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SURVEY: How safe is Thailand for Expats?


SURVEY: How dangerous is Thailand for expats?  

331 members have voted

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There was a recent topic about Thailand being considered one of the top 20 dangerous locations.  In your opinion, do you consider Thailand to be a dangerous place to visit?   For the purpose of this survey, would you consider Thailand to be dangerous enough to recommend that someone who is not visiting friends or family,  to reconsider a holiday in Thailand.


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Safe enough for expats who have been here long enough to understand how the culture works and take steps to mitigate the dangers while living life in harmony with the Thai community.  
Not all that safe for tourists who don't understand the scams, ripoffs, the incredibly dangerous roads, and the oddities of Thais who suddenly become offended by something that a Westerner would simply blow off. There are no Queensberry rules here.  And life is cheap.

Edited by connda
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It's like asking whether it is safe to go to the UK or USA; much depends on where you're going and what you'll be doing.  In general I wouldn't recommend it for a lone tourist.  


It takes some experience to know what is dangerous (i.e. lack of concern for pedestrians, criticism being taken as an insult, road rage, minivans, busses at night, jetski rentals, island crime, angry taxi/tuk-tuk drivers) and what is safe (airline flights, reputable hotels and resorts, certain bus companies, big cities, most malls).


Best to have a local guide.

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well..... if the person is an idiot... or alcoholic..


but THEN it doesn't matter WHERE they are.... not really. 

their situation is dangerous, they may be attracted to Thailand ... for some reason [of many]...

or born here.....

but.... no. Thailand is not exceptional..... on THIS.  try anyplace east of the Harbor Freeway in LA.... not too far east... way more dangerous by 1000 fold.  except maybe in the back seat of a Sheriff's cruiser..  but even on THAT example it would depend on if you are a "tourist"..... or a customer.....  of the LA County Sheriff's Department... 

or at least as such in the north of Thailand.

rural or urban. 

with rural, here, being more densely packed in than the urban areas [as to where folks actually live in the rural areas... villages].... yet both scenes quite safe. 

in any of the northern mueang.... or any village.... of any size. 


Edited by maewang99
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The ease of conquests, being the handsome man, can go to young people's heads - - stir in some alcohol and a dash of bravado and false confidence, and things can get dangerous for people who have on idea of the culture...


Funny how the people I know, mostly retired, don't run into problems of dangers, other than the roads... 

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I lived in Australia for three years and nearly 30 years in Thailand. In the three years that I lived in Australia my house was broken into three times my car several times, my wife had her shopping trolley stolen Woolworths. I was told not to leave my boat on the beach otherwise it would be stolen. (i leave it on the beach here) my teenage daughter didn't like to go out after dark because she was  followed by people and scared. We lived in an upmarket area .I have never had any of these things happen to us in Thailand. We feel much safer here. But of course we dont live in pattaya or anywhere like that.

Edited by gamini
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Most tourists, when they go to another country besides their own, actually are apt to be more careful to not do wrong and upset people.  The danger is probably with those expats who have become too comfortable  and/or complacent with things and have started  to think that Thailand is "theirs." There actually isn't that many who fit into this category, but those that do are much more likely to find themselves in danger than the average tourist, who usually walks around on pins and needles about committing some cultural wrong.

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Safe enough as long as common sense is used & you are basically streetwise, not a good place to be, drunk/out of it from midnight onwards, but is anywhere?

The roads are dangerous undoubtedly, but drive defensively & they're ok, it helps being from the UK & used to driving on the left hand side though, must be worse if used to driving on the right...

As far as dangers for ex-pats go I'd say that it's more dangerous for your money than any personal risk.....


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Nine years in the country. Might have been scammed a few times but nothing big enough to worry about.

Never ever anything got stolen from me, just the opposite, when I forgot my bag someone came running after me with the bag.

But... i almost got in real s..t when I stepped over a Buddha figure that was displayed on a rag on the pavement. My gf saved me.


Still I wouldn't recomment a single young (or not so young) tourist a Thailand holiday without taking great care of her/himself.

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It is very safe if you stay sober, mind your own business, and use genuine common sense, I have walked and traveled around the main parts of Bangkok and Pattaya regularly over the last twelve years, and never had a problem, Though I never ventured out after midnight.

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As usual their are only TWO possible choices.

Perhaps ,neither of those two choices are totally correct.

So I didn't vote.

Bangkok or Thailand s no more dangerous than London, New York, Hong Kong, or any other location.

Stupid and careless people get themselves into dangerous situations worldwide.

I have lived and worked in a dozen countries around the world before I retired In Bangkok in 2010.

I feel safer in Thailand, than in New York City.






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All cities worldwide, will in time become more dangerous with more protesting, illegal immigration, accelerated job losses, hyper-inflation, retreating financial markets and International trade along with devaluating paper currencies.

Edited by Kabula
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Look, it can be very dangerous here, if you act in a reckless manner or are just plain gullible.


On the whole though, it's safe enough if you keep your wits about you and count to 10 before reacting to any frustrating situation.


Koh Tao excepted of course, that place is not safe for tourists, ex-pats or anyone not connected.

Edited by Bluespunk
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48 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

It is very safe if you stay sober, mind your own business, and use genuine common sense, I have walked and traveled around the main parts of Bangkok and Pattaya regularly over the last twelve years, and never had a problem, Though I never ventured out after midnight.

I think your comment is spot on. I have never been scared of walking the streets here, but I don't wander down dark sois at 04:00 either. The roads are a different issue altogether, a couple of trips in the "silver bullets" were enough for me, I won't take one again.

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2 hours ago, fishbrando said:

It's like asking whether it is safe to go to the UK or USA; much depends on where you're going and what you'll be doing.  In general I wouldn't recommend it for a lone tourist.  


It takes some experience to know what is dangerous (i.e. lack of concern for pedestrians, criticism being taken as an insult, road rage, minivans, busses at night, jetski rentals, island crime, angry taxi/tuk-tuk drivers) and what is safe (airline flights, reputable hotels and resorts, certain bus companies, big cities, most malls).


Best to have a local guide.

Yes, the number of non-UK nationals killed/maimed in the last 2 incidents in London alone should be a warning.

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Absolutely Thailand is safe.
I have been in here over a year and believe me if I was in another country other than Thailand either I would be dead or left the country because of its people not tolerating my big mouth when I am very drunk.:coffee1:

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I have voted no.

Still I would give visitors some advice how to behave/observe and get around.

Do's and dont's.

The usual things that a traveler to a foreign/exotic country should know anyway.

And sure read the travel advisories that your foreign office publishes.


If I would direct them to another country it would be about reasons which I don't want to detail here as it would derail the thread.

Security is not THE main concern.


Six years in the country.


One angered driver (who was in the wrong).

I decided to look straight and go my way.


Once shouting after a Baht bus driver in Pattaya.

My friend who was with me almost got a heart stroke.Luckily the bus went on. Could have gone wrong.


One bill padding in Pattaya that escalated.

I sat and told them to call police until another waitress confirmed that the bar cashier was in the wrong.

Was considering to tip her 1000 Baht (bill was 240).

Decided not to as she would "loose face".


Many near misses on road traffic. Ludicrous motorbike riders risking their life and bringing me trouble.

Road traffic is THE danger point in Thailand.


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Would I advise my sister to travel here alone.. no way. 


It's not safe for Thais let alone foreigners but just because it's not safe doesn't mean this will stop tourists..


It could be a marketing tool. 


Come to Thailand the most dangerous destination in the world.

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1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

It is very safe if you stay sober, mind your own business, and use genuine common sense, I have walked and traveled around the main parts of Bangkok and Pattaya regularly over the last twelve years, and never had a problem, Though I never ventured out after midnight.

Pattaya is safe. Been here sence -83 and no props whats so ever. Walking down beach road 2-3 am...no problem. Common sense...and u be ok.

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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

Look, it can be very dangerous here, if you act in a reckless manner or are just plain gullible.


On the whole though, it's safe enough if you keep your wits about you and count to 10 before reacting to any frustrating situation.


Koh Tao excepted of course, that place is not safe for tourists, ex-pats or anyone not connected.



Koh Tao is (imho) no different from any other place in Thailand. The newspapers and news channels are replete with reports of gangs of male Thai youths assaulting elderly people, women, the disabled etc etc. I've been assaulted three times, none of which was instigated by me, all of which were because I defended my Thai wife who was being attacked by one or more Thai men. In addition, my (almost new) Fortuner was rammed by a truck, the driver of which admitted his intention to kill everyone in the Fortuner to the police, and apologised for being 'Jai Rawn' in the presence of the police colonel. The driver rammed my car for honking my horn when he dangerously double-parked. No charge was laid even though front and rear dash cams captured all stages of the event.- on the basis that nobody was injured, even though 200,000 worth of (insured) damage was done to my vehicle. The Thai police are useless if you are a foreigner or if someone flashes some cash (which this guy's dad did, who owned the company whose truck was used - 50,000THB changed hands as I have been told).


To be honest, anyone who says that Thailand is safe either lives a (perhaps sensibly) cloistered life or just isn't paying attention.

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3 minutes ago, Trumpish said:



Koh Tao is (imho) no different from any other place in Thailand. The newspapers and news channels are replete with reports of gangs of male Thai youths assaulting elderly people, women, the disabled etc etc. I've been assaulted three times, none of which was instigated by me, all of which were because I defended my Thai wife who was being attacked by one or more Thai men. In addition, my (almost new) Fortuner was rammed by a truck, the driver of which admitted his intention to kill everyone in the Fortuner to the police, and apologised for being 'Jai Rawn' in the presence of the police colonel. The driver rammed my car for honking my horn when he dangerously double-parked. No charge was laid even though front and rear dash cams captured all stages of the event.- on the basis that nobody was injured, even though 200,000 worth of (insured) damage was done to my vehicle. The Thai police are useless if you are a foreigner or if someone flashes some cash (which this guy's dad did, who owned the company whose truck was used - 50,000THB changed hands as I have been told).


To be honest, anyone who says that Thailand is safe either lives a (perhaps sensibly) cloistered life or just isn't paying attention.

Been here 15 years.


All the bad things that have happened to me were of my own making.


Shit happens.

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i stopped recommending thailand to my friends years and years ago; once i moved here permanent, i told them NOT to come; scamming, double-pricing, violence, general detestation of anyone not thai, lack of police help in times of distress,ugliness of thais to non-thais when off the hospitality trail,defamation, the general smirking of thais to non thais based on {nothing}

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7 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Been here 15 years.


All the bad things that have happened to me were of my own making.


Shit happens.

I've only been here for 13 years, but it's close enough for rock and roll. Most of the bad things that have happened to me have been of my own doing, even if most of themn were the consequence of expecting too much from Thais.


Sh|t does indeed happen, but it is admirable to accept responsibility for what we do, and ultimately, we are all responsible for our own actions.


Having said that, it does not excuse the predatory, unreasonable  or psychopathic actions of others. There has to be some assumption of 'live and let live' in civilised societies, though I regard Thai society as relatively primitive and still struggling with the concept of civilised.


I suppose I'm a misanthrope, human beings don't disappoint me much these days, because I have learned to expect very low standards from most people - under the skin we're all very similar, it's what we have learned not to do which makes the difference, took me a while to understand that and make appropriate allowances.


Entertaining to see posts from people in Pattaya, saying how safe it is there, despite all the news reports to the contrary, I guess there are folk who choose to live in a bubble.

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3 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

i stopped recommending thailand to my friends years and years ago; once i moved here permanent, i told them NOT to come; scamming, double-pricing, violence, general detestation of anyone not thai, lack of police help in times of distress,ugliness of thais to non-thais when off the hospitality trail,defamation, the general smirking of thais to non thais based on {nothing}



I sense there has been an increasing antipathy across the board towards non-Thais over the past 2 or 3 years. The Thai psyche is falling apart, as predicted by others. I remember feeling very bad when I lost a magical talisman when a young lad, which I believed brought me good luck, fame, fortune and self-esteem. Surprising how something as ridiculous as a good luck charm can damage the psyche if it should suddenly not be there.


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I'm a New Yorker and have been traveling to Thailand for the last 16 years. Bangkok is for a city of it's size and population one of the safest places to visit. I have never felt threatened in any way shape or form. Exercise common sense and enjoy the wonderful shopping and attractions. The entertainment areas are a lot of fun but, don't find yourself floating around at 2 am after a night of partying. That is where the problems can and will occur. Use you head, enjoy Thailand for what it has to offer and don't get caught up in anyone's problems. There are thousands of lovely young Thai ladies who always seem to have a financial problem. For example: On one of my first trips to Thailand I visited a number of different entertainment areas where the ladies are plentiful and friendly. One of the girls I met told me she needed to have 10,000 THB so she could travel home for her grandfathers funeral. A couple days later met another lovely and guess what, she too needed money to travel home for her grandfathers funeral. Maybe it was just a bad week to be a grandfather in Thailand. Be smart.  Good luck. 

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