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"It was murder" says Belgian girl's mother as website claims there has been a Koh Tao cover up in supposed suicide by hanging case


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4 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

I think I would like to hear from the psychiatric report in BKK

I would also like to read that it has been confirmed that it was the same girl who ran in front of a train. Mix-ups of foreigners by Thai authorities do happen owing to the language barrier.


If indeed it was the same person, her reported behaviour (seeking enlightment from a cult, leaving her luggage on a boat, being involved in a fire, and running away from the first hotel) could have been the actions of a depressive.


On the other side of the coin, cause of death - suffocation, cremated quickly, and information withheld for two months is downright suspicious. I only hope the DSI can honestly piece together what happened - although I have doubts that they would willingly support foul play as it could harm tourism. 




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23 minutes ago, Bigdogfarang said:

Having put forward a serial killer on koh toa theory previously here's another alternative theory for balance.


girl is suicidal previously tried to kill herself by walking in front of a train but was stopped from doing so. Girl leaves koh Pha ngan to go to the mainland and return to Belgium - on the journey once leaving kpn dark thoughts take over again and on impulse she gets off at ko toa leaving her main rucksack on the boat. She checks in to a bungalow and overdoses on medication during which she knocks over a lamp and starts a

fire which burns down hers and two neighbouring bungalows - the fire rouses her and she escapes.. she goes across the island and checks in to a new guesthouse emotionally in turmoil she books another ticket to Bangkok leaving 2 days later but during that time her suicidal tendencies take over and this time she goes into the jungle and hangs herself - her body ends up resting on some rocks (you can see how this could happen from precious published photos of where the body was found) - police panic the last thing ko toa needs is another farang death so they delay the release of the information and cremate the body - it looks like suicide but so did the others so they panic and try to cover up the death... this at the moment to me whilst not as sensational an explanation as the others I have offered seems to me the most likely 

Plausable theory for this case, but i still think there are dark forced at play on KT

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Now there,  Bigdogfarang,  that seems indeed a more plausible story than the 'death island' and 'serial killer' theory. Well done !

Indeed, the police ( who weren't even on the island my years on Koh Tao in the 90s) are still hardly present, incompetent, and it's very likely they have been trying to cover up this suicide, especially since Koh Tao has been under scrutiny ( more like under an magnifying glass ! ) since the previous deaths, which Did ! see two scapegoats blamed for it.

With thousands of farang travelers per month, trying to learn diving ( after some tripped out partying on Koh Pa Ngan )  drunk- driving bikes around, getting involved in all kinds of drunk or doped up trouble (also with each other) it's no surprise accidents and deaths happen, and the incompetent BIB are handling things in panic and totally wrong...  still... very different then the idea of serial killers etc. prowling on single farang girls.

In all the years before on the island,  in the nightlife, I was more worried about high drunken louts looking for fights, and not too much about the local Thais.

Looking forward to my next trip to the island ! if you are sane minded, staying off the drugs and out of fights, nothing to worry about there !!

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1 hour ago, sweatalot said:

What is a cult? Is that organisation on Koh Pangan a cult?

It seems to be enough to call them a cult and everybody is against them without knowing who they are and what they do.

I don't know them and I have never been there. If they make people addict, take all there money and make them perform criminal acts then I will not defend them. Until I see evidence that this is so they are for me people who just perform there freedom of thought, probably with good intentions - like many Buddhist temples in Thailand where they offer to teach meditation. (The Dammakayo Cult is not one of them)

And by the way - how to you know Andreas is a self proclaimed guru? Because the press say so?

Cult, as used by the Thai media really would be incorrect.....

Satha Sai institute was established years ago in India and has been beneficial to many through medical, education and other institutions.

It would interesting to evaluate exactly what this Guru has achieved in the islands, and shouldn't be too difficult to explore....however, these guys often establish themselves in tourist regions, when in reality for Thailand, they should, according to the tenets of Satha Sai,  be in poor and underprivileged areas where real help is needed.

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2 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

Cult, as used by the Thai media really would be incorrect.....

Satha Sai institute was established years ago in India and has been beneficial to many through medical, education and other institutions.

It would interesting to evaluate exactly what this Guru has achieved in the islands, and shouldn't be too difficult to explore....however, these guys often establish themselves in tourist regions, when in reality for Thailand, they should, according to the tenets of Satha Sai,  be in poor and underprivileged areas where real help is needed.

Whoever wants to know something about this "cult" should visit their website. They do not solicit but live from donations. Their teachings and actions are welcomed in many countries.




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5 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

Cult, as used by the Thai media really would be incorrect.....

Satha Sai institute was established years ago in India and has been beneficial to many through medical, education and other institutions.

It would interesting to evaluate exactly what this Guru has achieved in the islands, and shouldn't be too difficult to explore....however, these guys often establish themselves in tourist regions, when in reality for Thailand, they should, according to the tenets of Satha Sai,  be in poor and underprivileged areas where real help is needed.

Is it plausable that a cult could operate under the radar of the thai authorities, especially given that the leader is a foreigner

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19 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

More conflicting accounts.


First it was said she was living with the German cult leader but were only friends, and now it`s progressed into he is her boyfriend. Then I read somewhere he done a runner, now he`s believed to still be on the island.


She was suffocated. So easy to make this appear like a suicide. She could have been strangled or suffocated in the room, then taken and hung from a tree to make this look like a suicide and the room set alight to destroy any evidence of foul play.  I still believe that these young people are into some heavy activities that can become out of control. I would strongly recommend that the people who rent out these rooms and whatever cults, groups or those who organise parties and events there are thoroughly investigated, that I am positive will yield some answers. 





although its very hard to murder someone in a room and carry to a tree and make it look like a hanging death...

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13 minutes ago, hanssna said:

Now there,  Bigdogfarang,  that seems indeed a more plausible story than the 'death island' and 'serial killer' theory. Well done !

Indeed, the police ( who weren't even on the island my years on Koh Tao in the 90s) are still hardly present, incompetent, and it's very likely they have been trying to cover up this suicide, especially since Koh Tao has been under scrutiny ( more like under an magnifying glass ! ) since the previous deaths, which Did ! see two scapegoats blamed for it.

With thousands of farang travelers per month, trying to learn diving ( after some tripped out partying on Koh Pa Ngan )  drunk- driving bikes around, getting involved in all kinds of drunk or doped up trouble (also with each other) it's no surprise accidents and deaths happen, and the incompetent BIB are handling things in panic and totally wrong...  still... very different then the idea of serial killers etc. prowling on single farang girls.

In all the years before on the island,  in the nightlife, I was more worried about high drunken louts looking for fights, and not too much about the local Thais.

Looking forward to my next trip to the island ! if you are sane minded, staying off the drugs and out of fights, nothing to worry about there !!

Brave man, may God protect you


Why not choose else where, why push your luck

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6 minutes ago, fxe1200 said:

Whoever wants to know something about this "cult" should visit their website. They do not solicit but live from donations. Their teachings and actions are welcomed in many countries.




That's all fine but according to The Nation 3 JUL 2017:


"The sect’s guru, Raaman Andreas, told an online tabloid that Elise Dallemange was happy and seemed normal when she left Koh Phangan, where the religious group holds activities.


Meanwhile, the Satya Sai International Organization (Thailand), headquartered in Bangkok, told The Nation it had no links with the sect or the Belgian girl. The organisation said it had nine branches in Thailand, and none in Koh Tao."



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10 minutes ago, fxe1200 said:

Whoever wants to know something about this "cult" should visit their website. They do not solicit but live from donations. Their teachings and actions are welcomed in many countries.




When wanting to understand more about any religious, spiritual, social or other group, I usually start finding out information by putting the name of the group and the word 'problems' in the search engine. This will usually produce a forum or posting of ex members with a negative opinion of the group. Then I go to the groups own website and other positive opinions. Every group has those who have left with ill feelings (think of the Catholic Church) and I don't necessarily adopt the view point of either group. Such a look at this group on line produces both kinds of opinions.

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Curiouser and curiouser!!!!!!   Now the Sai Baba sect disown the island group. And she was claimed to have been psychologicaly examined after a previous attempt.  Watch this space (and probably see nothing.)  Next death or scandal please!!!!!

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1 hour ago, sweatalot said:

What is a cult? Is that organisation on Koh Pangan a cult?

It seems to be enough to call them a cult and everybody is against them without knowing who they are and what they do.

I don't know them and I have never been there. If they make people addict, take all there money and make them perform criminal acts then I will not defend them. Until I see evidence that this is so they are for me people who just perform there freedom of thought, probably with good intentions - like many Buddhist temples in Thailand where they offer to teach meditation. (The Dammakayo Cult is not one of them)

And by the way - how to you know Andreas is a self proclaimed guru? Because the press say so?

and by the way...how do you know these deaths are suspicious? because the press say so?

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

However, the apparent suicide attempt failed after railway police and officials managed to stop her, after which she was sent to have her mental condition checked at Somdet Chaopraya Institute of Psychiatry, according to police.


So, who paid the hospital bill???

As the girl was planning to go back to Belgium because she needed an income, it looks to me that she wasn't having much money.

Is there still a record of her medical checkup? Is there still a cctv footage of her at that hospital?

Just 3 questions to be answered.

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25 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

I recommend you stick with your day job. Tongue in cheek, I know...

Oh well u have to start somewhere u know I am just going on the facts of jack the ripper they say he was high class or person with power that is why they never caught him Thanks lol

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8 hours ago, Lamar said:

This German man, Andreas Raaman, was never mentioned as her boyfriend ! He is rather a yoga teacher / guru. He is not on the run (he just did a "visa run") and he answered to the press about this case : http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/elise-dallemange-thailand-koh-tao-10715790


This Sathya Sai Baba Movement center that the victim attented is not located on Kho Tao, but at Koh Pha Ngan.


By the way, this "sect" / spiritual movement did not seems so "weird", nor involved in any criminal activity :




 according to Mirror:

1.The "guru" is now back in Germany.

2. He was on "visa run"  same time Belgian girl mysteriously got off Phangan-Chumpon ferry at Koh Tao without her luggage. 

3. Some claim Sathya Sai is cult and founder is a fraud. 

Time for police to do proper investigation, starting on Koh Phangan interviewing people who stayed with Belgian girl at Sathya retreat. 


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21 minutes ago, vivasamui said:

Bring Cult Leader back 


Better yet, question him and do an investigation based in a neutral location without a tourism industry and powerful people to protect.  Then send him back for punishment if he's responsible.


Sadly, the credibility of the Thai justice system and Thai police aren't such that we'd ever know what really happened if it were left to them.


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15 minutes ago, SunsetT said:

Any so called gurus or even followers of Sathya Sai Baba should be regarded with upmost caution as it is now common knowledge that SSB was a serial Gay sexual abuser and peodophile:



Weird, right! Surprising that these allegations are not mentioned on Wikipedia. On the other hand, this Koh Pha Ngan Center does not seem to be on the official website of Sathya Sai International Thailand. http://www.sathyasaithailand.com/
The center of Bangkok would have declared that they did not have a center there. The center of Koh Pha Nagan in question does not belong to the official organization.

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34 minutes ago, vivasamui said:

 according to Mirror:

1.The "guru" is now back in Germany.

2. He was on "visa run"  same time Belgian girl mysteriously got off Phangan-Chumpon ferry at Koh Tao without her luggage. 

3. Some claim Sathya Sai is cult and founder is a fraud. 

Time for police to do proper investigation, starting on Koh Phangan interviewing people who stayed with Belgian girl at Sathya retreat. 


1- Please, where did you get this information? For sure, going back to Germany is not exactly what can be called a "visa run" ! On the other hand, if he is localised in Germany, he is then not on the run and he can then be easy to question him via Interpol.

2- Yes, i also noted the coincidence... He mentioned it of himself in the press ...

3- There are many "gurus", "spiritual leaders" or simply monks who live a comfortable life thanks to the generosity of their disciples ... This does not necessarily make them murderers ...

I share your opinion that these people should be questioned seriously, without neglecting the other trails ...

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7 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


A simple question...


Why wasn't the evidence collected at the time?


Incompetence, lack of interest, too lazy, no money in it.


Or of course, it might cause some inconvenience so better to leave alone and hope all blows over.


Take your pick.

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39 minutes ago, paddyjoe41 said:

Why are the Burmese lads being treated like this when all the world knows and believes they are innocent.?Now the appeal has been turned down,when there is such a lot of evidence points to their being NOT GUILTY.

Oh seriously, get with the topic man. 

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