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Shock UK exit poll suggests Britain's May fails to win majority


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4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You do have a point there. But the tories reduced taxes on the wealthy during a huge financial recession.  If you want to help dig a country out of a financial recession by reducing taxes, you reduce taxes on the people who have a greater likelihood of spending it - not saving it. The Tories did exactly the opposite.

I'm editing this because I agreed that Labour had done the same. If grouse is correct, then at least, and very importantly, in the case of the NHS, this is not true.

Just pumping 6 billion quid into the NHS did little to improve it. Mostly wasted- I was there then.

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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Plenty of 90 year olds around still.

I didn't take the quote I replied to, to be referring to NOW. Twenty years ago plenty of those that lived in the depression.

Agree that 'hardly' is overdone, but the message is clear.


The post you reacted to was referring to 'the older generation', so clearly people alive, so if you were referring to twenty years ago that does not make any sense.

Edited by stevenl
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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I think it was Brown, but no matter who, it was mostly wasted on administrators and fancy new buildings. I was working in the NHS when that happened and it was a farce. Lots of new management level nurses and the rank and file still exploited and treated like s***. They couldn't even clean the hospitals properly.


You forgot to mention he squillions squandered on various computer systems that did not work efficiently or were able to talk to each other.  I know this as i had to endure it.


Gutted that TM did not get a majority

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

Agree that 'hardly' is overdone, but the message is clear.


The post you reacted to was referring to the older generation voting now, so if you were referring to twenty years ago that does not make any sense.

That doesn't make sense. The system we suffer under now was voted for years ago, like over 20 or 30 years. If you are talking about "now" as in the present election, obviously it has not had any effect on anything, yet.

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6 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

If the exit poll is accurate, it will be a delightful kick in the face for the Mail/Sun and their inaccurate depiction of Corbyn, and a victory for social media and young people. And dare I say it, the end of hard Brexit.

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Why do you say a victory for young people?

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That doesn't make sense. The system we suffer under now was voted for years ago, like over 20 or 30 years. If you are talking about "now" as in the present election, obviously it has not had any effect on anything, yet.

I'm taking about the older generation who are talking now, and that have been voting for the last 40 - 60 years. Commonly known as baby boomers.


Their actions have had an effect, they did not live through the war or the great depression, and accusing young people of being "entitled" is a common refrain among them.


Hope this clears up the intended target group of my comments beyond all doubt.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hopefully that will make that dreadful woman shut up.

More likely she will demand the election is reheld until the electorate come up with the answer she wants...

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10 minutes ago, citybiker said:


Let this also be a lesson for the SNP, refrain from ramming independence down the throats of the Scottish electorate.

Today, Scotland's political map is a staunch wake up call for Nicola, the FM should focus more on improving domestic priorities and getting your own back yard in order than attempting to a EU lapdog.

Interesting times lay ahead...

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Come on, the SNP won many more seats than all the other parties combined in Scotland. They went from 6 to 56 seats last time which was a one off.

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3 minutes ago, Nurseynutcase said:


You forgot to mention he squillions squandered on various computer systems that did not work efficiently or were able to talk to each other.  I know this as i had to endure it.


Gutted that TM did not get a majority

Just talking about the faults of the NHS prior to the 6 billion would deserve a thread of it's own. The money didn't fix anything, as the same incompetent managers were running the whole shambles after the money came. Such a shame as it was just wasted.

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2 minutes ago, Johnyo said:


Tories are lucky Brexit is still on the agenda otherwise based os their track record and manifest they would have been well beaten.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Your post is meaningless, unless you are a clairvoyant off course. I can only assume you are suffering from sour grapes. You don't appear to be as smug as your other reply to me.

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12 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Scotland - the only country where the norms of winning and losing don't apply. 


I detect a fellow countryman who still remembers and celebrates the Scottish national football team's immeasurable "5 in-a-row" contribution to the FIFA World Cup between 1974 and 1990. Eliminated in the Group stages every time.


Hence the Tartan Army's mantra of "Who Wins. Who cares."

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5 hours ago, Phuket Man said:

Well played Tessa. Lol. 

Let's get Jeremy in and get  my stolen pension back. 


Well he's definitely prepared to spend the money. Yet, I wonder where the monies going to come from? Is he going to raise tax, or more likely borrow the money,for future generations to pay back.

Edited by nontabury
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If May doesn't win, then the UK people are only hurting themselves.The UK needs the toughness of this bird that even though against the Brexit ,she defended the choice of the people after the vote.If they elect another he will give away what she has been fighting to defend for The UK.I am afraid that another will be kissing the ass of The EU and giving into them while trying to keep Scotland in The UK fold.

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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That doesn't make sense. The system we suffer under now was voted for years ago, like over 20 or 30 years. If you are talking about "now" as in the present election, obviously it has not had any effect on anything, yet.

I had amended my post at about the same time you posted. 'voting' was used incorrectly.


You'd better look at rwdrwdrwd's, the original poster, comments as well regarding this.

Edited by stevenl
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1 minute ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

I'm taking about the older generation who are talking now, and that have been voting for the last 50 or 60 years.


Someone that was born in 1929, before the depression, would have been 38 in 1967 which is 50 years ago. Plenty of them voting over the past 50 years.

This is getting a bit silly and is off topic, so I'm not continuing this discussion.

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9 minutes ago, pegman said:

Come on, the SNP won many more seats than all the other parties combined in Scotland. They went from 6 to 56 seats last time which was a one off.

They had their first taste of glory in 1974 when they garnered a third of the Scottish vote and got themselves 11 seats in Westminster. However, by the time the next World Cup... sorry. the next election rolled around, they had all but imploded due to the political infighting that their success created.


Ditto for post- 2017?

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9 minutes ago, sanukjim said:

If May doesn't win, then the UK people are only hurting themselves.The UK needs the toughness of this bird that even though against the Brexit ,she defended the choice of the people after the vote.If they elect another he will give away what she has been fighting to defend for The UK.I am afraid that another will be kissing the ass of The EU and giving into them while trying to keep Scotland in The UK fold.

Sadly, life is usually not logical, and people make bad choices based on emotional reasons. Had I been living in the UK still and been able to vote, I would have voted for someone else just because I don't like May.

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22 minutes ago, pegman said:

We fought for what we got or retained from earlier generations at the ballot box or the picket line. Maybe, just maybe the young people of the U.K. have  just had that light bulb moment.

Somehow I doubt it and suspect they think that brexit means they would find it hard to visit EU countries/make it impossible to take a job abroad....

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15 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Well he's definitely prepared to spend the money. Yet, I wonder where the monies going to come from? Is he going to raise tax, or more likely borrow the money,for future generations to pay back.

Never forget how Blair and Brown wasted all the money the Conservatives left them with. That's what Labour do. Spend money till there is nothing left.

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9 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Where's Ruam Ruby with his words of wisdom, or should that be his excuses?

Excuses for a correction? Disappointing, yes, but 2015 was not the norm. Admission time - I predicted a loss of around 6 seats, not 20. 

Still,  add up all the other parties in Scotland and they fail to match the number of SNP MPs. I can accept that - even be grateful for the counter to SNP dominance (hopefully they will up their game, moving forward) but I am struggling to accept that so many fellow Scots could bring themselves to vote Tory.

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26 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Just pumping 6 billion quid into the NHS did little to improve it. Mostly wasted- I was there then.

Know what you mean, as I worked in a school during that period.  Admin staff increased expotentially as ever more admin. rules were introduced - necessitating ever more admin staff to prove these pointless (even retro-grade) rules were being applied....

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