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Sleeper Train questions


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So I have a very hectic trip to BKK and Back and decided to take a train there abd back so I dont have to stay overnight. 

I took a train only once here, last year but it wasnt one of those new ones.


I wanted to ask a few questions:


1. Are they often late the trains? Usually I do not care about time, but this time I have to.

2. What time does the restaurant carriage closes and opens?

3. After running around all day it would be nice to crack open a cold one. I know it is banned but last time I was on a sleeper train I saw people having few drinks discreetly. Not to be outdone I noticed staff of train includinf security guard drinking whiskey in a vip carriage.

whats your experience with this?

4. Does the train stops at all? I have a friend with me who smokes but I dont remember there being any stops long enough for that.

in old carriages all trourists smoked in restaurant but on new ones everything looks sealed and great.


Thanks everyone for an advice.

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Very soon, I'm planning on doing the very same return trip..., except it will be in the opposite direction..., from Bkk to CM.
I'd like to know if it's possible to somehow 'procure'(or buy) ice on the train ?


Edited by Sandy Freckle
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On 6/14/2017 at 6:08 AM, WhyYouTalkMeBad said:

Does the new train have curtains in the 2nd class sleeper? If so nothing stopping you drinking in your bunk but no way you can drink in the open and it won't be a cold one because you can't buy it on board.

Put your Saeng Som rum or Hong Tong in an empty M150 bottle and take a couple of cokes or pepsis on board with you, Cold, in one of those beer carriers with a freezer pad in with them.  That is what we did last time.   If a man can't have a beer then an M150 & coke has to be ok????????   555

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On 6/14/2017 at 6:08 AM, WhyYouTalkMeBad said:

Does the new train have curtains in the 2nd class sleeper? If so nothing stopping you drinking in your bunk but no way you can drink in the open and it won't be a cold one because you can't buy it on board.

He could carry an ice box with him.

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I don't want to hijack your topic but I am very interested in taking Thai trains everywhere and I have plenty of time so not in a rush. Any information on train travel in Thailand would be appreciated. I drink beer and wine and want both cold in train if possible. 

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I don't want to hijack your topic but I am very interested in taking Thai trains everywhere and I have plenty of time so not in a rush. Any information on train travel in Thailand would be appreciated. I drink beer and wine and want both cold in train if possible. 

Google seat 26.
They banned sale of Alcohol years ago so you need to buy an esky like in pic above and drink in your bunk.
Nobody will hassle you there.
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When did this alcohol ban come in? Last time we travelled from BKK to Trang, about 4 years ago there was no such ban.


We travelled second class for the fun & social aspect, as we'd done it before. You have a reasonably comfy seat each and table between you, which gets converted to a double bunk, when you are ready and call the attendant to make up your bed, clean sheets and pillows, curtains for privacy. Drinks are ordered & served at your table, cold ones, as is the food from a menu, not fantastic but edible. In the morning the attendant puts your beds away when you're ready and a breakfast menu is presented at your table.


It left on time but I cannot recall if it arrived on time, didn't matter to us.


My only negative comment is that the trains had deteriorated somewhat since our previous journey. The bathroom facilities are very basic also.

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On 6/15/2017 at 7:15 AM, Sandy Freckle said:

Very soon, I'm planning on doing the very same return trip..., except it will be in the opposite direction..., from Bkk to CM.
I'd like to know if it's possible to somehow 'procure'(or buy) ice on the train ?


I think ice is no problem, you could buy them at the wagon restaurant I supposed, I am not 100 percent sure. But no reason why you couldn't , unless they don't have enough to sell to you. So you are going to have something "on the rock"? Aren't you? Remember cheap alcohol kills you.

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When did this alcohol ban come in? Last time we travelled from BKK to Trang, about 4 years ago there was no such ban.  

We travelled second class for the fun & social aspect, as we'd done it before. You have a reasonably comfy seat each and table between you, which gets converted to a double bunk, when you are ready and call the attendant to make up your bed, clean sheets and pillows, curtains for privacy. Drinks are ordered & served at your table, cold ones, as is the food from a menu, not fantastic but edible. In the morning the attendant puts your beds away when you're ready and a breakfast menu is presented at your table.


It left on time but I cannot recall if it arrived on time, didn't matter to us.


My only negative comment is that the trains had deteriorated somewhat since our previous journey. The bathroom facilities are very basic also.


The alcohol ban was a knee Jerk reaction after a drunk and drugged up rail way employee raped a child and then threw her off the speeding train to her death

About 3 or 4 years ago I think




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Whyyoutalkmebad is 100% correct.
All alcohol is banned and they are quite strict about it.
Buy some nice wine and a cheap freezer bag, the ones with "silver foil " on the inside beforehand.
Obviously chill your wine for a day or so.
On the he evening you travel, pop over to 7/11 on the corner opposite the station.
Buy some soft drinks in the big waxed drinking cups. We did manage to buy the cups without any sprite or coke etc.
Buy the cold beer and ice and you have everything you need for the train journey.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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1 hour ago, WhyYouTalkMeBad said:

The alcohol ban was a knee Jerk reaction after a drunk and drugged up rail way employee raped a child and then threw her off the speeding train to her death

About 3 or 4 years ago I think




"Knee jerk reaction"???  Spoken like a true creature of privilege (male) who's never known the fear of rape traveling alone on a sleeper train.  You're a big boy, you can do without your alcohol for a few hours in the service of creating a slightly less scary environment for the women traveling on those trains.

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On 6/14/2017 at 0:46 PM, sup3r1or said:

Going CM To BKk, the the cold one on the train I want to do from BKK to CM.

I will be cool one because I will buy it before boarding:)

planning your trip around "cold one's" say's it all ...............bada bada bing 


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"Knee jerk reaction"???  Spoken like a true creature of privilege (male) who's never known the fear of rape traveling alone on a sleeper train.  You're a big boy, you can do without your alcohol for a few hours in the service of creating a slightly less scary environment for the women traveling on those trains.

 Possibly the dummy post of the day or the year even [emoji16]   




So you agree if a drunk thai airways steward rapes a girl in the toilets in the middle of the night And kills her that you and every other person are only allowed soft drinks on all international flights?  

Geez and I thought the Thais we're dumb! Give yourself a pat on the back lady lol


















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3 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

Put your Saeng Som rum or Hong Tong in an empty M150 bottle and take a couple of cokes or pepsis on board with you, Cold, in one of those beer carriers with a freezer pad in with them.  That is what we did last time.   If a man can't have a beer then an M150 & coke has to be ok????????   555

I agree,old chap. Far better than the guard opening your bunk curtains and 20 empty cans of Chang clattering all over the floor.:burp:

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2 minutes ago, WhyYouTalkMeBad said:

Guards don't do that. And there is no floor just you in your undies laying on a mattress, no clattering lol

Gor, blimey guv'nor. what sort of train are you traveling on then. The overnights to Pedang Besar  from ban Sur were great, Nice bunks, air con, plugs for comps. Big windows. Big table to play kalooki on. Fabulous carriages. Made in Tokyo in the 40's. And that was 2nd class.Mind you ,in those days we had a booze carriage, and a food menu.. great days.

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"What time does the restaurant closes and opens?" The last time I did the journey CM to BKK; soon after boarding an attendant comes round with a menu and ask what time you would like it. A very old world experience that will be soon gone with the new high speed rail system when its completed. The trains never run on time. If can't get up over a mountain, it will go back a bit to take another run at it. Hence the reason for the usual delays, but still part of the fun of an old world experience.

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