. If the person/s responsible for this mass murder face Court they will be sentenced to life, without parole. A lot better punishment than the death penalty if they are indeed followers of Islamist ideology.

Not for the parents of these kids....

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31 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

...in response to what they perceive as a vile, evil atrocity done against them.

Everyone has their reasons. The west doesn't have a monopoly on feeling aggrieved and offended. Nobody, in these cases of jihadist terrorism (assuming that's what it is), understands the root cause. And there will be no solution, no let up in the terrorism, until the west starts understanding this and doing something about it.

I agree.


As soon as Western countries started getting involved in moslem countries (to protect their business interests) - it was clearly only a matter of time until the extremists started a terrorist campaign :sad:.


Most in the UK missed this crucial point, and (lead by the media....) were gung ho about getting involved in middle-east wars....

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7 minutes ago, impulse said:


Despicable?  Yes.  Absolutely evil?  Yes.


But to call someone who's willing to kill himself for what he believes in a coward is to underestimate the enemy.  And that's a recipe for disaster in any conflict.


We'd all like them to stand with their AK47's on the battlefield and face up to A-10's, artillery, drones and the most advanced killing machinery ever conceived.  Instead, they're fighting the next century's war.  They're not idiots.


We're still being told that we need to support fighting the last century's war on them- or we're somehow unpatriotic or Islamist apologists.


Only in fighting last century's wars, our leaders are creating a dozen new terrorists to replace every one they kill.  Even neglecting the inhumanity of it, the math just doesn't work out.  You can't win if your "collateral damage"  creates more enemy than you kill.  And what's different today is that "collateral damage" in Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria doesn't just create more enemies in foreign lands.  We're instilling hate into productive, peaceful immigrants who have been in our own countries for generations.  The reason most of them are Muslims is because that's the demographic of our own collateral damage. 

underestimate the enemy.  And that's a recipe for disaster in any conflict.


Conventional generals fight conventional battles. It is my opinion that they are incapable of seeing a new solution. The generals didn't even want special forces to be set up back in WW2, preferring the cannon fodder to die in pointless battles.

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3 minutes ago, Grouse said:

There are multiple other tactics that can and should be employed to protect us. Do you need me to spell these out?

Why not? Plenty of members voicing their cruelty. IMO far better to follow the Rule of Law

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29 minutes ago, the guest said:

France, Germany, Sweden, UK .... when will the EU wake up that bringing in these Muslims has consequences!

Bringing the EU into this is ridiculous, wrong, unhelpful and frankly pathetic. Shame on you

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50 minutes ago, steven100 said:

US specialists and Reuters news report it was a suicide bomber muslim islam will be in big trouble now.

The problem with that is that they would have had to have specific information to state that as true. The 'US specialists' are basing their facts on similarities to previous suicide bombings in France.


In other words they are speculating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

Yes, and most involve rough men doing what most of us would not.

No, not at all. Much more serious than that. No need to harm anyone. Do I need to spell it out?

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

If this is indeed a terrorist act, that has targeted young people and kids it is a terrible, cowardly and evil thing to do.

RIP to those who have been killed, a speedy recovery to those injured and an even speedier arrest of those evil sons of bitches responsible.

Britain will NEVER surrender to terrorists.

Of course they will not surrender to terrorist. They will just let them in through the front door as refuges.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Yes, and most involve rough men doing what most of us would not.


Yeah, and that's worked out so well keeping the world safe since 9/11.  


Strangely, I don't feel any safer in spite of the deaths of millions of innocents and thousands of terrorists.


But Boeing and Lockheed stocks are probably doing great and their Christmas bonuses are looking pretty good for this year.  Still, I'm proud that I own none of it.


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9 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

The problem with that is that they would have had to have specific information to state that as true. The 'US specialists' are basing their facts on similarities to previous suicide bombings in France.


In other words they are speculating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

In other words....keep your nose out and let the British  Police/Security Services etc do their job

Edited by Caps
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10 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Why not? Plenty of members voicing their cruelty. IMO far better to follow the Rule of Law

So if the rule of law was to hang murdering terrorists (who by the way are killing their own religious folk) you would be OK with that....?

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12 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Why not? Plenty of members voicing their cruelty. IMO far better to follow the Rule of Law

No need for any physical cruelty. There are much more powerful levers to pull if we the people so wish

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30 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Past atrocities in the UK, like 7/7, were committed by born and bred Britons. 


24 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Of course anyone that as much as implies the religion of the perpetrators will be labelled racist.

Nothing must be allowed to impede the agenda of mass immigration to "fundamentally transform" western civilisation.


22 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Yes, and look where they were radicalised. Wahabbi fanatics have been allowed free rein far too long, IMO.


20 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I know that, but do you know that to a "good" Muslim, the religion comes before race or country? Muslim first and last. They are all brothers, no matter where they come from.

IMO the part of the problem is that religious extremists have been able to recruit the disaffected (Brit born)  - who are angry at the wars carried out by the 'west' (and innocent civilians murdered) in the middle east. :sad:

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18 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

The problem with that is that they would have had to have specific information to state that as true. The 'US specialists' are basing their facts on similarities to previous suicide bombings in France.


In other words they are speculating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Just off Aussie tv. It may have been a backpack and by implication not a suicide bomber.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Just off Aussie tv. It may have been a backpack and by implication not a suicide bomber.

if this is true, you have to wonder how someone can get a backpack into a concert in todays climate.


theres also a high likelihood of collusion from someone on the ground staff of the arena who helped bring the backpack in.


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2 hours ago, impulse said:


Just to be real clear, I abhor this kind of violence and I'd love to see those involved hunted down and skinned alive.  But only those involved.  Not their neighbors, not the other people who go to their place of worship, and not innocent civilians in the countries they came from.


This kind of act just reinforces the futility of striking back in a manner that creates more terrorists than they can possibly kill.  The math just doesn't work out when you kill a terrorist in a way that instills a hatred in all the so called "collateral damage" that our leaders seem to think is an acceptable part of their war on terror.


While I agree with you for the most part Impulse, you still have to consider that these scum, if they do turn out to be immigrant OR home grown terrorists, have been living and planning this cowardly attack in their own communities.

It is very unlikely that no-one could have suspected this or foretold of the likelihood of this occurring.

Personally, regardless of whether this turns out to be a recent import or a home grown radicalized individual, I believe that the entire families of these immigrants should be immediately rounded up and repatriated to their country of origin, regardless.  This should act as a deterrent to these animals.  Bite the hand that feeds you and you deserve a big beating.

Unless something is done, the British public are likely to start to take things into their own hands and then all he'll will let loose.

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7 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

 Could you spell it out for me please I know no other way.

I would make their whole community responsible. I would condemn whole blocks of housing as being unsanitary and demolish them all. No compensation. Then build affordable housing on the new brown field sites.


That's one idea. No violence, no unpleasantness. Just a bit of a clean up.

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27 minutes ago, Caps said:

Wow...must be true then, maybe the US officials should let the UK Police etc do their work


Condolences to the families  

It will be interesting to find out whether the US sources are telling the truth - or whether US sources are lying.


One implies that Brit. authorities are hiding the truth for no discernible reason?

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3 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I would make their whole community responsible. I would condemn whole blocks of housing as being unsanitary and demolish them all. No compensation. Then build affordable housing on the new brown field sites.


That's one idea. No violence, no unpleasantness. Just a bit of a clean up.


Goebbels would be so proud...  That's how they did it, too,

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10 minutes ago, Grouse said:

No need for any physical cruelty. There are much more powerful levers to pull if we the people so wish

Please man up and tell us what you are referring to as more powerful ways or other ways. many of us here are tired of alternative ways that have not worked so come clean with the answer on other ways to deal with this other than violence.

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