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5 Million in the bank and want to chill out

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22 hours ago, baneko said:


I still own a property in the UK with no mortgage and an income of 700uk per month. Approx 150k uk for the apartment. 2 Rai in Chonburi possibly 1.1 million and my home here probably 3.5. Im 44 and do have oppertunities. Just fancy a break before im too old to enjoy it.

Sounds good, you're a lot better off financially than some.  


Also came here around the same age, tracked expenditures on an Excel spreadsheet the first month or two to see where the money was going.  If you intend to pull off that 5 million for day to day living expenses, running a similar exercise will give you a tailored result as to how long the 5m will last - save any new big ticket items, emergencies, hospital, etc.  


Me and the Mrs usually went through about 50,00 Baht per month out in the countryside, now about 80-85,000 as we've moved closer to the city=more to do/spend money on.  If you are out in the countryside and all the big expenses are done and dusted, 5 mil could last a very long time..... probably far longer than would be advisable if you plan to re-enter the work force.   Hopefully you'll maintain qualifications, contacts, etc., so you can jump back in when you're done with a well deserved, extended holiday.   

1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

I don't have the money you have but I have never been happier in my whole life than I am today.

   I put this down to a few things.....I do my best to live one day at a time , in the now.I make plans but realise that the results are out of my hands so don't think about them too much. I live every moment with an Attitude of Gratitude (there were times when I had a lot more material stuff, inc. money but didn't realise how well off I was.

    I see the families in the London fire, I see the boat migrants drowning escaping wars etc., etc., etc., and say " there but for the Grace of God".

    I know this stuff has nothing to do with your question but sometimes a reminder to " count our blessings" can put many things in perspective.

A nice caring post, I think I can echo all your comments, fortunately just for today my finances are reasonably sound, but nothing compared to years gone bye, and that is OK


I was reading many other replies, and come to the conclusion there are many many unhappy, angry, and discontented Thai Visa Posters, fortunately I am not one of them, happiness spreads and heals if you allow it


God Bless today on, Fathers Day


I am not exactly sure what the poster is asking. He wants a break from working etc, but sounds like he wants some fun and not stay in his village. So is he leaving his wife behind working with the child? Then go to Vietnam for a couple of weeks, or Japan, and have your fun etc. As for the money.....without hookers, lots of booze, fancy hotels or resorts, expensive restaurants, I could live for 6 years at my present expenditures. But the more you have, the more you spend. There is a guy near me on the beach with a huge custom house....2 Mercedes, 1 Audi V8 sports car,

10 motorcycles, 2 speedboats. Obviously he thinks he needs all this stuff....but you can only ride one bike at a time etc. Choices....Choices.


If you can live modest for between 10,000 baht to 20,000 baht a month, your 5 million savings invested cleverly in equity without too big risk will make you "survive" on that level for something like ever. If you spend more than that, you'll reduce the "life span" of your savings – i.e. 30,000 baht a month will make your savings last for about 15 years, including some interest earnings en route, whilst 40,000 baht a month will last only slightly longer than 10 years – it all a question of life-style...:whistling:

23 hours ago, baneko said:



BKK 1hr 30 and Pattaya around the same. Amata Nakhon and Bang Saen 45 mins and if I do need a blow out its pretty much on my doorstep.

The mushies are Het Fa I beleive they put in Tom Yam. If they were magic I could eat and party in a purple haze forever.

Boring is what you make of it. Lots happening friendy people.



Hi Baneko, I,m thinking of setting up a het fa mushroom farm, in Isaan, small village,  ( very small) How do I go about it ?  Can I ask u how did u start?  or can anybody help me please ?

Any info much appreciated, Thanks,


Obviously you're experienced with living in Thailand, and only you know what you do and don't need, so why are you asking others when you can easily figure out your own answer?

47 minutes ago, HerbalEd said:

Obviously you're experienced with living in Thailand, and only you know what you do and don't need, so why are you asking others when you can easily figure out your own answer?

I believe the man like many of us more cautious expats, needs some validation and sensibly put it on open forum


I see the thread is now turning to mushroom farming, and many new ones are springing up around us in Issan


Maybe they do well here as the philosophy is keep in the dark and spread sh*t once a year, a motto of some governments, note I did not suggest the Thai Govt

"   Approx 150k uk for the apartment. 2 Rai in Chonburi possibly 1.1 million and my home here probably 3.5. "
150k  in uk is approx  6.6 million baht + your 1.1 for land in chon buri adds up to  7.7 million baht,  so your sums dont add up 
are you dreaming ? 

Sorry I dont understand what you mean? I have 5M in the bank.
1 hour ago, Mansell said:


. Obviously he thinks he needs all this stuff....but you can only ride one bike at a time etc. Choices....Choices.


But women can do more than one at a time, unlike bikes

How about buying some friends and a personailty??
Tragic indivdual.

For asking a normal question. OK I wont stoop to name calling.
10 hours ago, Ahab said:

Make the move, you can rent a house or apartment in the country for a bunch less than 10,000 baht a month, and live very comfortably on 20,000 to 40,000 baht total per month. We are renting a three bedroom western style house in the sticks for 5,000 baht a month. A/C, hot and cold running water, single family home with an enclosed yard. Some will say they cannot live on one satang less than 100-200K baht per month. That may be true for the lifestyle and area they have closen to settle, but not true in rural Thailand. My opinion.

Why would he rent when he already owns a house? My opinion.

11 hours ago, Ahab said:

 Some will say they cannot live on one satang less than 100-200K baht per month. That may be true for the lifestyle and area they have closen to settle, but not true in rural Thailand. My opinion.

I do not believe this is about what you can live on, could be as low as 10,000PCM, BUT what he needs for his desires etc, very different

Silly question. Just get on with it.

Thanks for your input. I thought Thai Visa forums were about trying to help each other. If we thought that way the forum would not exist.
1 hour ago, bangkokairportlink said:

5 millions is not even enough to buy a decent car !

Provocative        Unkind       Antagonistic     Adds nothing    but then normal TV response    RIP


May God Bless You

7 minutes ago, al007 said:

Provocative        Unkind       Antagonistic     Adds nothing    but then normal TV response    RIP


Everyone has a different definition of "decent car ".........

There is more to total ownership cost of a nice  car than the purchase price 

Much more ,especially in thailand ...

17 hours ago, Ahab said:

Make the move, you can rent a house or apartment in the country for a bunch less than 10,000 baht a month, and live very comfortably on 20,000 to 40,000 baht total per month. We are renting a three bedroom western style house in the sticks for 5,000 baht a month. A/C, hot and cold running water, single family home with an enclosed yard. Some will say they cannot live on one satang less than 100-200K baht per month. That may be true for the lifestyle and area they have closen to settle, but not true in rural Thailand. My opinion.

Thailand can be as expensive or as cheap as you want it to be.

My wife's sister rents her two bedroom house with 3 AC units big yard for only 2000B a month. Our company has rented houses for our managers all around Thailand, out in the farm country they get real cheap. We rented one place for 5000B a year, 2 rai with small building. 


OP wish you all the best, enjoy Thailand.

Contrary to the majority on TV Thailand really is a great place to live! (as long as you have cash) 


If no car, bike or rent payments and living in the countryside and you're under 60 then about 60k a month might be enough. So if you live extremely carefully you could last 7 years... But that's no life to live. I would say it will probably last you 5 years. 5m lasts me 3 years but I have car, and rent and 2 kids school.


I don't think you will be doing nothing and spending money in Isaan for too long before it gets boring as hell. Personally I would invest some of it in some way to fund a more interesting lifestyle.

I don't think you will be doing nothing and spending money in Isaan for too long before it gets boring as hell. Personally I would invest some of it in some way to fund a more interesting lifestyle.


I'm hoping that all my research is correct and that 90,000 total to spend is enough for a simple life.  Simple as in not renting 3-5 gals a week. Or more than a beer a day preferably home brew. Hell yes I'm bringing some yeast. 

This is figuring on rent if about 15-20 k but you own  your house. And wife makes 20 k.  So she should be able to support her family and buy her lady supplies and clothes.  So I'm thinking your burn rate may be 50-70k.  So 5 m is 6+ years.  With no growth of investments.  But better to think about your career life.  And a cushion.   So kick back 2-3 great years.  Enjoy it.  Everyone will envy your choice on their death bed.  

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