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The end of Walking Street as we know it? Bars ordered to rip down signs

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8 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

You want the non-neon ones removed too? The neon "Vegas" glitz is one of the main reasons for its appeal.

I go for the seaview and marina and park access solution.I do not give a toss about what sort of neon signs or shouting different kinds of trash music they stop close or take down.The more the better.

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If some of the signs need moved higher then just do it,  if that indeed Is the problem.

  I think there is more going on like not eough brown envelopes handed out by the

bar owners along walking street.



Make it a National Heritage site. It One Of A Kind, never to be seen again if messed with. "The Walking Street" is famous around the world, not for prostitution but it's uniqueness and fun loving and friendly people.

Leave it alone and get on with the Hard Things no one wants to tackle.

"The Walking Street" is on many a tourist "bucket list" Leave it alone!


1 hour ago, Shaunduhpostman said:

You can bet money that they aren't even remotely concerned about fire hazards. I will never like how the culture is such that you can't just do or say anything directly. I will never understand the point of not really doing what you can and want to do. Of course if you do there will be a price to pay that is much too much, people will not stand for anything that gets underway too deliberately. Seems like that is what is going on with the monthly hits on the bars etc. It's probably going to drag on for years, all of these indirect attacks on the sex industry, its better, they think to just erode it at some agonizingly slow glacial pace than get together make extensive plans, don't mess around and  just let the busineesses know where you stand, "Well sorry the jig is up. We have another idea for what we want Pattaya to be. We want to put up not very colorful or interesting condominiums everywhere. Keeping the beach clean is a hassle, requires too much management and asks too much of hotels and apartments to treat their own sewage, but maybe people will buy the condos for some mysterious reasons anyway and Pattaya can become a bedroom community we know it really was all along for...who knows.The whole tourist industry can leave and go back to farming or  just sign up for work at the American registered business that is a Thai owned oil fracking operation in Khon Kaen or the potash strip mine in Sakon Nakorn or work for the new Chinese factories in Isaan and wherever else. No bars, no alcohol, no music starting next year. Party's over." But no, that would be too direct, and someone might have to get real, the whole world might notice and then the Daily Mail or some other publication in Europe would start in, would print something that embarrassed someone by noticing what was going on and commenting. None of that,  its, No, you have to wait till 6 pm to open now. No, you can't have big neon signs. No, You can't have ladies in short skirts advertising alcohol out front. No You can't have upstairs short time rooms but you can carry on with providing ladies for tourists. NO you cannot have a place to sit on beach road we are taking down the benches we put up 5 years ago. No you can't have businsses on the beach. No, yes you can have businesses. Now, no you can't. This will go on for ages during which time they will forget why they are always every month putting a new restriction on the bars. Mirthfully chuckling over his ice cream sundae  in a May 2047 interview,  Pattaya Mayor incumbent Pramote Vriyayakitoriumsomartnabalampoowataysat commented, "Well, its just a tradition, I suppose...Nobody knows why we have to slap the businesses around every month and make a demand. Its all in a good spirit anyway, it is just like big brother to little brother.  Western people just don't understand, there is never any harm meant by any of these things, you see. The businesses  want to feel safe that a strong authoritative government is running Pattaya and we want to feel that we are in control of the bars and restaurants. My grandfather was a mayor of Pattaya and my father was a mayor and they always said, "If you don't make a new restriction for the bars every month they will take over everything in Pattaya and turn it into a sex tourist zone. Can you imagine if that happened to Pattaya?  Luckily, and as we all well know, its been the kind of place that nature lovers and sports enthusiasts flock to from around the world to take advantage of many of the city's one of a kind attractions and enjoy a beer at the bar before retiring fo r the night at 6:00 pm.

This is one of the greatest (most insightful) things I have ever

read about Pattaya.....


. I will never like how the culture is such that you can't just do or say anything directly. 



I think the West has the original patent on this one......

23 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Most noticeable one in the pic was King Seafood!

Could it be covert advertising? In Bangkok i see giant billboards for Singha water and Chang soda.

I go for the seaview and marina and park access solution.I do not give a toss about what sort of neon signs or shouting different kinds of trash music they stop close or take down.The more the better.

But the vast majority of tourists don't come to Pattaya for the park access solution (whatever that is!).
This is one of the greatest (most insightful) things I have ever
read about Pattaya.....

I disagree. Anyone who's been familiar with Pattaya in recent decades should know that "crackdowns" on aspects of the sex industry, mainly due to licensing infractions and underage or foreign girls/boys, is nothing new. The idea that there is intent by the current government to completely change Pattaya is unproven and just speculative. It makes good, provocative reading though.
14 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I disagree. Anyone who's been familiar with Pattaya in recent decades should know that "crackdowns" on aspects of the sex industry, mainly due to licensing infractions and underage or foreign girls/boys, is nothing new. The idea that there is intent by the current government to completely change Pattaya is unproven and just speculative. It makes good, provocative reading though.

Well this certainly is a dialectical subject. But intent/no intent. Walked length of Beach walk at 8 - 9 pm and saw hundreds of girls lined up. As many as there ever was.


I really do think that these city officials are not only prudish but also naive or they have a vendetta because they are victims of yank inception from there mothers working during the vietnam war as R&R comfort girls ! this latest order is so stupid why not order the business owners to move the signs higher up and make sure that the existing signed are safe by having them checked and issuing certificates with a limited amount legally allowed to be put up ? this would creat safety and employment plus revenue for the town hall and the businesses can get on with earning and paying the appropriate high officials everyone happy ! 



option number two instead of trying to swim against the current which is also very stupid as you cause more problems than you cure ! go with the flow and make walking street a red light district legally and make the venues adult clubs that the owners have to apply for permission to open and then monitor them properly with regulations and safety not only for the owners but also for the girls medically checked and vigiled by qualified medical check ups like other cities around the globe ! they will never stop prostitution all they will do is push it onto the streets and then there will be chaos with drugs and crime rife everywhere what kind of resort will you have then not to mention what kind of tourism ! perhaps someone should think about that ? set the pace don't be a loser ! prostitution has been around since the beginning of time and will be here until the end of it as well so legalise it and regulate it for gods sake they are not prostitutes but escorts and they do a very good job for all concerned so wake up and deal with it before its to late.


Now a message for the so called religious and prudes if this type of society bothers you and what they stand for then quite simply don't go there because it will upset you being a hypocrite insecure and jelious because they can not satisfy their spouses for lack of experience or imagination in the bedroom sad individuals ! stick to your beliefs what ever they might be and don't get married and make promises you can't keep or even want to !

keep on masturbating its less harmful to others in every sense of the word , maybe if you can please yourself you might be able to please others who knows ! but don't make it your life quest to destroy other peoples lives and enjoyment because of your own frustrations get a life live and let live ! have a nice day.


7 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Hua Hin is the future .. Made so but the chances are tardy signage will be targeted there also not forgetting that H H considers itself a cut aove Patt .. As for the H S T's to China you'll be waiting around a while for one of those geez' they are mammoth engineering projects that take years to build and test .

Most Thai cities have a 'walking street'.


The Pattaya W Street has gotton out of control. My brother is nearly seven feet tall and he returns from a night in Pattaya,  after engaging in his research, with back ache. He tells his wife it's all down to continual 'ducking' when on W Street due to the low singage. Also being taller his eyes get sore too as he is closer to the bright signs. He has recently taken to wearing special glasses.


It's the big picture. The Junta and both National and local authorities want an alternative to Pattaya. They don't want the quality Russians and Chinese going to Pattaya and walk about having to hold their noses, 'cause of the stink, and shutting their eyes, 'cause of the decadence. Answer; gradually get them over to HH.

option number two instead of trying to swim against the current which is also very stupid as you cause more problems than you cure ! go with the flow and make walking street a red light district legally and make the venues adult clubs that the owners have to apply for permission to open and then monitor them properly with regulations and safety not only for the owners but also for the girls medically checked and vigiled by qualified medical check ups like other cities around the globe ! they will never stop prostitution all they will do is push it onto the streets and then there will be chaos with drugs and crime rife everywhere what kind of resort will you have then not to mention what kind of tourism ! perhaps someone should think about that ? set the pace don't be a loser ! prostitution has been around since the beginning of time and will be here until the end of it as well so legalise it and regulate it for gods sake they are not prostitutes but escorts and they do a very good job for all concerned so wake up and deal with it before its to late.

It's already regulated under various pieces of legislation, some of which specifically regulate how gogos and massage places have to operate.
Is an eyesore and only advertising prostitution.  It's  a step towards cleaning up Thailands seedy international reputation.  Still a long way to go before they can replace sex tourism with quality tourism.

You obviously don't get it.
If there was no sex available then no tourists would come!
12 hours ago, ksamuiguy said:

Make it a National Heritage site. It One Of A Kind, never to be seen again if messed with. "The Walking Street" is famous around the world, not for prostitution but it's uniqueness and fun loving and friendly people.

Leave it alone and get on with the Hard Things no one wants to tackle.

"The Walking Street" is on many a tourist "bucket list" Leave it alone!


"famous around the world, not for prostitution but it's uniqueness and fun loving and friendly people."



8 hours ago, Ian Maxwell said:

option number two instead of trying to swim against the current which is also very stupid as you cause more problems than you cure ! go with the flow and make walking street a red light district legally and make the venues adult clubs that the owners have to apply for permission to open and then monitor them properly with regulations and safety not only for the owners but also for the girls medically checked and vigiled by qualified medical check ups like other cities around the globe ! they will never stop prostitution all they will do is push it onto the streets and then there will be chaos with drugs and crime rife everywhere what kind of resort will you have then not to mention what kind of tourism ! perhaps someone should think about that ? set the pace don't be a loser ! prostitution has been around since the beginning of time and will be here until the end of it as well so legalise it and regulate it for gods sake they are not prostitutes but escorts and they do a very good job for all concerned so wake up and deal with it before its to late.

"they will never stop prostitution all they will do is push it onto the streets"


Isn't it there already? Walking Street? 


The powers in charge do not like the GoGo industry as they feel it hurts the image of Thailand that they want to maintain and their goal is to force to either close or move it to a more discrete location and constantly harass the business until it goes under. The beach side of Walking street will eventually be torn down and this will up the pressure on the rest of the street.  The owners now full well their days are numbered. Anyone want to buy a Gogo bar? I didn't think so.

On 8/2/2017 at 2:08 AM, smedly said:

not sure I understand the thinking behind this but .................................everything on the beach side of walking street simply should not be there, if ever there was an encroachment in Thailand this has surely got to be the biggest ever, beach ? what beach....oh yes it used to run right along that coastline, they are all dumping their toilets and waste right there into pattaya bay


lets see the metal of Prayuth Chan "O" Chah, go ahead take on the Pattaya encroachment that everyone knows about and yet you ignore................do you have a business interest there ? 

we have the same issue up here in golden triangle; can barely see the mekong anymore; never should  have been buildings erected on the river-side of the road

"they will never stop prostitution all they will do is push it onto the streets"
Isn't it there already? Walking Street? 

Not really. The streetwalkers tend to be found on Beach Road, although a few might chance their arm on Walking Street.
The powers in charge do not like the GoGo industry as they feel it hurts the image of Thailand that they want to maintain and their goal is to force to either close or move it to a more discrete location and constantly harass the business until it goes under. The beach side of Walking street will eventually be torn down and this will up the pressure on the rest of the street.  The owners now full well their days are numbered. Anyone want to buy a Gogo bar? I didn't think so.

Where is there any evidence that the powers in charge don't like gogos? If anything it's the gogos that are the acceptable face of the sex industry, rather than the streetwalkers and brothels. New gogos are opening all the time.

Why don't they deal with the dangerous disgraceful hanging wiring along the street? That seems a far more pressing issue as someone already got killed. And how could that happen in thisday and age with RCD and RCCB automatic cut outs? Not installed I recon. 500Baht is probably too high a price to pay to protect life here in Thailand! Be carful with your children.

On 02/08/2017 at 2:35 AM, ginjag said:

37 years as I know it, it has thrived on NON QUALITY TOURISTS.  it started with the NON and will finish with the same,  quality tourists do not come to Pattaya long term as the beach and sea are filthy.  Longer term holidays are mostly the sex ---or want to see it---type  they bring in the money, feed it to the boys and girls who send it up to Mama via the post office,  quality tourists  are quick sight see-ers  only.


On 02/08/2017 at 1:31 AM, mark01 said:

Lost count of all the "orders" issued with nothing really happening.




indeed. you can issue orders and make laws until you're blue in the face but they're worth nothing if the police and authorities are unable or unprepared to enforce them. plus ca change...


in truth i couldn't care less about pattaya it's not a place i would ever want to visit.


An off topic post has been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

On ‎8‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 7:14 AM, brewsterbudgen said:

But the vast majority of tourists don't come to Pattaya for the park access solution (whatever that is!).

Dogs and mangers comes to my mind reading some of the posts on here.

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