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France's economy minister tells Britain - 'We want our money back'


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3 hours ago, Dave67 said:

How about we take out the cost of liberating your country from the Nazis

You mean liberating your country from the German tiranny TWICE?


Face it France, you are getting more out of the EU as you bring in, money wise.

And just stop bitching Britain, and start understanding your own people are not very much pro EU.


And I guess Britain will not bow for the unelected, undemocratic bas***ds in Brussels.


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10 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

Not correct , Uk is a far bigger net contributor, even allowing for our rebate.Literally dozens of articles confirm this via a simple google search , data up to 2015/16.

Plus France gets 50% of the agricultural budget. Only Britain and Germany are net contributors, what would happen if Greece left the EU would they be given loads of money?. 

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36 minutes ago, shaurene said:

It is well known that France does not like the English and we do not like them. Government back stabbers. They cannot get over that they have never been able to beat us in any of the wars we had against each other for hundreds of years. Churchill and US President never trusted them. The Vichie joined the Germans. 

We sent an expiditionery force to France to help them, we saved them in WW1 &11.

they owe us a great deal. 

France gets so much funding from the EU.

The Red army saved us all.

Without them all Europeans AND the Islanders accross the chanel would now speak German.



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6 minutes ago, hansnl said:

You mean liberating your country from the German tiranny TWICE?


Face it France, you are getting more out of the EU as you bring in, money wise.

And just stop bitching Britain, and start understanding your own people are not very much pro EU.


And I guess Britain will not bow for the unelected, undemocratic bas***ds in Brussels.


Why not? The British bow for the unelected undemocratic House of the Hiso Lords.


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It doesn't matter what the French think at the moment anyway, After macron has started implementing his reforms the country will grind to a stop with all the strikes that will occur, he seems to think those reforms will just happen because he says so.

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1 hour ago, chezy86 said:

David Davis the U.K. chief negotiator is a Yorkshireman like myself and we are renowned for being frugal .He won't pay a penny more than he needs to to the EU. Just to put the record straight England declared war on Germany because they invaded Poland they weren't attacked by the Germans.

I didn't reference WHY England declared war initially.  I claimed England was attacked by the Germans. Do you dispute that?

Yorkshiremen and Englishmen are like men everywhere; they try to wiggle out of money agreements any time they're able to.

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3 hours ago, Dave67 said:

How about we take out the cost of liberating your country from the Nazis

I suggest you  study your own history. It is infuriating when  Americans carry on about how they saved Europe in WWII and it is just as infuriating when one must read similar claims from the English who are oblivious to the  fact that their victories were very much dependent upon the sacrifice of volunteers from its exploited colonies.


Australia and Canada: It's as if these  2 countries  didn't suffer 80,000+ military deaths. Or that  tiny New Zealand's 11,700 or India's  87,000 deaths served no purpose. The 400,000 US deaths were what, a misadventure?

By the time June 6, 1944 arrived,  Great Britain was being supported by the blood and sacrifice of Commonwealth forces, tens of thousands who died in the air keeping Great Britain safe. Are you even aware that  bomber command  existed because of the presence of Australian, New Zealand, South African and Canadian air crews?  17,000 Canadians died in the air, the vast majority of whom were in bomber command or stationed in England defending England. Maybe Canada and Australia should demand compensation from Great Britain for the successive cock ups in Hong Kong and Singapore?


1 hour ago, chezy86 said:

And we bailed em out in the First World War how about reparations for that!. 

No you didn't. You can thank the volunteers from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other "Dominions" for that. The two decisive  battles that  changed the course of the war were Amiens and the 2nd  Battle of the Somme. At Amiens, the Australian Corps and Canadian Corps delivered decisive thrusts against the Germans. Combined with British and French attacks and supported by  the  Americans, the Germans were  decimated. 

At the 2nd battle of the Somme the heroic Australian Corps crossed the Somme and pushed the Germans back to the Hindenburg line. The New Zealand units  made decisive  captures. The Australian victory terrified  German's remaining allies and they started  suing for peace.


 Yes,  great Britain played a key role and the world owes heroes  Sir Winston and   Sir Arthur Harris an infinite debt of gratitude, and must never forget the suffering and damage incurred by Great Britain   but this does not  justify the two above awful claims.


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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

I rather think Versailles dealt with that. Another brilliant idea 

Versailles was reparation to the French and British from the Germans. We could quite easily have turned our back on France twice but we did the right thing now they should do the right thing

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4 minutes ago, kamahele said:

And didn't the UK become a wealthy country during EU membership?

yes by taking the bad medicine our economy needed in the 80's while Thatcher was prime minister not by membership of the EEC as it was at that time and France has yet to go through it.

Edited by sandrabbit
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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

In other words, you just made up your assertion about 90 billion in fraud. Considering that the EU's total budget is about 140 billion, it's obvious that your assertion is nonsense.

Just check, BBC NEWS 3RD FEB 2014.

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Technically true,, but only in terms of declarations of war, which are not actual "attacks".  The French and BEF (British Expeditionary Force) were  in fact attacked by the Germans.  Prior to that was the "Phoney War" or Sitzkrieg, lasting from 1 SEP 1939 (the invasion of Poland; Britain declared war two days later on the 3rd) until the German attack on France and the low countries on 10 May 1940, during which there were no hostilities (hence the name).  So your statement that "they weren't attacked by the Germans" is patently false; they in fact most certainly and famously were.

We declared war on Germany because they invaded Poland and would not withdraw. British troops were attacked when Germany invaded France as you say the expeditionary force and consequently the Dunkirk evacuation. The original poster quoted that Britain entered the war because they were attacked which is incorrect.

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11 minutes ago, Dave67 said:

Versailles was reparation to the French and British from the Germans. We could quite easily have turned our back on France twice but we did the right thing now they should do the right thing

Please read some history on the start of WW1, in particular, how it started and why we got involved. Try "The Sleepwalkers". Then you might be able to make a rational comment instead of shooting from the hip.

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

A deal is a deal.  If UK went in on an agreement, then it should honor that agreement.  Dragging up stuff from 70 yrs ago is not helpful.  Plus, Britain was attacked in WWII, so it was in their interest to counter-attack the attackers.  It so happened that much of that counter-attack was on French soil.



Actually, both we and The French declared war on Germany following their invasion of Poland. 

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12 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


I suggest you  study your own history. It is infuriating when  Americans carry on about how they saved Europe in WWII and it is just as infuriating when one must read similar claims from the English who are oblivious to the  fact that their victories were very much dependent upon the sacrifice of volunteers from its exploited colonies.


Australia and Canada: It's as if these  2 countries  didn't suffer 80,000+ military deaths. Or that  tiny New Zealand's 11,700 or India's  87,000 deaths served no purpose. The 400,000 US deaths were what, a misadventure?

By the time June 6, 1944 arrived,  Great Britain was being supported by the blood and sacrifice of Commonwealth forces, tens of thousands who died in the air keeping Great Britain safe. Are you even aware that  bomber command  existed because of the presence of Australian, New Zealand, South African and Canadian air crews?  17,000 Canadians died in the air, the vast majority of whom were in bomber command or stationed in England defending England. Maybe Canada and Australia should demand compensation from Great Britain for the successive cock ups in Hong Kong and Singapore?


No you didn't. You can thank the volunteers from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other "Dominions" for that. The two decisive  battles that  changed the course of the war were Amiens and the 2nd  Battle of the Somme. At Amiens, the Australian Corps and Canadian Corps delivered decisive thrusts against the Germans. Combined with British and French attacks and supported by  the  Americans, the Germans were  decimated. 

At the 2nd battle of the Somme the heroic Australian Corps crossed the Somme and pushed the Germans back to the Hindenburg line. The New Zealand units  made decisive  captures. The Australian victory terrified  German's remaining allies and they started  suing for peace.


 Yes,  great Britain played a key role and the world owes heroes  Sir Winston and   Sir Arthur Harris an infinite debt of gratitude, and must never forget the suffering and damage incurred by Great Britain   but this does not  justify the two above awful claims.


It's not a claim is it's a fact. In both Wars, we stood with France before anyone else.If we had not I doubt the US would have involved themselves in either war

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I would like to see how the EU arrived at this figure, an itemised bill perhaps??

The figure quoted has just been pulled out of thin air. We should tell the EU its either a simple customs union or a hard Brexit.

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29 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


I suggest you  study your own history. It is infuriating when  Americans carry on about how they saved Europe in WWII and it is just as infuriating when one must read similar claims from the English who are oblivious to the  fact that their victories were very much dependent upon the sacrifice of volunteers from its exploited colonies.


Australia and Canada: It's as if these  2 countries  didn't suffer 80,000+ military deaths. Or that  tiny New Zealand's 11,700 or India's  87,000 deaths served no purpose. The 400,000 US deaths were what, a misadventure?

By the time June 6, 1944 arrived,  Great Britain was being supported by the blood and sacrifice of Commonwealth forces, tens of thousands who died in the air keeping Great Britain safe. Are you even aware that  bomber command  existed because of the presence of Australian, New Zealand, South African and Canadian air crews?  17,000 Canadians died in the air, the vast majority of whom were in bomber command or stationed in England defending England. Maybe Canada and Australia should demand compensation from Great Britain for the successive cock ups in Hong Kong and Singapore?


No you didn't. You can thank the volunteers from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other "Dominions" for that. The two decisive  battles that  changed the course of the war were Amiens and the 2nd  Battle of the Somme. At Amiens, the Australian Corps and Canadian Corps delivered decisive thrusts against the Germans. Combined with British and French attacks and supported by  the  Americans, the Germans were  decimated. 

At the 2nd battle of the Somme the heroic Australian Corps crossed the Somme and pushed the Germans back to the Hindenburg line. The New Zealand units  made decisive  captures. The Australian victory terrified  German's remaining allies and they started  suing for peace.


 Yes,  great Britain played a key role and the world owes heroes  Sir Winston and   Sir Arthur Harris an infinite debt of gratitude, and must never forget the suffering and damage incurred by Great Britain   but this does not  justify the two above awful claims.


And the most galling part is that while members of our former "dominions" have to stand in a queue at passport control our former oponents and their toadies get to stroll straight in holding their EU passport. While I hold no grudge against our former enemies I hate the way the decendants of the men and women who sacrificed so much are now cast aside. We owe the men and women of Canada, Australia, NZ, India and the countless others a massive debt. 

The sooner we kiss the unelected self serving EU goodbye the better.

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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Got any links to provide to support your assertion? I did a google search and nothing came up.

I got a link to the BBC in 2014 which says that corruption in Europe amounts to £99bn per year. Not the EU as an organisation but as countries maybe?

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