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Trump being investigated for possible obstruction of justice - Washington Post


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Trump being investigated for possible obstruction of justice - Washington Post



U.S. President Donald Trump delivers a statement about the shooting at a Congressional Republicans baseball practice from the White House in Washington, U.S., June 14, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller for possible obstruction of justice, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday, citing unidentified officials.


Mueller is investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign. Former FBI Director James Comey told Congress last week he believes he was fired by Trump to undermine the agency's Russia probe.


The Washington Post, citing five people briefed on the requests who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, Mike Rogers, the head of the National Security Agency, and Richard Ledgett, the former deputy director at the NSA, had agreed to be interviewed by Mueller's investigators as early as this week.


The obstruction of justice investigation into Trump began days after Comey was fired on May 9, according to people familiar with the matter, the Washington Post said.


Trump's legal team quickly denounced the report on Wednesday.


"The FBI leak of information regarding the President is outrageous, inexcusable and illegal," a spokesman for Trump’s legal team, Mark Corallo, said.


A spokesman for Mueller's team declined to comment.


Several legal experts told Reuters that Comey's testimony last week that Trump expected loyalty and told Comey he hoped he could drop an investigation of a former top aide could bolster obstruction of justice allegations against Trump.


Comey would not say in his testimony last week whether he thought the president sought to obstruct justice, but added it would be up to special counsel Mueller "to sort that out."


After Comey's testimony, Trump said he had been vindicated because his former FBI director confirmed telling Trump on three occasions that he was not under investigation.


While a sitting president is unlikely to face criminal prosecution, obstruction of justice could form the basis for impeachment. Any such step would face a steep hurdle as it would require approval by the U.S. House of Representatives, which is controlled by Trump's fellow Republicans.


(Additional reporting by Steve Holland Nathan Layne; Reporting by Eric Beech; Editing by Howard Goller)


(Reporting by Eric Beech)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-06-15
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Sorry about this to all the Trump fans out there, but while he may not be under investigation regarding Russia, he is it seems, now being investigated for possible obstruction of justice. A felony and cause for impeachment if confirmed.

Even if this one doesn't bring him down, I am damned sure another bus will be along shortly with a new scandal. He just isn't smart enough to understand that even the POTUS, can't break the law.

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41 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

Sorry about this to all the Trump fans out there, but while he may not be under investigation regarding Russia, he is it seems, now being investigated for possible obstruction of justice. A felony and cause for impeachment if confirmed.

Even if this one doesn't bring him down, I am damned sure another bus will be along shortly with a new scandal. He just isn't smart enough to understand that even the POTUS, can't break the law.

Darksidedog, I sincerely wish this to be true. It seems like 45 has/is stacking the deck in his favor. He is closer to being the 1st U.S. dictator every day. I hope I'm an alarmist and or wrong. He is mimicking all world dictators starting with Hitler.

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14 minutes ago, mesquite said:

The investigation will clear Trump. The resistance will never get rid of Trump unless they kill him.  They shot a Republican leader yesterday and he's still alive, though in critical condition. 

What has this shooting to do with this topic?

But than you and your fellow trumpeteers cann't come up with anything to defend the clown. If the Donald want to be cleared, all he has to do is release his tapes. But than, we know he doesn't have any tapes. A other lie from your master that you will defend.

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The investigation will clear Trump. The resistance will never get rid of Trump unless they kill him.  They shot a Republican leader yesterday and he's still alive, though in critical condition. 

You know for sure he'll be cleared? How? Because you believe everything he says? He's been publicly proven a chronic and blatant liar and you trust his word? Wake up man!
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It won't matter because even if Mueller finds he is guilty, the only way to prosecute a sitting President is via impeachment and the current Congress will not do that. Furthermore, even IF the DEMS take back the House in 2018, it is unlikely they can wrest control of the Senate, thereby making removal from Office not possible.


The fight is 2 fold, expose and resist. Exposure is working as Trump's lies are being called out daily, Resistance can only work by regaining control of the House in 2018. I believe it will be 4 years unless Trump himself implodes which is a possibility.

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13 minutes ago, tonray said:

It won't matter because even if Mueller finds he is guilty, the only way to prosecute a sitting President is via impeachment and the current Congress will not do that. Furthermore, even IF the DEMS take back the House in 2018, it is unlikely they can wrest control of the Senate, thereby making removal from Office not possible.


The fight is 2 fold, expose and resist. Exposure is working as Trump's lies are being called out daily, Resistance can only work by regaining control of the House in 2018. I believe it will be 4 years unless Trump himself implodes which is a possibility.

You forget that nearly all elected Republicans hated Trump before he won the primary. I read an estimate that 90% of the Republican Congress would prefer Pense over Trump. It is likely that the obstruction portion of the accusations against Trump will be the most minor in nature. The  financial dealings of Trump now being investigated will provide the necessary excuses to give Republicans cover to boot him. 

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10 minutes ago, pegman said:

You forget that nearly all elected Republicans hated Trump before he won the primary. I read an estimate that 90% of the Republican Congress would prefer Pense over Trump. It is likely that the obstruction portion of the accusations against Trump will be the most minor in nature. The  financial dealings of Trump now being investigated will provide the necessary excuses to give Republicans cover to boot him. 

They are weak principled men and women with no ethical core. They only care about fundraising and moving towards their agenda. The right wing media (and by proxy the right wing base) overwhelmingly will defend Trump and has been setting up the "it does not matter what he is accused of, it's a deep state plot to destroy him" defense from day 1. 


Just remember the Repubs are weak and have no moral character in this fight....they will stick with him as long as his lies keep the base happy. Just to be fair, the vast majority of legislators from both the left and the right have no moral character...but it is the right in control so it makes sense to talk about them here. Equal time...I think both parties are corrupt beyond saving.

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31 minutes ago, stevenl said:

He will fire Mueller, which will be the end of this investigation.

                                 Trump is being attacked from various angles.  Special Counsel Mueller happens to be leading one phalanx.  Mueller is calling in, for questioning under oath, heads of some of the 17 security agencies. The noose is tightening on Trump and his underlings.  One or more of them will be compelled to tell the truth, like John Dean did re; Nixon.    We haven't seen/heard a tenth of what's behind the dam (damn) wall.


                                     If Mueller gets fired, Congress (even with foot-dragging Reps) will immediately appoint him as Special Prosecutor.  What they should do, even now, is appoint a 9-11-type Special Commission.  The Trump/Russia case is potentially so large, and involves so many people (50 or more?) that a larger team than what Mueller currently has - is needed.   Indeed, it was a day or two after then-FBI-boss Comey asked for more resources (for the Trump-Russia probe) that Comey was fired.

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45 minutes ago, tonray said:

It won't matter because even if Mueller finds he is guilty, the only way to prosecute a sitting President is via impeachment and the current Congress will not do that. Furthermore, even IF the DEMS take back the House in 2018, it is unlikely they can wrest control of the Senate, thereby making removal from Office not possible.


The fight is 2 fold, expose and resist. Exposure is working as Trump's lies are being called out daily, Resistance can only work by regaining control of the House in 2018. I believe it will be 4 years unless Trump himself implodes which is a possibility.

I'm not really sure how all this works.  But didn't Nixon resign in fear of being indicted on criminal charges, i.e., obstruction of justice?  Trump is getting it from all directions.  Not only this, but the financial dealings lawsuit as well as the ongoing collusion mess.  The smartest thing he could do is resign.  But then, he's not the smartest guy around.

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Mueller may well be "told" to find something, anything, to have an excuse to get rid of him.  The problem then is with the replacement. Neither party has anything of real value to offer. Maybe it's time for the Monster Raving Loony Party to open a branch in America.

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3 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Dershowitz has been singing that tune for awhile.  But it doesn't change the fact that Trump is under investigation by the Special Counsel for obstruction of justice....does it?

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1 hour ago, mesquite said:

The investigation will clear Trump. The resistance will never get rid of Trump unless they kill him.  They shot a Republican leader yesterday and he's still alive, though in critical condition. 

I thought the "resistance" was pro-Trump, or is there a new "resistance" in play? If so, who are they?

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43 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

The seriously unfortunate thing for you trumpies is that it matters not what Alan Dershowitz might say. Keep in mind...he said OJ was innocent. :cheesy:


Until Trump has to defend himself in an open courtroom, whatever Dershowitz has to say amounts to bupkus, zip, zero, nada. He carries no weight in this investigation. His opinion is just that...his opinion. And that carries precisely as much weight as your opinion or mine. And I have yet to get a call from Mueller asking me what I think.

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3 hours ago, mesquite said:

The investigation will clear Trump. The resistance will never get rid of Trump unless they kill him.  They shot a Republican leader yesterday and he's still alive, though in critical condition. 

we will have to wait and see, but their seems to be an awful lot of smoke floating around if their is no fire

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3 hours ago, selftaopath said:

Darksidedog, I sincerely wish this to be true. It seems like 45 has/is stacking the deck in his favor. He is closer to being the 1st U.S. dictator every day. I hope I'm an alarmist and or wrong. He is mimicking all world dictators starting with Hitler.

I am not a great fan of president Trump but comparing him to Hitler...is probably...a bit too much :saai:


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13 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

I am not a great fan of president Trump but comparing him to Hitler...is probably...a bit too much :saai:


If not for America's system of checks and balances, separation of power, constitution, etc., Trump would be very much like Hitler.  Hasn't stopped him from trying...

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20 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

I am not a great fan of president Trump but comparing him to Hitler...is probably...a bit too much :saai:



Hitler was a serious guy. He had an agenda. He wrote his manifesto while in prison after being convicted of treason. I agree. Trump's superficial, worthless ego driven life cannot really be compared with Hitlers. More of a Mussolini in my opinion. Buffoons the both of them. Mussolini's fate was apt. Unfortunately, President Pence will likely pardon Trump and he will avoid prison.

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As much as I dislike Trump's policies; his agenda and his comportment- he is no dictator. He is somewhat irrational; wily; and unethical as well as a narcissistic meglomaniac.


Mr Derscjowitz has some good points- Trump can fire both Comey and Mueller just as Nixon fired the Special Counsel during Watergate.  However, it may be legal but it is certainly not wise. History already tells us what happened o Nixon- his firing of the Special Counsel stated a chain of events that cascaded to a sure impeachment but he resigned first with a sure promise from the incoming President he would be pardoned.  I suspect the same will happen with Trump.


The real question is not regarding Comey it is whether Trump was elected because of collusion with Russia and what waas Trump's involvement if any and what did he know and when did he know it.  If that is not enough- there is the emolument issue being investigation which is unconstitutional if true.  Is Trump using the Presidency to gain financial gain either wittingly or unwittingly?   No one can call any of this fake news; one might not believe it- but it exists in reality.


If indeed , the Russians were able to hack into the election system- meaning the actual machines that count the votes and change those votes- that would have directly affected the election results and Trump may not actually be President.  The leaked NSA document shows that this is being investigated and there definitely was an attempt to gain access to the machines in 39 States. As an American, I want to know if  Russia gained access and if there was any collusion between anyone- including Trump or Clinton or their staff. I would hope that all Americans and the rest of the World would want to know this.


To me, if Trump has nothing to hide- he should vehemently support- a Special Counsel; any investigation into collusion in order to clear up any doubt. The more Trump tweets about fake news;  people out to get him; and generally disses the American system of justice; the courts and individual jurists- the more I and others start to believe there maybe truth in all . 

Methinks, the gentleman protests too much.


The sad part of all this is that there are real issues out there that are not being handled: the debt ceiling must be raised but may be held hostage to a potential government shutdown; a universal healthcare bill must be passed- not the nonsense the Republicans are advocating; and a tax reform bill that redistributes money from the 1% to the other 99% just to name a few issues.

Instead, we get useless tweets from Trump in the middle of the night; a cabinet meeting in which each member of the cabinet sings the praises of Trump instead of discussing real issues; and stonewalling from the Attorney General while testifying before Congress.

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