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Trump directly scolds NATO allies, says they owe "massive" sums


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9 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

The other thing you should be aware of coming from Australia is that when you are in a hole, stop digging :wink: if you keep digging, who knows it could get so deep you might end up in........Australia.


We were not discussing your families personal involvement in the war, for which we are all of course grateful. I was saying that your view of the war was wrong and extremely simplified. You now seem to have made matters worse. Perhaps a few good documentaries are in order and not Hollywood movies. 

If I end up back in Australia, that is ok by me. 

Better than Russia. (Or US or the caliphate of Britain (nearly) 

 Nothing I have written can really be contested except if you have blinkers. But that was ancient history and all I did was say the western world has to show some respect for the loss of their young men when US could have wiped their hands.

And yes, I do know that initial republic of US debated German as a language (what a change to history that would have been)

 If you cannot accept the invasion of Europe from Anzio to Burgundy and beyond as an almost US force, you are deluded. The Canadians disgraced themselves in Holland, The Brits floundered in a bridge too far, having held up the advance by being stalled in the invasion. The yanks cleared that up in the battle of the bulge and also in the forests protecting the advance to Berlin.

That Trump does not understand this, nor any commitments to Europe is meaningless. The fact that you discredit US for the supplies, the ships, the aircraft and so on beggars belief  

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11 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

Did you even look at the video posted ?  

Do the Trumpeters think that it is presidential to push your way to be in the first row for a picture session ?  Pretty classless and narcissistic,  IMHO 

.......and he ends the rude behavior with a classic Mussolini pout, while sticking his fat belly out.  Trump is to class, what an ape is to Greek.

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Donald is generally an idiot but IMO he's right that some NATO members suckle off other members.  

The U.S. decreasing the percentage of the NATO upkeep and other NATO members providing more of

a fair share is long overdue.



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6 minutes ago, Pib said:

Donald is generally an idiot but IMO he's right that some NATO members suckle off other members.  

The U.S. decreasing the percentage of the NATO upkeep and other NATO members providing more of

a fair share is long overdue.



I agree that they should do more. But to say that they owe massive sums of money is nuts. 

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19 minutes ago, Pib said:

Donald is generally an idiot but IMO he's right that some NATO members suckle off other members.  

The U.S. decreasing the percentage of the NATO upkeep and other NATO members providing more of

a fair share is long overdue.



And what about indirect contributions?   What is the total value represented? It cannot be representative without the considerable value of indirect contributions can it. We have already had someone on here in the last few pages claiming Germany have contributed nothing for two years and now you blow him out the water - thank you.


All this chaos in the discussing of a subject hardly anyone (including Trump) has any idea of what they are talking about.



The U.S. decreasing the percentage of the NATO upkeep and other NATO members providing more of

a fair share is long overdue.

What bit does nobody understand about "The US Military Industrial complex DOES NOT WANT to reduce any defence payments anywhere. NATO allows justification to congress to spend truckloads of money on stuff that isn't needed except to ensure shareholders get richer and richer. If Trump cuts the contributions he will be whacked (well that would save impeachment I guess).


God this is hard work.  :coffee1:

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4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I agree that they should do more. But to say that they owe massive sums of money is nuts. 

Look again at the graph. For once the Trump has it right.

But best if he pull out of NATO.

 Would change things dramatically.

1. Europe has to make politics and policies on their own with out US influence

2. Europe has to form a defence strategy on their own without US influence.

3. Europe has to spend its own money on weapons etc without US influence.

On the positive side, all US bases in Europe are gone.

Russia no longer can say its borders are threatened.

Maybe all EU countries can meet some accord instead of Germany and France running an agenda. US can go back to looking after its own homeland interests, build a wall, kick all the labour out of US and actually maybe improve its labour problems from all the unemployed. (lol)

Got to be a win win situation

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25 minutes ago, Pib said:

Donald is generally an idiot but IMO he's right that some NATO members suckle off other members.  

The U.S. decreasing the percentage of the NATO upkeep and other NATO members providing more of

a fair share is long overdue.



So Canada contributes 1/3 of what the Yanks do with 1/10 the population. On that basis who are the free-loaders? Trump and the Yanks that's who! 

But that is not the basis. The pact is NOT about 2% of GDP in contributions to NATO. It's 2% of GDP in defence spending by 2024. Ignorance is bliss.

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9 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

Look again at the graph. For once the Trump has it right.

But best if he pull out of NATO.

 Would change things dramatically.

1. Europe has to make politics and policies on their own with out US influence

2. Europe has to form a defence strategy on their own without US influence.

3. Europe has to spend its own money on weapons etc without US influence.

On the positive side, all US bases in Europe are gone.

Russia no longer can say its borders are threatened.

Maybe all EU countries can meet some accord instead of Germany and France running an agenda. US can go back to looking after its own homeland interests, build a wall, kick all the labour out of US and actually maybe improve its labour problems from all the unemployed. (lol)

Got to be a win win situation

Yes the best scenario would be for the USA to be booted out of NATO as soon as possible. Who in their right mind would want to be committed to war based on a Trump screwup?

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The last time Americans and their president were denigrating its allies was in 2003. We were all unworthy and cowards because we would not take part in the attack of Iraq to capture all those imaginary WMD's. They booed Canada's national anthem at hockey games while most of the players on their own teams were Canadian. Class act! This while Canadians were fighting in the Afghan war due to NATO Article 5.  After thousands of Americans whose planes were unable to land on 9/11 were looked after in Canada. They then started changing food names such as to Freedom Fries. 

With the amount of money in their electoral system it's best described as a Mafia State. Corporations call the shots.  They should be booted from NATO before the rest of us sane countries get dragged into some fiasco by this ignoramus. 

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Leak Just Revealed U.S. Security Official Apologized To World Leaders for ‘Idiot’ Trump


President Trump’s first trip abroad has been a constant slap in the face to America’s closest allies, and U.S. National Security officials feel that it is jeopardizing our country’s safety and standing in the world.



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A Danger to the World

It's Time to Get Rid of Donald Trump


Donald Trump has transformed the United States into a laughing stock and he is a danger to the world. He must be removed from the White House before things get even worse.





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1 minute ago, Skywalker69 said:

A Danger to the World

It's Time to Get Rid of Donald Trump


Donald Trump has transformed the United States into a laughing stock and he is a danger to the world. He must be removed from the White House before things get even worse.





Germans know a thing or two about disastrous leaders! 

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Trump 'complained to Belgian PM of difficulty setting up golf resorts in EU'


US president said his view of Europe was based on experiences trying to do business, according to account of Brussels meeting



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Trump's aversion to consensus-building and analysis of facts (which he caricatures with his "bing bing bam bam") leads him to admire authoritarian regimes. Because with them the policy is simple.



"It can be amusing to ridicule the strange spectacles surrounding Trump’s handshakes, but behind these weird anti-diplomatic pantomimes lies an ominous reality coming clearer into view. His is a government that not only downplays cooperation with others but also believes money is better spent preparing for war than keeping the peace."




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1 minute ago, Opl said:

Trump's aversion to consensus-building and analysis of facts (which he caricatures with his "bing bing bam bam" leads him to admire authoritarian regimes. Because with them the policy is simple.



"It can be amusing to ridicule the strange spectacles surrounding Trump’s handshakes, but behind these weird anti-diplomatic pantomimes lies an ominous reality coming clearer into view. His is a government that not only downplays cooperation with others but also believes money is better spent preparing for war than keeping the peace."





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If you are going to push others aside to stand at the head of the bunch, then there are some responsibilities that go with being at the front:


Brian Klaas (‪@brianklaas‬)

26/5/17, 23:41


Every head of state I've interviewed from Madagascar to Thailand looks to Washington for what they can get away with twitter.com/blakehounshell…

...and here is an immediate repercussion:

Trump said he wouldn’t bother Bahrain on human rights. Bahrain turned right around and launched a fresh crackdown


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He is a shame for mankind ; why , fellow Americans, you don't put somebody else  as president? this one is ridiculous, it's a pity that he is the leader of the most powerful country in the world 

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On 5/26/2017 at 8:50 AM, alanrchase said:


Defence spending is defence spending. If it is channeled elsewhere it is no longer defence spending.


Sigh. That's not what he said. He said  "I don't think the U.S. would cut their defence spending"

ie they wouldn't cut their defence spending


"But, it could be channeled elsewhere"

ie spent in other places like more troops in Afghanistan, instead of using it to protect European countries that don't want to spend enough on their own defence.


I'd like him to have said something on the lines of "we will support you in the event you are attacked, but we aren't spending any money to keep troops in Europe when no conflict is taking place"

Same for ungrateful countries like Japan and Sth Korea as well. See how the new Korean president likes that then.

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He is a shame for mankind ; why , fellow Americans, you don't put somebody else  as president? this one is ridiculous, it's a pity that he is the leader of the most powerful country in the world 

Many of us are trying. It isn't easy.
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20 hours ago, Opl said:

Trump's aversion to consensus-building and analysis of facts (which he caricatures with his "bing bing bam bam") leads him to admire authoritarian regimes. Because with them the policy is simple.



"It can be amusing to ridicule the strange spectacles surrounding Trump’s handshakes, but behind these weird anti-diplomatic pantomimes lies an ominous reality coming clearer into view. His is a government that not only downplays cooperation with others but also believes money is better spent preparing for war than keeping the peace."




Peace only comes through strength.

British PM Chamberlain didn't prepare and a lot of good men died because of it.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sigh. That's not what he said. He said  "I don't think the U.S. would cut their defence spending"

ie they wouldn't cut their defence spending


"But, it could be channeled elsewhere"

ie spent in other places like more troops in Afghanistan, instead of using it to protect European countries that don't want to spend enough on their own defence.


I'd like him to have said something on the lines of "we will support you in the event you are attacked, but we aren't spending any money to keep troops in Europe when no conflict is taking place"

Same for ungrateful countries like Japan and Sth Korea as well. See how the new Korean president likes that then.

Please stop. You have no knowledge whatsoever of how Defence actually works, from spending, to forward deployment of troops, to strategic deployment of troops, you have zero knowledge, so please keep these comments that may be expected in a discussion of 7 year olds to yourself. By the way if Trump brought all his troops, equipment and aircraft back to the US he wouldn't have anywhere to put them. There aren't enough barracks and hangar space.

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21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Peace only comes through strength.

British PM Chamberlain didn't prepare and a lot of good men died because of it.

Saudi Arabia, a country plagued by fundamentalism that finances the Sunnis of ISIS, the construction of Salafist mosques everywhere, fighting against its neighbors, which means that these weapons will be disseminated on conflicts where S.A  intervenes underhand  for the greatest misfortune of the civil populations; the Saudis buy the Americans with their own currency and part of these 110 billions $ of weapons will end up in the hands of ISIS.. that the Russians will bomb...


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