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Phuket soldiers raid live sex show in Patong

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B2,500 per person x  200 seats =  a whooping half million per show.
Operating an entertainment venue without a license.
I bet the owner has not paid one baht tax.

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Full house @ bht500k several times per day. The performers probably on 300bht/day each plus tips.  Not very good coordination on the owners part getting caught in this booby trap!

2 hours ago, LivinginKata said:

And located a long stone throw from Patong Police station. OMG

Im guessing they didnt buy their monthly allocation of tickets to the policeman's Ball :saai:

35 minutes ago, WhizBang said:

So a woman exposing her breasts is now considered pornographic?  


If there was more to it, then details please.  And photos too, else it didn't happen.  :cheesy:


Photos, map and menu in the actual article ... 

3 hours ago, steven100 said:

omg ....    does this kind of thing really happen   ...  :shock1:


hundreds in the audience of what Col Santi called “international tourists”.   ....   well I wouldn't think they'd be domestic tourists  ... :shock1:

Why not?  You don't think a tourist can be a domestic tourist?  But I agree with someone else's comment that Thais would have more sense than to drop B2500 on such a show.  Not too surprised some well-heeled Chinese would though.


The club is in a backstreet behind the China Town Plaza on Rat-U-Thit 200 Pi Rd, bordering on the fringe of the Chinatown area off Sai Nam Yen Rd.




Pretty good directions must check it out, the report could have included a Google map link and a show schedule


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Wow quite a nice profit for the owner of the club. Had to be paying protection money but the army is asserting itself as the new sheriff in town. Reminds one of the bootlegger paying the sheriff only to be raided by the Feds in the USA during prohibition days.   


A few years ago in Macau I was privy to a sex show in the street.  It was about midnight and I was walking back to my hotel when I saw a small group of people locals watching something going on in a doorway.  There was a Chinese man and his female "friend" screwing away enthusiastically seeming oblivious to their audience.  The small crowd shuffled off and left them to it while other people just wandered by casting a glance as they went.  When I mentioned it the next day to my Chinese business associates they just laughed and said it happened all the time when people get drunk and passion takes over.

2 hours ago, tracker1 said:

And during the show / raid the Military, Officials  and Police occupied the first 6 rows of seats until the show was over. Most were blown away by the preformance and took it in hand to arrest the performers. Im sure many of the Chinese tourists would have found it a bit stiff ! As for TOT they just don't get it they want tourist then they spoil their fun hmmm

Isn't that what the Thai approach to tourism is all about - take as much money off foreign tourists as humanely possible but give absolutely nothing in return?

2 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Locals do not have nor would they pay B2500.  They would no better how to spend their money.   

On the 10 x rule gouge locals pay 250 baht.


What do them mean by sex shows...some girl showing her boobs ...big deal. Nothing no body has seen before. Find better things to do like traffic infractions.



Ms Wanida was wearing a bikini and exposing her breasts.  Was this really worth calling out the troops for.


Sounds more like one of those regular tits for tats between army and police sponsored illegal businesses.  You close down one of mine and I'll close down one of yours.    



I have to say that the advice that we should tell the Chinese about nudist beaches in Europe may cause them serious mental problems, one of the reasons to check this stuff out in Thailand is to avoid loud, hairy, overweight feminists and LGBTI activists that you will no doubt encounter on European nudist beaches.



I am so happy this place was raided and I truly hope that it will shot down permenantly.

Not for the reason mentioned (as Patong is not the Vatican city...)  but because of the fact that this club's owners were able (legally or not I'm not sure) to shot down the only other exit to Rat U-Thit road (from Soi Chuwong 3), every day after 6PM, and thus preventing us all the option of making a U-turn to beach road.

You had to either drive all the way on Rat U-Thit and take a right on Ruamchai Rd. or through the extremely busy Phrabrami Rd and in the evening that's just crazy busy.

Those who live in Patong know what I'm talking about, especially in the high season where the traffic doesn't move...

By the way, can the military please also finally:

1. Put in place the plan to make a Tuk Tuk stand every X meters which a 2-3 maximum Tuk Tuks in each station because who really needs 20 available Tuk Tuks every 50 meters?? we have/rent cars and are entitled to have a place to park as well and there is simply no place to be found!

*This applies also to the car/bike rental businesses (each have around 20 bikes and several cars!)

2. limit the number of Jet-Ski's on the beach,  why you need so many of them when only few are really needed by handful of tourist who haven't heard that it's a dangerous adventure to rent a jet-ski in Patong? and if you handle this issue, why not ban operators who drive their jet skis like maniacs from the water to the sand and almost hitting the people on the beach? going to Patong beach feels like going to war, something might hit you from the air or sea at any given moment.


4 hours ago, steelepulse said:


The show openly targetted Chinese tourists.


“Tickets cost B2,500 per person, and there were many shows a day. The venue had about 200 seats,” Col Santi noted.



Who said all Chinese tourists were zero baht tourists?  Seems they are spending a decent amount on these shows..................

you seemed to be very well informed on the subject.... hmmm i wonder

3 hours ago, impulse said:


Would have been a wasted effort here on TVF.


Can you imagine the howls of protest at 2500 baht?


To see a lady in a bikini? 




Ah, the Fighting 25th, pride and glory of the Thai armed forces. Another successful assault on the enemy, prisoners taken and not a shot fired in anger. Well done boys, that'll get you all another regimental banner!


Did anyone tell the press desk of the police and/or the government, that the rest is hooked up on the internet as well and this breaking news just made their day.

What a way to start the new week; the average Somchai - after having sold a buffalo on the cattle market of Khon Kaen or Nakorn Nowhere - gets laid for a fraction of those THB 2'500 mentioned; albeit maybe not air conditioned but no police force breathing down his neck and bras with popped-out boobs are not on the cards as well....

Proud of the police force - good work! 

4 hours ago, fruitman said:

Chinese groups paid 2500 each to see thai boobs??


Please nobody tell em that Europe has loads of nude beaches....and they are free!

Average age on those european nude beaches being 38 and breasts usually somewhere between the knees.


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