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Trump does not intend to fire investigator Mueller - White House


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19 hours ago, PattayaJames said:

He should fire him.   Impartial, he is not!

The only type of person Trump fans would consider impartial, would be those with their noses planted in Trump's derriere, such as Newt, Guiliani and few other brown nosers.  


18 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Even Trump isn't stupid enough to fire Mueller.  He knows that would be the death nail for him.  At the moment he is teetering on the edge and hopefully not teetering for too much longer.

                                    Trump is stupid enough to fire Mueller and say/do a lot of other dumbass things.  Shall I make a list of stupid things he's already done?  It's tiresome, because it's such a long list.  I don't want to devote the time, and it would hog too much space in this blog.


18 hours ago, Briggsy said:

The whole thing is pathetic. What has America done? They have fallen for a two-bit conman. How could they be so dumb?

                             A third of Americans who voted, most of whom are rednecks, are easily-duped by lies, and secretly hope the US will denigrate - whether they're cognizant of those facts or not.



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1 hour ago, Traveler19491 said:

Sorry, but you twisted his words. Farang1979 did use the word "collusion", however, if you read in context (something most trumpettes have no use for) it becomes obvious to all but the most obtuse that he was not referring to Trump admitting to collusion in the same sense as the investigation. No, as I stated earlier, Trump was not admitting to any wrongdoing on his part, just to the fact that Russia did meddle in our election. Trump stated Russian collusion (which is factually correct...Russia would have had to engage in collusion amongst their various governmental entities in order to pull off their meddling), not his own collusion with them. Not only is your reading comprehension appalling, your understanding of grammar and context is sadly lacking.


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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

So you're following a thread about Trump because you crave being exceptionally bored?

No just bored with the regurgitated mish mash. So it's your turn now is it? next please.:wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

It isn't old hat, it proves he is an idiot. If you think an idiot as a president is boring, I would call it dangerous but each to their own.

Looking into the future: he will be impeached and a couple of his helpers will be facing criminal charges.

Just wishing and hoping are we.  An idiot as president?  It is one position in life that you will never undertake, that's for sure.  As for the charges, maybe yes, maybe no, I have no idea and you certainly don't.  :wai:

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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:

No just bored with the regurgitated mish mash.


Here is the uninformed regurgitated mish mash that the Trumpeteers continue to spew:


Si Thea01:

"Where has he admitted collusion, all he has stated is that Obama knew and did nothing."


Which is of course, a lie.

Like parrots, just regurgitated mish mash from a pathlogical liar.


Another stellar example of nothingness:


1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:



Having a meltdown are ya?



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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:

Just wishing and hoping are we.  An idiot as president?  It is one position in life that you will never undertake, that's for sure.  As for the charges, maybe yes, maybe no, I have no idea and you certainly don't.  :wai:

                             Are you insinuating that a person has to be smart to become president?


                         Trump is a shyster, and not a very good one.  Ok, I take it back, he's adept at being a shyster for intelligence-challenged rednecks - who accounted for many of his votes.  But for the majority of voters, his shyster antics didn't work.   If being a shyster makes a person smart, then I guess Trump is smart.


                               Similarly, the 5th Avenue ad execs who sell sugary junk food to little kids - are smart also.  They sell a lot of debilitating junk and get rich, so in a Kushneresque way, they're smart also.  They're similar to the corporation millionaires who sold Ron Reagan on the idea of a trillion dollar 'Star Wars' defense system which never worked.  The corp heads made billions of dollars, so I guess they're smart also.


                              Those are the sort of people who Trump says are the best people to lead the country.  Trump says poor people can't make good decisions about money.  Only the very richest people are smart enough to make important big money decisions. Yea, the sort of people who brought the US to its knees with the 2nd biggest depression in US history (in 2008) and who hoodwinked Pres Bush and Congress to shovel tens of billions of taxpayer money on their laps while the smoke of their mistakes was still billowing out of their Wall Street office windows.


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18 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

Where has he admitted collusion, all he has stated is that Obama knew and did nothing.  How did you deduce that to be acknowledging anything or are you suggesting that Obama colluded and not the POTUS.   Another TVF detective at work, changing words to suit the agenda hey?  The rest of your offering is not worth commenting on.:wai:


Well according to this comment from the BBC he stated is that Obama knew and did nothing.




So if he "knew" back then why is he denying it now?


Perhaps it was convenient for him during his campaign but embarrasing for him now.


He can't have it both ways. Either he was lying then or he is lying now.


I have no idea what the truth is, do you?

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9 minutes ago, billd766 said:


Well according to this comment from the BBC he stated is that Obama knew and did nothing.




So if he "knew" back then why is he denying it now?


Perhaps it was convenient for him during his campaign but embarrasing for him now.


He can't have it both ways. Either he was lying then or he is lying now.


I have no idea what the truth is, do you?


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Straight out of the Trump playbook. Whatever he is accused of, he accuses his accuser of the same thing.


The real issue is :- What are Trump's links to Russia, both now and during the election campaign?

Is he beholden to the Kremlin?

Why are his dealings so opaque?

Why is he trying to get the investigation shut down?

Is he compromised? If so, what does that mean for the Office of the President?

What policies and decisions has he taken based on self-interest or on behalf of Russian interests?

Why is he not dealing with the issue at hand?

What is he hiding?

Why are Republican representatives prioritising party interest over national interest?

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3 hours ago, billd766 said:

Well according to this comment from the BBC he stated is that Obama knew and did nothing.


So if he "knew" back then why is he denying it now?

Perhaps it was convenient for him during his campaign but embarrasing for him now.

He can't have it both ways. Either he was lying then or he is lying now.

I have no idea what the truth is, do you?

I have a good idea of the truth.  There are bunch of lawbreakers occupying the Oval Office.  They may also be proven to have been treasonous.  Stay tuned.


3 hours ago, Briggsy said:

Straight out of the Trump playbook. Whatever he is accused of, he accuses his accuser of the same thing.

That's true, but allow me to re-phrase it:


Whatever wrongdoing Trump accuses others of doing, is something he has done 20 times worse.


Example:  when he repeatedly shouted about HRC using a non-secure email server.


Never mind that Pence did the same for many months, just look at what Kushner, Flynn, and Trump himself have been doing:   They make HRC's transgression look like picking a handful of neighbor's berries compared to Trumpsters blowing up a bank with a truckload of TNT.

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On 6/24/2017 at 5:12 PM, Briggsy said:

The whole thing is pathetic. What has America done? They have fallen for a two-bit conman. How could they be so dumb?


IMHO, so few people read now, especially the news beyond the headlines.  It is so much easier for them to log on the Facebook, tweet, & watch opinion/spin news.


"It must be true, I saw it on television."

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Trump knows what most Americans outside of DC know. This is a political hit tactic and the public will not accept the result of a Clinton-laden investigative team. This has been going on for 9 months and not a shred of evidence linking Trump to any wrong doing. Comey said as much in his testimony.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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17 minutes ago, bill59 said:

This has been going on for 9 months and not a shred of evidence linking Trump to any wrong doing. Comey said as much in his testimony.


Yet another Trumpeteer desperately expecting prosecutors and investigators to reveal evidence and sources to the public

during an ongoing investigation.


As for your latter erroneous statement, Dir. Comey said no such thing.


Remarkable. And clueless.

The wheels of justice are turning. Make no mistake about it.




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6 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

Just wishing and hoping are we.  An idiot as president?  It is one position in life that you will never undertake, that's for sure.  As for the charges, maybe yes, maybe no, I have no idea and you certainly don't.  :wai:

"An idiot as president?  It is one position in life that you will never undertake" you neither.

"I have no idea" I believe that

"and you certainly don't." how do you know that?

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59 minutes ago, bill59 said:

Trump knows what most Americans outside of DC know. This is a political hit tactic and the public will not accept the result of a Clinton-laden investigative team. This has been going on for 9 months and not a shred of evidence linking Trump to any wrong doing. Comey said as much in his testimony.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Here another promise he broke


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1 hour ago, bill59 said:

Trump knows what most Americans outside of DC know. This is a political hit tactic and the public will not accept the result of a Clinton-laden investigative team. This has been going on for 9 months and not a shred of evidence linking Trump to any wrong doing. Comey said as much in his testimony.

"Trump knows what most Americans outside of DC know."

                                  More realistically; Trump knows what his base (25% of voters) wants to hear:  silly lies, vacuous promises, boasts, name-calling, blaming Obama for everything, obfuscation, flip-flopping, telling top secrets to Russian agents, etc.


                                 As for 'Comey saying Trump was not under investigation':   That was a half year ago.  If you've been paying attention, you'll notice that a whole lot of ugly shit has passed under the bridge since then - and it's sticking to the Dufus in Chief, floundering in shit river without a life jacket.

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15 hours ago, iReason said:


Yet another Trumpeteer desperately expecting prosecutors and investigators to reveal evidence and sources to the public

during an ongoing investigation.


As for your latter erroneous statement, Dir. Comey said no such thing.


Remarkable. And clueless.

The wheels of justice are turning. Make no mistake about it.




Sorry to have to tell you this but, IF there were any evidence it would have leaked!

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3 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

Sorry to have to tell you this but, IF there were any evidence it would have leaked!

As we used to say on the CB radio when I was driving a truck, "Negatory, good buddy". Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I suspect that many trumpies like you were howling at the moon about Benghazi and how you were absolutely convinced of Clinton's guilt despite the first shred of evidence. After a hyper-exhaustive investigation. And there were eight of those money-wasting things. So demanding evidence of the orange one's guilt at this point is just a tad hypocritical. Sorry, let me correct that. MASSIVELY hypocritical.

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On 6/24/2017 at 1:47 PM, rooster59 said:

In congressional testimony on Wednesday, Jeh Johnson, who headed the Homeland Security Department under Obama, said his department had warned about hacking into voter databases.


When asked why the Obama administration did not do more to warn the public, he said: "We were very concerned that we would not be perceived as taking sides in the election, injecting ourselves into a very heated campaign."

Didn't want to be perceived as taking sides? :thumbsup: Wonder if he was wearing 1 of Biden's "We Trust Her" T-Shirts at the time.

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On 6/24/2017 at 4:08 PM, PattayaJames said:

He should fire him.

Impartial, he is not!

And, out of what orifice did you pull that knowledge?


Mueller was appointed FBI Director and now Special Counsel under Republican Administrations (GW Bush and Trump)

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to add his Republican bias
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28 minutes ago, smotherb said:

And, out of what orifice did you pull that knowledge?


Mueller was appointed FBI Director and now Special Counsel under Republican Administrations (GW Bush and Trump)

Yeah but he doesn't give crooks, thieves and lyres a fair shake.

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Mueller has put together a great team of professionals. They're going to unravel a lot of balls of string.  Trumpsters are going to scream (later on) that the investigative team is reaching too far outside their mandate.  Just remember that the probing into Bill Clinton's affairs started with a small estate deal, and wound up getting focused on a stain on a blue dress.  What's good for the goose is good for the gander.  Trump's got a whole lot more than a sperm stain - to hide.

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I'd take Trump's promise (?) that he won't go after Mueller as something of some value -- IF I believed even the slightest thing that came out of the lying ******'s mouth -- which I don't.


The only thing at all that his talking produces is increased greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming -- something that he apparently doesn't believe in.


PS - Somewhere along the way, I do hope Mueller or someone comes up with Trump's supposed Russia dossier -- meaning the dirty file the Russians supposedly have on him, hopefully complete with video and/or photographic evidence.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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