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Trump says Comey not telling truth, willing to respond under oath


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6 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Im amazed at just how indiscreet and disloyal this guy Comey is.

           Message to Trumpsters:  Sorry, your bubbles are getting busted day by day.  Maybe you like having a dangerous dufus in the Oval Office, but most Americans don't like it.


                   It's almost funny that Trumpsters' newest baddie is Comey.  He's been the most upright Eagle Scout inside the Beltway.  Jeezo, Trump is so vindictive, he could make enemies with the Pope.  Oh wait, ....he's already done that.

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9 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

He never said there were tapes - he said  "Comy had better hope there aren't any tapes of the conversation"

I know what you mean. It's like telling someone, "You better watch your back." You're not threatening that person. You're just giving them good advice.

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

Why he did not have" knives" for Obama, or Bush, but has "knives " for Trump.

Because Trump falsely impugned the reputation of both Comey and the FBI?

Because Trump fired Comey by letter when Comey was in California and away from his mobile phone?

Because Trump first said he fired Comey because of how Comey handled the Hillary email controversy?

Because Trump outright lied to Comey, ie., that it was Comey who called Trump to have dinner to talk about continuing as FBI Director?

Because Trump tried to intimidate Comey through physical contact during Trump's gathering of his Cabinet?

Because Trump denied Comey witness by Attorney General Sessions, Vice President Pense and Priebus in his meeting with Comey?

In contrast to each of the above:

Because neither Bush nor Obama didn't .......

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I know what you mean. It's like telling someone, "You better watch your back." You're not threatening that person. You're just giving them good advice.

          Yea, or like telling your neighbor with the dog that barks all night; 'you better hope I don't have molotov cocktails ready to throw at your house.'

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Yes, above all else, the head of the FBI should be loyal to the President. You and Trump are clearly in agreement about the propriety of that.

You're mistaken. Not loyal to the pres, loyal to his job/duties.   For God and Country and all that Boy Scout stuff.


FBI needs to be objective, they can't do that if they're blinded by a misplaced loyalty.

Edited by Rob13
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                          Trump can get pre-nups signed with all his wives, and get non-disclosure agreements signed by everyone who has anything to do with him, .......but he can't get the FBI chief to pledge personal loyalty to him nor get Comey to call off his dogs on all the corrupt ding-dongs Trump surrounds himself with.


                    Now Americans know what it's like to have a 2-bit mafia-don-wanna-be running the WH.   I'd rather have Bernie Madoff as prez.  At least he probably has some basic decency.

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17 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Im amazed at just how indiscreet and disloyal this guy Comey is.

indiscreet - Comey brought a gun to Trump's knife fight

disloyal     - loyal to honesty, the Constitution and the Rule of Law

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If Americans could only know how sad it is for us non-Americans to see what was a great nation self-destructing.

Trump is vindictive and erratic. He can only bring harm to the USA and others. I feel sorry for the people who voted for him, because they are the ones who will suffer most.

Comey? He's a straw in the wind of what will become a hurricane.


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52 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

If Americans could only know how sad it is for us non-Americans to see what was a great nation self-destructing.

Trump is vindictive and erratic. He can only bring harm to the USA and others. I feel sorry for the people who voted for him, because they are the ones who will suffer most.  Comey? He's a straw in the wind of what will become a hurricane.

Bazza, I agree with most of your above post, except I partially disagree with "I feel sorry for the people who voted for him, because they are the ones who will suffer most."


                       You're right that many Trump voters will suffer from the person they voted in.


                       But the Americans who will suffer most, by %, are people who are the most different than Trump and his family.  The poor, people of color, folks who are going through the arduous process of trying get green cards, and middle aged folks who can't afford basic health care.   The people who will benefit from Trump are very rich and include some rednecks who want America to revert to how it was in the 1950's, when elder white men controlled nearly everything, and a little black girl had to be escorted by two large white policemen to her first day at school, because the school refused to allow any kids with darker-than-tan skin to attend.

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Trump have still more than 7 years time to Maga. Just give him a vote. The Americans elected him. Not the Russians. Don't believe this stupid conspiracy theories.

Go Trump. We trust in you.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Trump says Comey not telling truth....,
says the man who has been involved in more than 3500 lawsuits.

He is a businessman. Lawsuits are a common thing in this world. Checkout how often he was the plaintiff and how many he won. He's a real fighter, a true American and deserves our respect.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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7 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

Trump have still more than 7 years time to Maga. Just give him a vote. The Americans elected him. Not the Russians. Don't believe this stupid conspiracy theories.

Go Trump. We trust in you.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Don't be so sure about that.


"Made America Hate Again"


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2 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

He is a businessman. Lawsuits are a common thing in this world. Checkout how often he was the plaintiff and how many he won. He's a real fighter, a true American and deserves our respect.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

He deserves no respect. He's a con man, sleazeball, lies more than any president in American history, constantly stiffed contractors, screwed little people in bankruptcy schemes, started a proven SCAM fake university. Sure he fights. Against decent American values such as the free press. 

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Check out the history of trump's sleazeball lawyer. 

More Russian flavored smoke.


He has also defended Bill O'Reilly from allegations of sexual harassment,[14] and is defending Sberbank of Russia. Additionally, Kasowitz represents a company run by a Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who is a very close friend of Vladimir Putin and who employed Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort for several years.[15]





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2 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Because Trump falsely impugned the reputation of both Comey and the FBI?

Because Trump fired Comey by letter when Comey was in California and away from his mobile phone?

Because Trump first said he fired Comey because of how Comey handled the Hillary email controversy?

Because Trump outright lied to Comey, ie., that it was Comey who called Trump to have dinner to talk about continuing as FBI Director?

Because Trump tried to intimidate Comey through physical contact during Trump's gathering of his Cabinet?

Because Trump denied Comey witness by Attorney General Sessions, Vice President Pense and Priebus in his meeting with Comey?

In contrast to each of the above:

Because neither Bush nor Obama didn't .......

and most importantly 

Because Comey love's his country.

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17 hours ago, Berkshire said:

If Trump were to testify under oath, he will be impeached...GUARANTEED.  Trump is incapable of being truthful and will perjure himself.  This is not an opinion or a guess.  Trump lies constantly and can't stop lying, even when under oath.

Of course not an opinion or a guess, just a fabrication. Please give us an example where he has lied under oath.  Has he been charged with perjury, which is what happens if this occurred, as you are so adamant it has? :wai:

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Trump will never testify under oath.He is not that stupid.

He will walk everything he said about that back. 

His first attempt to circumvent this would be that he will answer written questions. In an other words written questions would be submitted to Trump,  and and army of Trump  lawyers will answer them for him.

or try to limit the scope of the questioning to what they had to eat , at the dinner he had with Comey.

Edited by sirineou
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If there are tapes, the most likely reason for him not releasing them yet is that the attempts to "edit" them in a way that is not detectable with today's technology has been unsuccessful!


Unfortunately, in Trump's parallel universe I truly believe that he doesn't  think that he is lying.  He's done it all of his life and look where it has got him and what we have ended up with!

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20 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                   I asked this question a week ago, and not surprisingly, no one could answer:   Here it is for the 3rd time: Please name ONE mainstream media report which was proven factually wrong.  


                      Nearly all the data we have re; Trump's lies, Trump's anti-American behavior, and his ties to the Russkies is via mainstream media.  MSmedia is also who are connecting the dots.    

All Trumpsters can do (each time a story is published) is deny everything, and then when they can no longer deny due to overwhelming (usually video) evidence, they reluctantly agree to as little as possible, along with diversions, blaming HRC/Obama, soggy excuses, and more lying.

                        Congress is controlled by Reps.  Reps don't give a wren's poop about lying - if it's their guy lying.  Republicans want to get their anti-American policies and tax-breaks-for-the-rich pushed through (if possible).  When they've done as much damage to the US as possible, then they'll abandoned Trump like baby Sarah's soiled diaper.

Yea and then tell their brainwashed base it was the Dems. who caused such disarray.  It disgusts me that these so called "Christians" can lie/cheat/steal/line their own pockets/ practically declare war on the poor, and yet claim to have morals/ethics/integrity.

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This passage was written in "A Stained White Radiance",  a book published by James Lee Burke, an American author, 24 years ago. He's writing about a fictional Louisiana politician.


" But Bobby Earl is out there by consent. He has his thumb on a dark pulse, and like all confidence men, he knows that his audience wishes to be conned. He learned long ago to listen, and he knows that if he listens carefully they'll tell him what they need to hear. It's a contract of mutual deceit by which they open up their flak vests and take it right through the breastbone."


I have not seen a more eerily prescient description of Trump and his followers.



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6 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

Of course not an opinion or a guess, just a fabrication. Please give us an example where he has lied under oath.  Has he been charged with perjury, which is what happens if this occurred, as you are so adamant it has? :wai:

                                  He took an oath of office in January.  Whichever Founding Father(s) wrote that oath, assumed everyone would know that telling lies is unbecoming of a president.  Same reason the oath didn't specify that the president should not kill or rape anyone.  Yet Donald plays by his own rules.  He has the outlook of a Mafia-Don-Wannabe.  Telling the truth is for pussies, in his view.  He has lied in numerous court cases against him.  In one case, he invoked the 5th 99 times.  Everyone who knows him, including some of his former and current wives & sex partners, knows he lies for breakfast lunch and dinner.  


                          BTW, getting married also requires allegiance to an oath.  To Don, a marriage vows is yet another silly formality that means absolutely nothing.  


                         Now, if you're talking about pre-nup contracts or non-disclosure statements (which Don requires of everyone around him), then yes, those are things - Trump takes seriously.  Oath of Office for Prez of the US? ......is silly pomp, in Trump's view.  He broke that oath the minute he expressed his hope that Obamacare would fail (part of the prez oath is to uphold the laws of the land)


5 hours ago, sirineou said:

Trump will never testify under oath.

Probably true.  It will be like his "I would love to release my tax statements" pledge.  As much substance as tobacco smoke.

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3 hours ago, wayned said:

If there are tapes, the most likely reason for him not releasing them yet is that the attempts to "edit" them in a way that is not detectable with today's technology has been unsuccessful!

Unfortunately, in Trump's parallel universe I truly believe that he doesn't  think that he is lying.  He's done it all of his life and look where it has got him and what we have ended up with!

                              If there are 'tapes', Don will say there aren't.  People have told him Nixon's history.  Indeed, when Nixon was interviewed, months after he resigned, he said he should have burned the tapes when word of them became public.  


                         Note: in the wake of Watergate; John Dean was jailed, and scores of others had their careers poisoned.  Dean was the messenger.  Similar is already starting to unfold with Trump's imbroglio, which will prove to be more grievous and far-reaching than Nixon's.    Comey is just one of the first captains to fall.  Many more forthcoming.  Trump will enact 'scorched-earth' tactics to save his orange skin.


                         Thankfully, Dean is still around and healthy - a respected elder statesman.

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6 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

Of course not an opinion or a guess, just a fabrication. Please give us an example where he has lied under oath.  Has he been charged with perjury, which is what happens if this occurred, as you are so adamant it has? :wai:

Geez man, what is your malfunction?  I said "if" he were to testify under oath.  Testifying before a congressional committee or special counsel is not the same as testifying in a civil case, e.g., Trump University.  Especially as President.  With a Republican Congress, there is almost no way Trump will be impeached...UNLESS he does something insanely stupid.  Like perjure himself under oath.  Trump is literally incapable of being truthful, so I hope he does testify.

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17 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Geez man, what is your malfunction?  I said "if" he were to testify under oath.  Testifying before a congressional committee or special counsel is not the same as testifying in a civil case, e.g., Trump University.  Especially as President.  With a Republican Congress, there is almost no way Trump will be impeached...UNLESS he does something insanely stupid.  Like perjure himself under oath.  Trump is literally incapable of being truthful, so I hope he does testify.


Politeness goes a long way so why are you asking if I've had a "Malfunction?"   Of course you said that but you also said and I quote, "Trump lies constantly and can't stop lying, even when under oath."  Doesn't matter whether he is before a court, civil or criminal or congress, if he lied under oath then he would be charged.  So please, make up your mind, either he did, as you put it or he didn't like you say now, "Like perjure himself under Oath. Can't have it both ways, so again "Has he been charged with Perjury?"  Requires a simple yes or no answer.:wai:

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7 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Politeness goes a long way so why are you asking if I've had a "Malfunction?"   Of course you said that but you also said and I quote, "Trump lies constantly and can't stop lying, even when under oath."  Doesn't matter whether he is before a court, civil or criminal or congress, if he lied under oath then he would be charged.  So please, make up your mind, either he did, as you put it or he didn't like you say now, "Like perjure himself under Oath. Can't have it both ways, so again "Has he been charged with Perjury?"  Requires a simple yes or no answer.:wai:

Thakkar in post 84 answered your question.  Why are you ignoring him?

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10 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Politeness goes a long way so why are you asking if I've had a "Malfunction?"   Of course you said that but you also said and I quote, "Trump lies constantly and can't stop lying, even when under oath."  Doesn't matter whether he is before a court, civil or criminal or congress, if he lied under oath then he would be charged.

Because someone lies under oath does not mean they will be charged with perjury, it means they can.  

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                             If Trump lies under oath, Republican politicians will respond like they always do:  They'll wait to hear the spin that Trump or one of his lawyers puts out, and echo that.   Or, they'll follow their House leader Ryan and say something like, "He's new at the job. Give the guy a break."


                   Remember, Trump is the guy who stated, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and not lose any voters."  It's as true for his redneck dumbed-down voters as it is for Republican congresspeople.


                               Trump has been caught in lies scores of times.  Just one of many, when he said in the debates; "I was always against the Iraq war."   Audio tape proves that's not true.  

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