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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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6 minutes ago, iReason said:

Hate groups you say?


Donald Trump's father was arrested at Ku Klux Klan riot in New York in 1927, records reveal


"In Queens, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighbourhood,

eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which seven men were arrested."


"One of those arrested was Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Road in Jamaica. This is Donald Trump's father."


"The Fred Trump at Devonshire Road was the Fred C. Trump who lived there with his mother, according to the 1930 Census"








again pathetic, he isnt his father but then again the democrats formed the KKK originally so why dont you blame them too

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9 minutes ago, Opl said:
I have a doubt ... neo-Nazis or anti-racists ?  who came armed with bats, shields, automatic rifles ...? I thought those were the neo-nazis ... and what about the terrorist who killed a woman and wounded dozens of demonstrators ... was he neo-Nazi or anti-racist? Finally, I believe that hatred and violence have chosen their side

antifa came armed as well or are you ignoring that, the fact they wear masks says a real lot about them, strange that you refuse to accept the truth about these cretins,  doesnt suit your agenda  I suppose

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5 minutes ago, seajae said:

hahahas, using a US traitors quote, tell me again how many US deaths was he responsible for, he had to chase a pardon for his crimes while serving, using him is an absolute slap in the face to any decent americans

So the Republican Party twice put up as their candidate for president, traitors?

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37 minutes ago, seajae said:

again pathetic, he isnt his father but then again the democrats formed the KKK originally so why dont you blame them too


Weak deflection.



Sure is.

Fred's mother's address is right there from the Census Report.

Same address given when he was arrested.



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28 minutes ago, seajae said:

Cant believe how pathetic US voters are these days, they lose an election then all they do is whinge and try to cause so much crap to happen, while backing groups that attack and kill people but refuse to denigrate them, you are pathetic,


"try to cause so much crap to happen, while backing groups that attack and kill people"


Hysterical gibberish.


Just making stuff up.


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‘I'm glad that girl died’ during Virginia protest, says NC KKK leader


"I’m sorta glad that them people got hit and I’m glad that girl died,” Moore said in a voicemail to WBTV.”


“Nothing makes us more proud at the KKK than we see white patriots such as James Fields Jr, age 20, taking his car and running over nine communist anti-fascist, killing one (expletive)-lover named Heather Heyer,” the recorded message says.


“James Fields hail victory. It’s men like you that have made the great white race strong and will be strong again.”



Well, apologists?

Spin that.

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19 hours ago, Dipterocarp said:

Re:Group 1's desired ethnostate. Not just white only they want it jew-free. The most ancient and persistent of the thoroughly discredited conspiracy theories. If you have the intestinal fortitude to sit through 20+ minutes without puking watch the VICE documentary video that went up with some of the organizers, David Duke and the like. Sounds like they motivated more by antisemitism than anything else
Absolute Un-American Nazi scum, nothing to do with Conservatism.



The guy featured in the above Vice news vid who strutted a lot of bravado in front of the diminutive female reporter? Turns out he is now afraid to leave his home and is just a scaredy little crybaby. There's your white supremacist for you:



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1 hour ago, thehelmsman said:

The thread is about Trump, not his lineage.


This thread is about hate groups and condemning them.

And the hypocritical LIAR occupying the White House.


Truth hurts?



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1 hour ago, thehelmsman said:

The thread is about Trump, not his lineage.


Case Name    United States v. Fred C. Trump, Donald Trump, and Trump Management, Inc.    FH-NY-0024
Docket / Court    73-1529 ( E.D.N.Y. )    Save Case
State/Territory    New York    
Case Type(s)    Fair Housing/Lending/Insurance
Attorney Organization    U.S. Dept. of Justice Civil Rights Division


Case Summary


This case was brought against Fred and Donald Trump, and their real estate company, in 1973 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York. We are working to obtain the relevant documents. In the meantime, the facts in the summary are from an article by Michael Kranish and Robert Robert O'Harrow Jr. in the Washington Post, Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it (Jan. 23, 2016). 


In October 1973, the Justice Department filed this civil rights case in federal court in Brooklyn against Fred Trump, Donald Trump, and their real estate company. The complaint alleged that the firm had committed systemic violations of the Fair Housing Act of 1968 in their many complexes--39 buildings, between them containing over 14,000 apartments. The allegations included evidence from black and white "testers" who had sought to rent apartments; the white testers were told of vacancies; the black testers were not, or were steered to apartment complexes with a higher proportion of racial minorities. The complaint also alleged that Trump employees had placed codes next to housing applicant names to indicate if they were black. 


The Trumps retained Roy Cohn, former aide to Senator Joseph McCarthy, to defend them; they counter-claimed against the government, seeking $100 million in damages for defamation.









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6 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

The guy featured in the above Vice news vid who strutted a lot of bravado in front of the diminutive female reporter? Turns out he is now afraid to leave his home and is just a scaredy little crybaby. There's your white supremacist for you:



"I don't know what to do. I need guidance"



What a whining little twerp. Wanted to dress up and play neo-Nazi and recieved the consequences.

Som nam naa.

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3 minutes ago, iReason said:

"I don't know what to do. I need guidance"



What a whining little twerp. Wanted to dress up and play neo-Nazi and recieved the consequences.

Som nam naa.

When he goes to jail, he'll make some lucky guy very happy by being his good little b!tch.

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An unusual pivot amongst our racist friends on this thread is the sudden emergence of a Yellow-White alliance. Seems all of those in favour of equating the KKK and Neo-Nazis with BLM and Antifa draw a direct parallel to the Yellow-Red conflict. I suppose I can see some minor similarities, but I would in no way equate the actions and ideals of the Yellows, however much I am disappointed in their acceptance of the Junta, with these racist scum. It does however lend more credence to my opinion as to which side is on the correct side of history with respect to Thailand.

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An unusual pivot amongst our racist friends on this thread is the sudden emergence of a Yellow-White alliance. Seems all of those in favour of equating the KKK and Neo-Nazis with BLM and Antifa draw a direct parallel to the Yellow-Red conflict. I suppose I can see some minor similarities, but I would in no way equate the actions and ideals of the Yellows, however much I am disappointed in their acceptance of the Junta, with these racist scum. It does however lend more credence to my opinion as to which side is on the correct side of history with respect to Thailand.

Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong.

I said none of those things. It's quite stunning how much you tried to twist what I actually said to smear me.

What I said was the Red shirts called themselves "Peaceful protesters" and the media believed them even though they were really violent thugs, exactly what Antifa are doing now.

You lied so many times about what I actually said that you certainly owe me an apology for these lies:

I'm not racist.
I don't equate KKK/Nazis and Antifa/BLM.
I don't support the junta.

Now, apologise.
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5 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong.

I said none of those things. It's quite stunning how much you tried to twist what I actually said to smear me.

What I said was the Red shirts called themselves "Peaceful protesters" and the media believed them even though they were really violent thugs, exactly what Antifa are doing now.

You lied so many times about what I actually said that you certainly owe me an apology for these lies:

I'm not racist.
I don't equate KKK/Nazis and Antifa/BLM.
I don't support the junta.

Now, apologise.


You are drawing parallels, equivocating. It's one of the new methods of debate that the Alt-Right is raising to an artform. You make a number of presumptions that are in no way universally accepted (for example, that the Reds were violent thugs, when in fact the majority were genuinely disgruntled and disenfranchised and peaceful protesters), then draw parallels to other untrue things, such as that BLM are violent thugs. There is no evidence to suggest that, and you've consistently been asked to provide it and have not done so, you just keep repeating it like a mantra. Of course, we haven't got a crystal ball like you do to tell us what's about to happen, so you have to give us the benefit of the doubt...

You have been consistently equating the KKK/Neo-Nazis/White Supremacists and the Antifa/BLM throughout your posts; to attempt to pretend you haven't removes any small scrap of credibility you may have achieved. In fact, in one of your classics, you claimed Antifa was WORSE than the White Supremacists. People here can read, you know. 

Apologize? 555555555

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13 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

I don't equate KKK/Nazis and Antifa/BLM.



You've been doing it for days.



KunMatt Posted 12 hours ago

I've said since the very beginning, my whole point for replying to you, was that I condemn all hate groups, so I condemn the KKK, Nazis and Antifa.

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Racists like to protest they aren't racist and fascists try to kid themselves they aren't fascists


Some comments here remind me of Roger Mcgough's poem...


"there are
to be

           on a healthkick
           eating only

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15 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

A step closer to the inevitable:


I was right from the beginning to condemn all of the hate groups on both sides.

What is this supposed to prove?

You earlier stated that Antifa are a terrorist organization. The link you provided at the time showed NOTHING of the sort. You lied.


The link you now provide is merely a petition. Proves zilch. Go back to the drawing board.


Do you know what other petition is at that site, one with SEVEN times as many signatures? It's a petition asking Trump to release his tax returns. Dated February. Has he got around to releasing his tax returns? Will he ever?

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