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Video: Ubon teacher faces the sack for putting shoes on boy's head


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20 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

So beating a child is excusable but putting shoes on their heads !!! OMG sack that animal immediately....

Ambivalent about this. It certainly seems less harsh than beating him black and blue with a cane or any other such physical punishment. Sometimes a cocky male kid may need to be embarrassed to get behaviour improved. When we have older versions of him getting into machete fights, beating up girlfriends, road rage attacks etc etc where TV frequently feel the Thai male ego is at fault, it has been left too late to correct behaviour.

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11 hours ago, greenchair said:

Seriously. Calm down people. 

Try working in a high school. 

Thai or western, the kids are horendous. 

Well done teacher. 

I hear what you are saying. I go to my daughter's school as a parent and some of those older lads..

They become accustomed to get away with bad behaviour towards farang teachers, but I am not a farang teacher and let them know it. Get in my face and get it right back...

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16 hours ago, badlad said:

some teachers here do consider themselves to be demigods and much too self important to be teaching  kids

Doctors are much the same. Take this, don't eat that, don't ask questions. Unfortunately the people treat them like demigods so it'll never change until their attitude changes.





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1 hour ago, baboon said:

I hear what you are saying. I go to my daughter's school as a parent and some of those older lads..

They become accustomed to get away with bad behaviour towards farang teachers, but I am not a farang teacher and let them know it. Get in my face and get it right back...

Yep, and they are big boys too. 

It doesn't say what the kids did either. There was a group of them. 

Sometimes they form gangs and cause all sorts of problems and all the good kids can't learn. 


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58 minutes ago, greenchair said:

Yep, and they are big boys too. 

It doesn't say what the kids did either. There was a group of them. 

Sometimes they form gangs and cause all sorts of problems and all the good kids can't learn. 


Seriously= get a new job!

And after that: get a life!

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2 hours ago, Keesters said:

Doctors are much the same. Take this, don't eat that, don't ask questions. Unfortunately the people treat them like demigods so it'll never change until their attitude changes.

Bankers too!! 

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On 8/5/2017 at 9:47 AM, z42 said:

Cue the weepy apology (with additional inane sob story). Some (false) wai's, some offers of money to the boy's parents, an apology to the parents and the public (but not the boy), and maybe a transfer.. But sacked, i'd bet my house on that not happening ?

Don't bet your house on it. That teacher will be sacked

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15 hours ago, greenchair said:

Seriously. Calm down people. 

Try working in a high school. 

Thai or western, the kids are horendous. 

Well done teacher. 

Ha Ha nobody fell for your inane comment. Only me.

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I can't understand parents accepting the way of punishment that happens in schools in Thailand....

if there is no other way as authorities responsible for education are doing nothing i would beat up the teacher to hell !

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17 hours ago, billmichael said:

I do not mean anything by this nor do I want to start anything but if you hate Thailand so much why are you there...???  I have always thought that when you are a guest in someone's home (or country) you abide by their rules ad respect their customs.  I see a lot of this here in the comments section from people who are quick to call Thais "stupid" or "backwards" or whatever when there are plenty of other countries they could move to.

Maybe because a lot of Thai people are stupid or backwards, as they are in any country, but this is a forum about Thailand. As for being guests, I treat my guests with respect and certainly don't take any opportunity (inspired by Thai government double+ charging) to rip off my guests. I go out of my way to treat my guests well, not take advantage of them.

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18 hours ago, balo said:

This whole country is doomed , stupidity anywhere you look. 


Yes, balo, it appears to be so but then even in advanced country too you see stupidity, example going to fight a war in a foreign country then came home and commit suicide. The latest figure average 20 veterans committed suicide per day that's the statistic I read recently.

A clever soldier will run away because he doesn't want to be sent to do some stupid task for people who keep their sons sound and safe at home while you go and get killed for nothing. That's not patriotic far from it, that's stupidity.

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19 hours ago, billmichael said:

I do not mean anything by this nor do I want to start anything but if you hate Thailand so much why are you there...???  I have always thought that when you are a guest in someone's home (or country) you abide by their rules ad respect their customs.  I see a lot of this here in the comments section from people who are quick to call Thais "stupid" or "backwards" or whatever when there are plenty of other countries they could move to.

Absolute rubbish comment. Where do I say I hate Thailand. You tell me what's worse putting shoes on children is bad because of cultural sensitivity or beating them. Both are bad and both are stupid. This DOES NOT mean I hate Thailand. Been here more than a decade.

Quote "you abide by their rules ad respect their customs." Did you read the article?

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1 hour ago, madusa said:

Yes, balo, it appears to be so but then even in advanced country too you see stupidity, example going to fight a war in a foreign country then came home and commit suicide. The latest figure average 20 veterans committed suicide per day that's the statistic I read recently.

A clever soldier will run away because he doesn't want to be sent to do some stupid task for people who keep their sons sound and safe at home while you go and get killed for nothing. That's not patriotic far from it, that's stupidity.

That made no sense whatsoever. 

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22 hours ago, greenchair said:

Seriously. Calm down people. 

Try working in a high school. 

Thai or western, the kids are horendous. 

Well done teacher. 


You condone the teacher making the child prostrate, then placing a pair of shoes quite forcefully on his head and neck and the making him prostrate, wai and grovel in a very public area?



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22 hours ago, mikiea said:

no you are for not making a attempt to understand .


And what was there to understand. You have to understand that for example beating over 20 people in the head with a stick, must be considered more evil than placing shoes on somebody.
I am well aware of whats very bad and considered that out of tradition och lifestyle, but it´s high time to compare and understand todays reality.

Both things are wrong and should never happened, but really! Ask yourself again. What is there more to understand?

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In Thailand culture  the head is the highest place in the body and the feet the lowest.

  It is a great insult to put the shoes on the head because of this. More insulting if you

are a student who Is supposed to be educated by a teacher, not insulted by them.

  This is why so many people are affected by this story. Shame on that teacher, who

deserves to lose their job.


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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


You condone the teacher making the child prostrate, then placing a pair of shoes quite forcefully on his head and neck and the making him prostrate, wai and grovel in a very public area?



Sounds awful, doesn't it?

However does the teacher deserve to lose her job and pension rights? What happened is so easy to condemn, but I could fire back with 'Well you deal with the little scrotes, then', which you will have to one way or another if you live here.


It is all very well to pay teachers, prison guards et al for doing what we don't want to do. However they require support and a little slack cut at times - these are stressful jobs we are talking about. 


Maybe this teacher was out and out in the wrong; I don't know. But I think judgement should be reserved until we hear both sides of the story.

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10 hours ago, manhood said:

I can't understand parents accepting the way of punishment that happens in schools in Thailand....

if there is no other way as authorities responsible for education are doing nothing i would beat up the teacher to hell !

And then go to prison for a long time. After that, face possible deportation and blacklisting. Now what help would you be to your family here?

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On 8/5/2017 at 2:04 PM, TVGerry said:

"faces the sack" 


Please! Who are these idiots trying to fool? She'll get off with a slap on the wrist. If you can break someone's face with a coffee mug and get off scott free, what's a little shoe on a kid's head?

shoes belong to the lowest part of the body, even pointing at someone with your feet is 'not done' someone steps into a temple with shoes on, and refuses to get them off ....out and fined big money......this is humiliation at the very baddest way.

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On 05/08/2017 at 11:16 AM, canuckamuck said:

Three kids in the hospital and another 18 were also whacked in the head with bamboo. But that teacher will only be investigated.

This teacher put the kid's own shoes on his head and she is fired without question.


You can beat our kids and injure them, but don't you dare make them lose face.

YES.  Exactly.   One English phrase that does not have a Thai  equivalent would be "Sticks and stones may break my bone but names will never hurt me."  This irrational Asian obsession with face seems to be at its ridiculous worst in LOS.  

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