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Three students taken to hospital after attack by teacher for uniform violation


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The uniform code is nothing new it was even around when we all grew up.


The idea of the uniform is a good one.


The reasoning if you want to open your minds is simple.


Do you want to get into the clique style of the western communities where is suzie is not wearing name brand clothes then she is an outcast that the students spend more time worrying about what they or their peer is wearing than what the should be.


Uniforms make all the kids semi equal,  there are still the little ways that they can get some personality.


The scout uniforms is to get them used to the military style of tings in schools at a later age.  Remember most Thai teens wear military uniforms once a week.


I agree that it subverts the true meaning of the scout uniform but that is life.


I would rather have to worry about whether susie has her socks on right than is her skirt the length from the knees or is she wearing an appropriate top and tshirt underneath.

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Just now, joeyg said:

I minored in "psych."  It was very useful in my practice.  Obviously this teacher had some type of mental/nervous  breakdown. To make a clear diagnosis you'd need a lot more info though.


I also have some basic psych knowledge, but nowhere near enough to make any comment on this case, and of course your right, much more current and past information would be needed. 


As a further point I wonder whether there is any behavioral testing when folks start teaching degrees, or any 'final assessment' in this area before they get their teaching license.


I'm well aware that these points are well established in Singapore and teachers / potential teachers are scrutinized heavily on all this stuff with well established research based and well proven assessment tools before they get to teach, and during any teaching work experience. Just one of the several reasons why Singapore education is so high on various assessments. 

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4 hours ago, jonesthebaker said:

and you think the teacher is bad for what the did.  the irony is beyond irony.

Sorry Sir, I don't see any irony in beating the #$%& out of a so called teacher who hits 21 kids with a stick just to pamper his ego or pervert ambitions.

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2 hours ago, Stevemercer said:

When I was at school we used to get Saturday or Sunday detentions for minor infractions. Most teachers had a lump of two by four for classroom discipline. I never forget the time the headmaster set the dogs loose on our whole class because some kid sneezed. Once I got caned 12 times because my shirt was the wrong regulation blue colour.


Kids these days have got it easy! A whack on the head for wearing the wrong uniform? In my day we'd get a whack on the head just for breathing too heavily in class. I had so many whacks by the end of the day I could barely see. Then my parents would whack me when I got home again. Aaah, the good old days.

Judging by your post the constant beatings have left you mentally scarred. Seek help.

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14 minutes ago, joeyg said:

I minored in "psych."  It was very useful in my practice.  Obviously this teacher had some type of mental/nervous  breakdown. To make a clear diagnosis you'd need a lot more info though.

No. It's actually quite simple.

When he was young at school he was being hit by a teacher with a stick so it seems normal.

No need for analysis.

I may be old and don't have children but I have two dogs I love.

If anyone hit my dogs on the head with a stick I will instantly lose 20 years, and accept the result.

At my age I'm not scared of going back inside.

Same applies if it was my son or daughter.

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I have a feeling that the hospitalization of the three students has been blown out of proportion.


Thais have a tendency to go to the hospital for the littlest things.


That being said I am not trying to defend this guy, if it were my children that were hit for not wearing the right uniform I would be having a few words with the teacher.

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10 minutes ago, Idiotabroad said:

I have a feeling that the hospitalization of the three students has been blown out of proportion.


Thais have a tendency to go to the hospital for the littlest things.


That being said I am not trying to defend this guy, if it were my children that were hit for not wearing the right uniform I would be having a few words with the teacher.

Re your second sentence - possibly, but with head wounds you have to be careful, especially when administered by a violent teacher with  a stick!.

Edited by sambum
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3 hours ago, jonesthebaker said:

Seems to be a little more to this story than is being portrayed.  I can see that most people commenting have forgotten what it is like to be a kid at that age.  ok,  the teacher has  been a bit heavy handed with some kids for breaking rules but i bet  the majority are simply jumping on the band wagon.   if any of the commenters had to spend just one day wth a bunch of wayward school kids these days then they would be calling for corporal punishment to be rolled out as standard.  one thing i know for sure is that when I or any of my friends were hit by  a teacher then we deserved it.  


people just love to be outraged these days.  and then they wonder why society is on a downward trend.  ooh, the outrage 'kids get smacked by teacher - world will end'

I agree with you in most points. I too got a good slap on the hand by teachers (or a boot up the ar*e by the auld man) when, and only when, I deserved it as a child. Personally, I have absolutely no problems with corporal punishment per se, a slap on the hand or the cane on the backside, that I agree with (but have never needed to nor will I ever need to practice it in any of my classes). But, hitting people on the head is an absolute no-no. 


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1 minute ago, djayz said:

I agree with you in most points. I too got a good slap on the hand by teachers (or a boot up the ar*e by the auld man) when, and only when, I deserved it as a child. Personally, I have absolutely no problems with corporal punishment per se, a slap on the hand or the cane on the backside, that I agree with (but have never needed to nor will I ever need to practice it in any of my classes). But, hitting people on the head is an absolute no-no. 


You are right on all points!

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9 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Tell me about it, 5 uniforms a week, I only know what day of the week it is because of my sons uniform. Yes they have to join the scouts,even the teachers are dressed up in scouts uniform

new term2.JPG

No...no...no...this just won't do (smack)

(ouch) But...but...but...

Don't 'but' me...your belt buckle is not centered, your scarf ends are unequal...20 lashes!

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22 minutes ago, Idiotabroad said:

I have a feeling that the hospitalization of the three students has been blown out of proportion.


Thais have a tendency to go to the hospital for the littlest things.


That being said I am not trying to defend this guy, if it were my children that were hit for not wearing the right uniform I would be having a few words with the teacher.

Words only don't have any effect. Smack the Ah------e on the side of the head with a stick then ask him, nicely, if he would like one or two more.

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17 minutes ago, djayz said:

I agree with you in most points. I too got a good slap on the hand by teachers (or a boot up the ar*e by the auld man) when, and only when, I deserved it as a child. Personally, I have absolutely no problems with corporal punishment per se, a slap on the hand or the cane on the backside, that I agree with (but have never needed to nor will I ever need to practice it in any of my classes). But, hitting people on the head is an absolute no-no. 


indeed!  i went to a grammar school and the cane was applied to the back side  (the ass to our American cousins ).     applied at great speed and with considerable force i may add.    this method of punishment was a win win for all involved.   it  disciplined naughty boys and allowed the male teachers great pleasure in being able to cane small boys bottoms as a perk of the job.  

Edited by jonesthebaker
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When I was about 10 my cousin was in the same class as me. She really needed to go to the toilet and the teacher kept telling her 'wait till the break'. The obvious happened and I had to take her home after she wet herself.

When we got home my Grandfather took her soiled underwear back to the school and slapped the the teacher with them. Believe me, he just walked into the classroom and did it in front of the class.

He was my hero then and still is.

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7 minutes ago, overherebc said:

When I was about 10 my cousin was in the same class as me. She really needed to go to the toilet and the teacher kept telling her 'wait till the break'. The obvious happened and I had to take her home after she wet herself.

When we got home my Grandfather took her soiled underwear back to the school and slapped the the teacher with them. Believe me, he just walked into the classroom and did it in front of the class.

He was my hero then and still is.

aah, how nice to have a hero!

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The only thing worse than this idiot hitting the kids is the "system" which will do absolutely nothing from preventing this sort of phrehistoric assanine behavior from happening again in this backward country

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3 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

I guess that means you're grateful they didn't beat you to death!

in all of my years at school i witnessed the canning of many boys.  not least my self :)  however they never beat any of the boys to death as that was seen as extreme and i guess unlawful.  

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When I was 14 or 15 at school we had a sports afternoon. All the equipment was set up and we were all told to not touch it or play with it.

Being schoolboys some of us including me started mucking about with the shot-put balls and were seen doing so.

We were taken in front of the Headmaster and were given punishment in the way of staying behind after the sports day and cleaning all the equipment for three days afterwards.

Next year we didn't touch anything.

The only person who could slap me on the ear was my dad and it didn't happen that often but when it did I deserved it and took it to heart.

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3 minutes ago, Lingba said:

The only thing worse than this idiot hitting the kids is the "system" which will do absolutely nothing from preventing this sort of phrehistoric assanine behavior from happening again in this backward country

oh!  surely there are many things worse than punishing school kids?  i consider that the UK was very developed  when corporal punishment was the norm in schools during the 60s and 70s. yet according to your logic i lived in  a backward country.  also during that period children were much more disciplined  and eduction standards were much higher.  seems i have everything mixed up!

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1 minute ago, overherebc said:

When I was 14 or 15 at school we had a sports afternoon. All the equipment was set up and we were all told to not touch it or play with it.

Being schoolboys some of us including me started mucking about with the shot-put balls and were seen doing so.

We were taken in front of the Headmaster and were given punishment in the way of staying behind after the sports day and cleaning all the equipment for three days afterwards.

Next year we didn't touch anything.

The only person who could slap me on the ear was my dad and it didn't happen that often but when it did I deserved it and took it to heart.

so violence is ok if  carried out by a family member.  ok, got ya!

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A total of 21 children were attacked by the teacher on Wednesday.
Just beating 21 of his students.
Beat his students with a stick on their heads.
This is not a teacher but a sadist.
Such a psychopath has no place in any school.
He is a danger to the physical health of children and also the psychological effects cause long-term damages to children. Hope they expel him pronto.

Edited by tomacht8
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10 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Tell me about it, 5 uniforms a week, I only know what day of the week it is because of my sons uniform. Yes they have to join the scouts,even the teachers are dressed up in scouts uniform

new term2.JPG

The poor little guy is in deep XXXX...where are all the badges? lol

My son just has three...the regular uniform (3 times per week), PE uniform and scout uniform. What else is there?

Scouts seems a waste of time and should be kept for kids who choose to do that outside of school....apart tying knots, I don't see them doing much real scouting. I doubt they could pitch a tent to save themselves. 

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9 minutes ago, jonesthebaker said:

so violence is ok if  carried out by a family member.  ok, got ya!

A quick slap ( or cuff ) on the ear from your dad, that is not that painfull and is just a way of saying 'don't be so bloody stupid' isn't that bad.

Hitting someone on the head with a stick is a whole different ball game.

I realise you are what we term 'a wind up merchant' from your answers but I'm just going with the flow.


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The real pathetic part of this I don't see discussed yet .... that the director "set up a committee" cuz s/he can't take responsibility for whatever actions or non-actions are brought against the teacher. Most Thais in decision-making positions are allergic to actually making any decisions because they bristle at responsibility.. Foist it off on a committee so any blame is diluted.

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About 7 years ago... at the age of 14....our daughter was told to colour her hair black...because it wasn't "black enough"...Can you imagine that these "teachers" are ruling?!...I went to that school and told the director that I would publish this story in "The Bangkok Post"...and so there was (suddenly) no need any more.  (By the way, the girl is a real Thai...no farang genes involved).  How crazy are these uniformed monkey's to impose such things?...

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