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Trump - no transgender people will serve in U.S. military: Twitter


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8 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Why do you liberals think he is worse that Bush? Until he starts a war, causing millions of innocent deaths, I will prefer Trump any day to him. You Yanks have a shot memory and seemingly willing to forgive these war tyrants.

So the new low bar for Trump is: War Criminal


Got it.



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3 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

So the new low bar for Trump is: War Criminal


Got it.



Just saying that killing millions of innocents is nothing for some compared to talking about pussy or playing golf. No wonder there are so many problems in the US of A. 

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On 7/29/2017 at 0:49 PM, MrPatrickThai said:

Yes, the American Psychiatric Association state it is a mental disorder, so you are right. Some seem to think they deserve special treatment, as they can't help it. What about the guy with schizophrenia that thinks he's Elvis, should he be allowed in the army as he can't help it?


Should this/these keep someone from being in any political position or the military?

DSM-IV and DSM-5 Criteria for the Personality Disorders


DSM-IV. DSM-5 Criteria - Revised June 2011. A. An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior the deviates ..... Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


Or how a/b this: Is this an issue? I was in the military for 4 years and a lot of drinking was taking place. How about congress?

Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM-IV and DSM-5


And most significantly a dx that 45 has:

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7 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Just saying that killing millions of innocents is nothing for some compared to talking about pussy or playing golf. No wonder there are so many problems in the US of A. 

The US of A is doing quite well.  Seems you are just anti-US.


22 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Why do you liberals think he is worse that Bush? Until he starts a war, causing millions of innocent deaths, I will prefer Trump any day to him. You Yanks have a shot memory and seemingly willing to forgive these war tyrants.

Since you are not American, why are you even participating in this thread?  And the term Yanks is offensive to most of us.

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23 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Just saying that killing millions of innocents is nothing for some compared to talking about pussy or playing golf. No wonder there are so many problems in the US of A. 

No, what you're saying is that criticism is undeserved because he isn't as bad as a war a criminal. By that kind of thinking, criticism of Bush is undeserved because he was not as bad as Attila the Hun. And even even Attila the Hun was kinda ok because he wasn't as bad as the Old Testament Jehova.


This kind of relativism is meaningless. We are in the here and now. Trump is president. He is doing a terrible Job. He is actively dividing the country. He is stoking racism and xenophobia and police brutality and fake news and homophobia and sowing divisions. He is demeaning the office of the presidency with his ignorant tweets and blatant lies and third grade bullying of the press and independent judiciary and interference with on-going investigations.


It's a deflection to seemingly defend all that by saying Bush was worse.


Edited by Thakkar
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13 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Since you are not American, why are you even participating in this thread? 

You have been around long enough to know that was a duff statement. Stay out of world politics and other nationalities will reserve judgement on the fool a nation votes in as President.

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45 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

You have been around long enough to know that was a duff statement. Stay out of world politics and other nationalities will reserve judgement on the fool a nation votes in as President.

Agreed!  One reason I don't get involved in the Brexit threads.  I'm not educated enough on it to participate!

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

Agreed!  One reason I don't get involved in the Brexit threads.  I'm not educated enough on it to participate!

You misunderstood me .  If TRUMP Stays out of world politics other nationalities will reserve judgement on the fool a nation votes in as President. :wink:

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4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

You misunderstood me .  If TRUMP Stays out of world politics other nationalities will reserve judgement on the fool a nation votes in as President. :wink:

Ah ha!  Sad you have to make a statement like that.  The US should have a leader that LEADS in world politics.  Not messes things up!


But no reason for them to reserve judgement on Trump. LOL

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1 hour ago, selftaopath said:

Should this/these keep someone from being in any political position or the military?

DSM-IV and DSM-5 Criteria for the Personality Disorders


DSM-IV. DSM-5 Criteria - Revised June 2011. A. An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior the deviates ..... Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


Or how a/b this: Is this an issue? I was in the military for 4 years and a lot of drinking was taking place. How about congress?

Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM-IV and DSM-5


And most significantly a dx that 45 has:

Search Results

Of course alcoholics should not be in the military, unless they are recovered through the help of AA and God.

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I'm just waiting for the day when someone successfully phishes one of these Twitter accounts.

That could lead to the next world war judging by the number of normally sensible people that base comments made on such platforms as policy.

IMO one of the dangers of social media.

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Why do you liberals think he is worse that Bush? Until he starts a war, causing millions of innocent deaths, I will prefer Trump any day to him. You Yanks have a shot memory and seemingly willing to forgive these war tyrants.

Trump may be closer to starting a war than you think.

"On Tuesday morning, Sen. Lindsey Graham said that President Trump is willing to go to war with North Korea to stop it from being able to hit the American mainland with a nuclear weapon."


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To engage with anyone bringing up alcoholism or mental illness in the context of this discussion is to succumb to deflection, distraction and false comparisons.


It would be like equating support for Trump with support for pedophilia just because Trump was once *accused* of engaging in underage sex.


See what I did there?



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13 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

To engage with anyone bringing up alcoholism or mental illness in the context of this discussion is to succumb to deflection, distraction and false comparisons.

It would be like equating support for Trump with support for pedophilia just because Trump was once *accused* of engaging in underage sex.

See what I did there?



 And like asking rational people to believe in an invisible man in the sky to take care of all your woes...


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On 7/29/2017 at 4:55 PM, MrPatrickThai said:

Really, the US has millions of people like this, wake up, this is just part of the hate Trump campaign. I'm sure you could find a picture of a skinny transgender soldier and a macho Trump voter.  


It looks like the US has become a split society -  those intelligent anti-Trump ones, who think their vote counts more than someone who is uneducated, or looks like those in the above photo. Give Trump a chance, he's done some great things so far, unnoticed of course by the press, who are totally biased.


Hate Trump  campaign? What's not to hate?  I have yet to see one redeeming quality of him or any of his defender regime. They just want to destroy democracy and decency.

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30 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Wow, so many assumptions here.

There is so much biased nonsense on these threads, you liberals don't even listen to anything that doesn't bring Trump down.

I don't like the man but feel you should be given a fair trial.


Finally, after miles of rhetoric, we get down to the nitty gritty:

"...you liberals don't even listen to anything..."


"Wow, so many assumptions here."  :whistling:



"I don't like the man but feel you should be given a fair trial."

I agree.

But unfortunately, he will avoid that by resigning in disgrace.

Being that a trial would be such a messy affair on the world stage.

Then again, on the bright side, some of his "best people" will face charges. :thumbsup:

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Former Navy SEAL on transgender ban: 'If this goes through … it’s going to be a fight'


"Beck, whose past deployments included tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, expressed deeper disappointment in Trump,

saying that his ban showed “hate” and “bigotry” toward those serving in the armed forces."


“They’re a soldier, they’re serving their country. Treat them with dignity and respect just like you would want to be treated yourself,” she said.


"And just last week, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford,

told top military officers that there would be “no modifications” to the military’s transgender policy."


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21 minutes ago, iReason said:

"And just last week, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford,

told top military officers that there would be “no modifications” to the military’s transgender policy."


Yeah. Doesn't look like this is going to happen.

Trump, like the dog he is, just sniffed around, left a turd, walked away. Decent people are appalled and upset while others stand around admiring and sniffing the turd, saying what a great turd it is.


Meanwhile Trump's forgotten all about that turd and is off down the street sniffing some dog's butt.



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Listening to 45 defenders when they justify unethical/immoral behavior of his by stating "everyone does it" "..... was worse" "..... did etc." is like children crying " but Tommy did it" "she started it" "everyone's' doing it" "s/he lied too." It really shows how psychologically developed they are. Oh and while I'm at it: It takes psychological hardness to admit when wrong and take responsibility for actions.

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