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Backlash against Trump intensifies after his comments on Virginia violence


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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

Over at CNN the spinbois are having a field day….no one can get a word in in defence of trump. 

black woman got shouted down. A lot of these pundits have no idea why the voters have rejected 

politicians. The spinbois still don't get it. Most people are sick of cnn too.

What's with the CNN obsession?  You know you Trump boys only watch Fox News.  It only upsets you when you hear the truth about Trump.

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Well there is one thing that Trump can rely on and that is Bannon backing him up on his White Nationalist boys.  I mean Bannon is not going to come out and call them clowns and losers now is he?  he wouldn't stab his old mate Donald in the back like that would he?  Really what are the chances of Bannon giving an interview to the left leaning mag "The American Prospect" talking about the in-fighting in the Whitehouse.   Must be fake news :wink:

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47 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Who knows what this means? But Trump has already appointed one Supreme Court Justice who clearly has no respect for the working class. 

Yes, that's the "beauty" of the man-child's base. Due to (I suppose) their hatred for the "elites" they actually vote for the person who has cared the least for their worries and has absolutely NO respect for them.

Mind boggling!!

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14 hours ago, JCauto said:

As the Confederate General used to say "Jews will not replace us!"

White supremacists can sleep well at night, the Jews will not replace them to embody such a level of bestiality

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44 minutes ago, bristolgeoff said:

he said both sides are at fault so what did he say wrong.he was on no ones side

So, does Trump get trapped when  extreme-right leaders Anne Coulter, David Duke, Richard Spencer praise and cheer him for his repeated words of appeasement? 


"Vice documentary vividly shows that the white nationalists who came to Charlottesville did so in ravenous pursuit of violence. It was the whole point of “Unite the Right,” not an unfortunate side effect. Violence was the reason these people showed up, and it provided the animating logic that held together their otherwise incoherent ideas."


Edited by Opl
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Donald Trump quietly slashed funds to groups fighting white supremacy months ago



Donald Trump's decision to slash funding to counter right-wing extremism in the US is facing fresh scrutiny in the wake of the Charlottesville violence that left three people dead. 

The US President froze $10 million (£7.7m) of grants destined to fight violent extremism in the US back in May. 

More than 30 organisations had been pegged by former President Barack Obama’s office to receive the funding, but the White House put the grants on hold pending review soon after Mr Trump took office. 



It's all going to come out in the wash Donald !!

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It amazes me how the left and the media continue to hammer President Trump. As far as Trump is concerned, it goes in one ear and the out the other. When he wins re-election, you'll see a bunch on crying on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and the print media. It only makes Trump stronger and the left weaker!

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5 hours ago, tomwct said:

It amazes me how the left and the media continue to hammer President Trump. As far as Trump is concerned, it goes in one ear and the out the other. When he wins re-election, you'll see a bunch on crying on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and the print media. It only makes Trump stronger and the left weaker!

So, are you saying, as Trump says; 'winning is everything'?   Pol Pot and Stalin would like that.


7 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

he said both sides are at fault so what did he say wrong.he was on no ones side

The two sides were not equal.  One side sowed hate, violence and racism.  the other side was a counter-demonstration.

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Tim Cook:

We must not witness or permit such hate and bigotry in our country, and we must be unequivocal about it. This is not about the left or the right, conservative or liberal. It is about human decency and morality. I disagree with the president and others who believe that there is a moral equivalence between white supremacists and Nazis, and those who oppose them by standing up for human rights. Equating the two runs counter to our ideals as Americans.

Regardless of your political views, we must all stand together on this one point — that we are all equal. As a company, through our actions, our products and our voice, we will always work to ensure that everyone is treated equally and with respect.



This is where we’ve gotten to: A corporate CEO felt the need to denounce Nazism — f*cking Nazism — because the president of the United States won’t.

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Josh Marshall:


I confess I had a small degree of surprise that the events of the weekend — as horrifying and tragic as they are — have had quite the effect on people they seem to have had. This is not to diminish them. It is only to say that I do not think they should be so surprising. I don’t think they should amount to a revelation that shifts our basic understanding of things. We have if not a growing white supremacist movement in the US at least an increasingly vocal and emboldened one. They both made Trump possible and have in turn been energized and emboldened by his success. He reacts this way because he is one of them. He is driven by the same view of the world, the same animus and grievances. What we’ve seen over the last five days is sickening and awful. The house is on fire. But it was on fire a week ago. It’s been on fire since November. The truth is indeed unimaginable and terrifying. But we need to accept the full truth of it if we are going to be able to save our country.



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21 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

virgina police confirmed that praesident trump was correct about radical left-wing violence, www.jewsnews.co.il




the text to make a link does not actually link to what you say. It does lead to a lunatic right wing Jewish newsletter, though, so I don't think we actually need the alleged article.

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1 hour ago, roobaa01 said:

virgina police confirmed that praesident trump was correct about radical left-wing violence, www.jewsnews.co.i


Is that right?


Not sure what "jewsnews" is but, they reference a "quote" they say was originally published on the far-right site:

The Independent Journal Review.

Which has been parroted on numerous other alt-right sites.


Here is The Independent Journal Review's link:



Where does it say, "virgina police confirmed that praesident [sic] trump was correct about radical left-wing violence"?

Nowhere to be found.


I did find this apt tid bit 'tho:


Donald Trump Takes His White Supremacist Ball and Goes Home

"A lot of people are heading for the lifeboats of the S.S. Trump."


"On the heels of a rash of resignations from the President's Manufacturing Council,

the business leaders who make up the President's Strategic and Policy Forum met Wednesday to discuss whether to continue

serving on the board after President Trump's defenses of white supremacists over the last few days."


"Now that his unpopularity is nose-diving into record-low territory, they are cutting their losses, as smart businesspeople are wont to do."






Edited by iReason
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17 hours ago, Berkshire said:

What are you defending exactly?  Most of America has abandoned Trump.  Here's a partial list:



Intel community

Business CEOs




Top athletes

Tech community



Congress, Dems and courageous Reps

and lastly...

decent Americans everywhere


What's left?  White supremacists, Nazis, rednecks, coal miners...who else?

Alt-right ThaiVisa members

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17 hours ago, Berkshire said:

What are you defending exactly?  Most of America has abandoned Trump.  Here's a partial list:



Intel community

Business CEOs




Top athletes

Tech community



Congress, Dems and courageous Reps

and lastly...

decent Americans everywhere


What's left?  White supremacists, Nazis, rednecks, coal miners...who else?


Kathy Roberts (‪@wrobertswriter‬)

18/8/17, 13:29

Man, when the Murdochs start saying you're immoral, you've reached Voldemort stage

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21st Century Fox's James Murdoch slams Trump: 'There are no good Nazis'


"These events remind us all why vigilance against hate and bigotry is an eternal obligation —

a necessary discipline for the preservation of our way of life and our ideals," Murdoch continues. "


"The presence of hate in our society was appallingly laid bare as we watched swastikas brandished on the streets of Charlottesville

and acts of brutal terrorism and violence perpetrated by a racist mob." 


"He also writes, "I can't even believe I have to write this: standing up to Nazis is essential; there are no good Nazis. Or Klansmen, or terrorists, Democrats, Republicans, and others must all agree on this, and it compromises nothing for them to do so."



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21st Century Fox's James Murdoch slams Trump: 'There are no good Nazis'
"These events remind us all why vigilance against hate and bigotry is an eternal obligation —
a necessary discipline for the preservation of our way of life and our ideals," Murdoch continues. "
"The presence of hate in our society was appallingly laid bare as we watched swastikas brandished on the streets of Charlottesville
and acts of brutal terrorism and violence perpetrated by a racist mob." 
"He also writes, "I can't even believe I have to write this: standing up to Nazis is essential; there are no good Nazis. Or Klansmen, or terrorists, Democrats, Republicans, and others must all agree on this, and it compromises nothing for them to do so."

Yeah, but they created the monster. Fox is sliding in the ratings and it's time to make a change is more like it.

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16 minutes ago, iReason said:

21st Century Fox's James Murdoch slams Trump: 'There are no good Nazis'


"These events remind us all why vigilance against hate and bigotry is an eternal obligation —

a necessary discipline for the preservation of our way of life and our ideals," Murdoch continues. "


"The presence of hate in our society was appallingly laid bare as we watched swastikas brandished on the streets of Charlottesville

and acts of brutal terrorism and violence perpetrated by a racist mob." 


"He also writes, "I can't even believe I have to write this: standing up to Nazis is essential; there are no good Nazis. Or Klansmen, or terrorists, Democrats, Republicans, and others must all agree on this, and it compromises nothing for them to do so."



Sure took him long enough. Fox has been dog-whistling to to white supremacists for over twenty years. Trump is the result.

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