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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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9 hours ago, KunMatt said:


No, I just know the truth and where this will all end up. And at the time you cannot hide from the truth anymore I will still believe the same thing and be on the right side of this.


You won't.


Are you a celestial being? Three-eyed raven? Or just the old tried-n-true crystal ball gazer?

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57 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Are you a celestial being? Three-eyed raven? Or just the old tried-n-true crystal ball gazer?

Pssst, ask him for the lottery numbers. I did. I already bought myself a new Tv in anticipation of a windfall. I'm holding off on the new car till I actually win.

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KunMatt gets his news from InfoWars. You can tell the character of the man by the company he keeps.
Don't drink from the toilet.
The alt-right is desperate to have Antifa designated a terrorist group. Wishful thinking won't do it.
Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

I've said twice now what I think of Infowars, so you're wrong. You can keep trying though if you think it helps you.

And Antifa (a group who you said you'd never even heard of yestetday) are a terrorist group. They use threats and violence for their agenda. And they are lying about their cause. They don't really oppose racism, sexism or fascism, they really exist to oppose Trump and his supporters.

You'll be seeing and hearing a lot more about them from now on. None of it will be good cuz they are not able to hide behind this false pretence of being peaceful, tolerant protest group anymore. They are a militant, extremist hate group and now all eyes are on them.
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1 hour ago, JCauto said:

Yes, it's not that complicated, and thanks for clarifying. So here's the two groups for comparison.

Group 1: Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists. Believe in establishing an Ethno-State in the USA, where only White people are allowed. Preparing for an upcoming war they hope to spark. Actively campaigning to build their movement from the dark side of the internet to where they can be out in the open and push for legitimacy. Believe in killing other people to achieve their goals and have done so on numerous occasions. Comprise approximately 2/3 of the domestic terrorism incidents in the USA over the last 9 years.

Group 2: Antifa. Believe in fighting only against racism, sexism and Anti-Semitism. Confine their activities to confronting Group 1 and similarly-minded people. Will use violence as a tool, but will not cross the line into killing. Actively campaigning to increase their numbers as well, but are not a political movement. Have caused some minor property damage and assaulted some individuals, none of whom have been severely injured or killed. No record of domestic terrorism in the USA over the last 9 years.


And you hate Group 2 more than Group 1. Yep, clear.

THIS is clarity. Respect.

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Yes, it's not that complicated, and thanks for clarifying. So here's the two groups for comparison.

Group 1: Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists. Believe in establishing an Ethno-State in the USA, where only White people are allowed. Preparing for an upcoming war they hope to spark. Actively campaigning to build their movement from the dark side of the internet to where they can be out in the open and push for legitimacy. Believe in killing other people to achieve their goals and have done so on numerous occasions. Comprise approximately 2/3 of the domestic terrorism incidents in the USA over the last 9 years.

Group 2: Antifa. Believe in fighting only against racism, sexism and Anti-Semitism. Confine their activities to confronting Group 1 and similarly-minded people. Will use violence as a tool, but will not cross the line into killing. Actively campaigning to increase their numbers as well, but are not a political movement. Have caused some minor property damage and assaulted some individuals, none of whom have been severely injured or killed. No record of domestic terrorism in the USA over the last 9 years.
And you hate Group 2 more than Group 1. Yep, clear.

You are wrong with your biased summary of Antifa. You are just relaying their lies and propaganda.

This is who Antifa really are and why I deem them as a bigger threat than the alt or far right.

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5 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


You are wrong with your biased summary of Antifa. You are just relaying their lies and propaganda.

This is who Antifa really are and why I deem them as a bigger threat than the alt or far right.




FYI, Jerome Corsi is Washington Bureau Chief for Infowars.





And the "Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation, Inc." sounds "reliable", but looks quite creepy.




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5 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


FYI, Jerome Corsi is Washington Bureau Chief for Infowars.





And the "Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation, Inc." sounds "reliable", but looks quite creepy.




KunMatt has already said he doesn't care for InfoWars, and I believe him.


But it's kinda like the guy who says he hates Gonorrhea.

"I hate gonorrhea!"

"Do you *have* gonorrhea?"

"Well yes, but that's not the point; I hate gonorrhea!"

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KunMatt has already said he doesn't care for InfoWars, and I believe him.
But it's kinda like the guy who says he hates Gonorrhea.
"I hate gonorrhea!"
"Do you *have* gonorrhea?"
"Well yes, but that's not the point; I hate gonorrhea!"

You're the guy who says you are against hate groups but then says you love a militant hate group.

I didn't know that guy worked for Infowars because I don't follow or read Infowars.

Pretty obvious I would've thought.
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You're the guy who says you are against hate groups but then says you love a militant hate group.

I didn't know that guy worked for Infowars because I don't follow or read Infowars.

Pretty obvious I would've thought.

Man give it up. You've zero credibility and are now just talking in circles.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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29 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


You are wrong with your biased summary of Antifa. You are just relaying their lies and propaganda.

This is who Antifa really are and why I deem them as a bigger threat than the alt or far right.



You are wrong with your biased summary of Antifa, says the guy who then quotes Jerome Corsi of Infowars.

You sure showed me! This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

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1 minute ago, KunMatt said:


You're the guy who says you are against hate groups but then says you love a militant hate group.

I didn't know that guy worked for Infowars because I don't follow or read Infowars.

Pretty obvious I would've thought.


You are really on a tear to be as wrong as possible using the fewest number of words. If you're playing some kind of game, you're pretty good at it.


I never said I love any group.

Antifa are not a hate group. DHS, FBI, etc have not designated them as such. You and the likes of InfoWars are the only ones who have designated them as such. You guys are eating your own BS and then burping it out as fact.


Whether you read/support/know the people involved at Inforw

ars or not, you are parroting exactly the same loony conspiracies they are spewing.


Oh, and you do know you're not supposed to drink the water, right?—it's turning the frogs gay. Just a friendly reminder, since you don't follow InfoWars. I do, because they're hilarious.

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1 hour ago, KunMatt said:

They don't really oppose racism, sexism or fascism, they really exist to oppose Trump and his supporters.


They really oppose racism, sexism and fascism, so in effect, they really exist to oppose and expose, Trump and his supporters.


There. Cleaned that up for you.

You were almost there.  :thumbsup:


They've got you runnin' scared haven't they?


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17 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Is he? That's news to me.

But the article isn't wrong, is it?

It's an opinion piece, not an article.


It's difficult to call opinions wrong.  For example, I could express the opinion that if the communists in the Weimar Republic in Germany had been more aggressive (violent) in opposing the Nazi's, World War II would not have happened.  Would that be wrong?

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39 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

You are wrong with your biased summary of Antifa. You are just relaying their lies and propaganda.
This is who Antifa really are and why I deem them as a bigger threat than the alt or far right.


From your link, the featured guest writer:


Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.

Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., currently serves as Washington Bureau Chief for Infowars.com. 

Previously, Dr. Corsi worked for 12 years as a Senior Staff Reporter for WND.com, previously World Net Daily, from 2004 through January 2017. 


WND makes Brietbart look like People Magazine.


You are just relaying their lies and propaganda.


From the guy who continually dismisses InfoWars.



Credibility: -O

Love it when youse guys expose your source of "information". :thumbsup:

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both groups equally to blame….period.
take away their right to assembly and ban both for 18 months.

One group had a license to protest. Another group (you know who) turned up to illegally riot and provoke a fight, which they got.
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10 minutes ago, KunMatt said:
13 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:
both groups equally to blame….period.
take away their right to assembly and ban both for 18 months.


One group had a license to protest. Another group (you know who) turned up to illegally riot and provoke a fight, which they got.


Good. Now there's three of you. Still not enough for a circle jerk, but you're getting there. Good luck fellas, enjoy!

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58 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


You are wrong with your biased summary of Antifa. You are just relaying their lies and propaganda.

This is who Antifa really are and why I deem them as a bigger threat than the alt or far right.



Jerome Corsi is the author of that article.  Quite a guy. Among other things, even after Obama's live birth certificate was produced, he still questionied Obama's birthplace.





And the website he posted on gets no ratings from independent charity evaluators. You sure do pick 'em.

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2 hours ago, KunMatt said:

I didn't know that guy worked for Infowars because I don't follow or read Infowars.


Of course you do.


It has been the basis of your conjecture.



This is who Antifa really are and why I deem them as a bigger threat than the alt or far right.


And now you come along and say; Jeez, I dunno who the guy is...


Laughable. Truly.


If it wasn't so pathetically disingenuous.



Edited by iReason
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Yes, it's not that complicated, and thanks for clarifying. So here's the two groups for comparison.

Group 1: Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists. Believe in establishing an Ethno-State in the USA, where only White people are allowed. Preparing for an upcoming war they hope to spark. Actively campaigning to build their movement from the dark side of the internet to where they can be out in the open and push for legitimacy. Believe in killing other people to achieve their goals and have done so on numerous occasions. Comprise approximately 2/3 of the domestic terrorism incidents in the USA over the last 9 years.

Group 2: Antifa. Believe in fighting only against racism, sexism and Anti-Semitism. Confine their activities to confronting Group 1 and similarly-minded people. Will use violence as a tool, but will not cross the line into killing. Actively campaigning to increase their numbers as well, but are not a political movement. Have caused some minor property damage and assaulted some individuals, none of whom have been severely injured or killed. No record of domestic terrorism in the USA over the last 9 years.
And you hate Group 2 more than Group 1. Yep, clear.

Re:Group 1's desired ethnostate. Not just white only they want it jew-free. The most ancient and persistent of the thoroughly discredited conspiracy theories. If you have the intestinal fortitude to sit through 20+ minutes without puking watch the VICE documentary video that went up with some of the organizers, David Duke and the like. Sounds like they motivated more by antisemitism than anything else
Absolute Un-American Nazi scum, nothing to do with Conservatism.
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Of course you do.
It has been the basis of your conjecture.
This is who Antifa really are and why I deem them as a bigger threat than the alt or far right.
And now you come along and say; Jeez, I dunno who the guy is...
Laughable. Truly.
If it wasn't so pathetically disingenuous.

You think I would've posted that if I'd known the author was from Infowars?? It proves I don't follow Infowars.

And it changes nothing. I still refuse to support any violent hate group on either side like the guy said I must. Unlike you all who support a far-left militant hate group.
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14 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


You think I would've posted that if I'd known the author was from Infowars?? It proves I don't follow Infowars.

And it changes nothing. I still refuse to support any violent hate group on either side like the guy said I must. Unlike you all who support a far-left militant hate group.


You're twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to follow the Alt-Right playbook. I hope that this is indeed reflective of a confused mind who doesn't understand fully what BS he's been fed. Unfortunately I suspect not given the proven disingenuousness of your posts. 


It's always a surprise to me to discover how deep the roots of prejudice and extremism run, and how well they mesh with conspiracy theories. I suppose none of you ever question why you're in Thailand, home to an entire nation of people whom you'd as soon toss out of the USA given half a chance.

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39 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

You think I would've posted that if I'd known the author was from Infowars?? It proves I don't follow Infowars.


"It proves I don't follow Infowars." :blink:


It proves,

#1 That you have no foundation. Considering the fact that you don't even know the source of your suppositions.

#2 That indeed you follow, and indeed parrot, InfoWars.


Imagine after listening to someone, anyone, who when asked the biographical background of their source that formed said opinion, replied:

Gee, dunno. I read sumpthin' but, i dunno who the guy is. Never checked.


Even tho' the information is right there on the page...




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we heard from the governor and POTUS...
a dozen times already....

Trump Trump.....

what about from Guterres????

been in office a week or so longer than Trumpie.... 

has the bigger job title... I'm impressed....


he's the silent type. or maybe just "shy" like Thai children.... when they are in a classroom.

why does he get a total free pass on this terrible horrific event?

it's in his terf too.  supposed to be.


I mean... if Trump has to be drilled on it for hours and hours on end....

why not *****Guterres****** too.... if just for relief or the fun of it.




Edited by maewang99
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28 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

You think I would've posted that if I'd known the author was from Infowars?? It proves I don't follow Infowars.

In whiney voice: "...but mom, I never went looking for InfoWars. It's not MY fault if InfoWars keeps finding ME!"

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1 minute ago, maewang99 said:

we heard from the governor and POTUS...
a dozen times already....

Trump Trump.....

what about from Guterres????

been in office a week or so longer than Trumpie.... 

has the bigger job title... I'm impressed....


he's the silent type. or maybe just "shy" like Thai children.... when they are in a classroom.

why does he get a total free pass on this terrible horrific event?

compared to Trump.


Since you couldn't be citing someone as irrelevant to this situation as the Secretary General of the United Nations, who is it whose name you are invoking?

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You're twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to follow the Alt-Right playbook. I hope that this is indeed reflective of a confused mind who doesn't understand fully what BS he's been fed. Unfortunately I suspect not given the proven disingenuousness of your posts. 
It's always a surprise to me to discover how deep the roots of prejudice and extremism run, and how well they mesh with conspiracy theories. I suppose none of you ever question why you're in Thailand, home to an entire nation of people whom you'd as soon toss out of the USA given half a chance.

I'm not alt-right. You keep trying to categorise me simply because I don't agree with you. I'm also not a conspiracy theorist. In fact I spend far too much time arguing with CT about their idiotic conspiracies, especially ones that follow Alex Jones and David Icke.

I got my opinion on Antifa by first seeing lots of footage of them on Liveleak and YouTube with no narrative. I then subsequently saw all of the MSM try to paint Antifa as peaceful, tolerant counter protesters which is the exact opposite to everything I'd seen with all the masked and armed mobs rioting and using violence and threats against anyone that they disagreed with.

So there is a difference to how the pro-left media presents Antifa compared to what they actually do. You all believe the MSM because what Antifa are really like hasn't been in the news very much. Until now. I've no doubt that their true colours will be shown now they are in the public eye and they will be confirmed as a terrorist group by the U.S.

No matter what I say or give to you nothing will change your mind because you are happy to support Antifa, even though they are terrorists, as they are doing your bidding and pushing your anti-Trump agenda. Last night I posted a link by NJ Homeland Security government website showing that Antifa are not a peaceful, tolerance counter protest group but you all argued it.

They are a hate group and they are the cause of the rising tensions in the US and this is all leading to a civil war because of Antifa.

And no matter how much you tell me I have to, I will not support an extreme hate group. It's a shame you all can't say the same but I am curious about what you will all say in the future about them when the truth comes out.

Like I said, I'm happy to wait it out to be proven right.

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