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Police chief Chakthip: “I really want Vorayuth back to Thailand”


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Currently, the following countries have extradition treaties with Thailand: the US, the UK, Canada, China, Belgium, Philippines, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, South Korea, Bangladesh, Fiji, and Australia.


So looks like "Boss" may miss 7 F1 events in future. Cruel and unusual punishment indeed, justice served.

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4 minutes ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Currently, the following countries have extradition treaties with Thailand: the US, the UK, Canada, China, Belgium, Philippines, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, South Korea, Bangladesh, Fiji, and Australia

that's all ?

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1 hour ago, Marley01 said:

These clowns should be ashamed of themselves. As an ex copper, if something happened to one of our  own, we would not stop until we caught the offender. Other Law enforcement agencies can only shake their heads at how these Thais finest are disrespecting their dead comrade. Money obviously means more than loyalty to their own.

I just wonder what the cops in other countries think when they have to deal with Thai police. I'm sure most of them, especially in the developed world, must be aware of their atrocious reputation.

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"... he said the MPB would send the translated documents in English language in accordance with the extradition protocol to the country." That is subjunctive. Why can't their say "definitely will" ?

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So Vorayuth just boarded a private jet to a country that does not have an extradition treaty with Thailand, as there is only about 12 that do that leaves plenty to choose from !!

Absolutely. And then what reaction from Thai police?
Oh, I know, confusion reigns (again).
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34 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

Now that's a good idea an all out mass global boycott of the brand until justice is served. 

99.9% of the world doesn't even know what all the fuss is about, or cares. Red Bull in Austria & Dietrich Mateschitz  should be putting pressure on the Yoovidhya family and the Krating Daeng Company in Thailand (more or less one and the same, on paper, of course) to end this disgusting fiasco, once and for all. Too many people's livelihoods depend on the operations to damage the business because of this little scumbag.

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5 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

Sergeant Wichien Klanprasert was one of theirs. Usually they come out guns cocked after perpetrators like this. Just go to any F1 event and look in the Red Bull tent. That would be a loss of face for the family for a arrest to happen like that. Again RIP Wichien Klanprasert. All for just doing a job.

i agree , they are hopelessly so corrupt , just excuses for themselves loss of face would be the cops who arrest him lose their face or life ..that's their issue 

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Just another senior policeman spouting sh++e.

If these clowns were serious about getting that scumbag back, he would have already have been here.

He is jetting around the world sticking 2 fingers up at the police, because he knows that if they go after him  he will name those that got bought off.


More like the whole fist.

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2 hours ago, Marley01 said:

These clowns should be ashamed of themselves. As an ex copper, if something happened to one of our  own, we would not stop until we caught the offender. Other Law enforcement agencies can only shake their heads at how these Thais finest are disrespecting their dead comrade. Money obviously means more than loyalty to their own.

That is blatantly obvious, how to profit from the death of your colleague.... 

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"He, however, defended that the delay in the translation of documents needed for the extradition process was caused by confusion between the Metropolitan Police Bureau (MPB) and the Foreign Affairs Division of the Royal Thai Police"


Why wouldn't you do it anyway?

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7 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Oh, please...the translation was completed more than 10 days ago and yet he still says "will be sent" not "has been sent". We are not talking about something Proustian in respect of length and yet it takes years....the public is not so gullible to buy these excuses.

They are giving him another chance to do a runner, by advertising this 'that they know he is in a country'.............he will wind up in a country without extradition agreement with Thailand and wait out the next 8 or so years for the statute of limitations to run out.   Nothing new here.

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1 hour ago, Thingamabob said:

He's spent a lot of time in Thailand over the years. No action taken. 

Why take action when you have the appropriate incentive dangling in your face completely blocking the view? 

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

He, however, defended that the delay in the translation of documents needed for the extradition process was caused by confusion between the Metropolitan Police Bureau (MPB) and the Foreign Affairs Division of the Royal Thai Police.

In the past five years the RTP could have had in the pursuit of swift justice the translation of extradition documents done in all of the major world languages and be ready immediately to issue the request for extradition. Instead the RTP chose to do nothing until a crisis point. This shows incompetence at the highest level of government that has been more often likely to abuse its authority to deliver swift justice than delay it.




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