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Fellow Republicans assail Trump after he defends Confederate monuments


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Charlottseville mayor Signer who had been for keeping the rebel monuments changes his mind in the wake of Nazi terrorism in his city --:thumbsup:




"I think that was one of those moments in the nation's history where everything turns," he said. "I've been likening it in my mind to Dylann Roof, and the water hoses on the peaceful protesters in Birmingham, or Joseph Welch confronting McCarthy, saying 'At long last, have you no decency?'"


"All of a sudden these statues of Civil War generals installed in the Jim Crow era, they became touchstones of terror," he continued, "the twisted totems that people are clearly drawn to, trying to create a whole architecture of intimidation and hatred around them that was visited around our town. It was evil."




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The monuments were not evil. They are inert. The issue is with those that espouse radical views.  Who taught these KKK weaklings that they were racially superior. Look at some of them, they look like cast members for an optically deprived group of penis envy nerds, Then the oh so tough Nazi and superiority cast members. Most could not spell race superiority. Where has the education system gone wrong?  Why do some schools need to have metal detectors? What way is the education system going in the US?  The persons in this outrage seem to be a product of lack of involvement in normal life

and the need to blame someone else. In chicken farming, it is called the pecking order.  What real future do these right wing persons have in the US?

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3 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

 What real future do these right wing persons have in the US?

They are extreme right-wing nuts. Off the chart extremists. Nothing wrong with leaning towards the right. Or the left. It's the extremists that are the problem. And seem to be more and more every year. In many different countries,  not just the U.S.

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3 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

The monuments were not evil. They are inert. The issue is with those that espouse radical views.  Who taught these KKK weaklings that they were racially superior. Look at some of them, they look like cast members for an optically deprived group of penis envy nerds, Then the oh so tough Nazi and superiority cast members. Most could not spell race superiority. Where has the education system gone wrong?  Why do some schools need to have metal detectors? What way is the education system going in the US?  The persons in this outrage seem to be a product of lack of involvement in normal life

and the need to blame someone else. In chicken farming, it is called the pecking order.  What real future do these right wing persons have in the US?

Schools in the US you mean to say? gun law?  any nutter can dress like Rambo and walk around with an AK47 freely as it's their 'rights'. Obama complained, cried but did nothing and megalomaniac Trump loves it.

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my message to Republicans:  too little, too late.   

Only one Republican Senator, Lindsey Graham, had the cojones to mention the president in their slew of tepid statements.   And even Graham couldn't mention Trump's name, but instead referred to him as 'the president.'


All the sniveling cowards stood and heartily cheered Trump in January at the State of the Union speech.  Clips of them cheering should be shown by their political opponents - when elections kick into gear.

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2 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

Schools in the US you mean to say? gun law?  any nutter can dress like Rambo and walk around with an AK47 freely as it's their 'rights'. Obama complained, cried but did nothing and megalomaniac Trump loves it.

Rambo guy like the one in Norway? Or.....


Crazies aren't limited to the US.

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All this talk about Confederacy etc. brought up a memory of when I was a little boy.  I was sent to a boys camp on the North Carolina coast.  One of the first kids to meet me was an older boy.  He took me aside, looked in my eyes, and said seriously, "The South shall rise again."   I only partially understood, but stood quietly.  He said it several times, very intensely, his head only inches from mine.  He then asked where I was from.  I told him 'Maryland'.  he then grinned and said, 'well, you're ok then.'   He thought I came from further north.

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Supposedly 'slavery was abolished' years ago, in the US, as well as being abolished in Thailand by King Rama 5th.......... At least in the form it was at that time..........

My late brother had a thought that 'slavery' isn't really gone, It has only changed it's shape and it's subjects........

Consider this........ Many modern day citizen are 'slaves'...... Owned and driven by their 'banks and credit'...... I see it often in Thailand (and so many countries) where 'wives' (focusing on Thai men at the moment) are the subjects of slavery...... If they don't perform as the husband requires, they often are beaten (or worse)... Consider 'muslim women' who are in many ways treated as 'slaves'..... They are forced to do so many things that they might not personally choose to do........ (from head scarves to not going out alone, or driving a car, etc).....

As much as i 'personally' HATE Trump, he in one way may be doing most 'Americans' a favor by ending the muslim slavery in our country.......... (by limiting their 'influence' and existence in the US)............ 

I have a theory that there 'Just ain't no 10's'....... Likewise there 'Just ain't no 0's'......... We all know where Trump fits in...........

AND another thought ........ Why was the 'Confederate Flag' banned but the 'Pirate Flag' is still readily available......... 

Edited to change  the word outlawed to banned.

Edited by sawadeeken
changed the word outlawed to banned.
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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The confederate flag is not outlawed.

GOOGLE IT........................

Places Where the Confederate Flag Is Banned - Esquire

Jun 23, 2015 - Slowly but surely, the Confederate flag is disappearing from the United States of America. Even the prominent U.S. flag-maker, Valley Forge ...
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GOOGLE IT........................

Places Where the Confederate Flag Is Banned - Esquire

Jun 23, 2015 - Slowly but surely, the Confederate flag is disappearing from the United States of America. Even the prominent U.S. flag-maker, Valley Forge ...
You're spreading fake information. Shame on you. You said illegal. That would mean citizens could be arrested for displaying it. Nope. Not happening. Not the same thing as banning from public buildings.
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7 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

GOOGLE IT........................

Places Where the Confederate Flag Is Banned - Esquire

Jun 23, 2015 - Slowly but surely, the Confederate flag is disappearing from the United States of America. Even the prominent U.S. flag-maker, Valley Forge ...

Nativity scenes are also banned in many government buildings. But they are not illegal.

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

Nativity scenes are also banned in many government buildings. But they are not illegal.

Agreed............. But there is a 'fine line' between 'illegal' and 'banned'............

I edited my post to change that wording...............

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30 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

Supposedly 'slavery was abolished' years ago, in the US, as well as being abolished in Thailand by King Rama 5th.......... At least in the form it was at that time..........

My late brother had a thought that 'slavery' isn't really gone, It has only changed it's shape and it's subjects........

Consider this........ Many modern day citizen are 'slaves'...... Owned and driven by their 'banks and credit'...... I see it often in Thailand (and so many countries) where 'wives' (focusing on Thai men at the moment) are the subjects of slavery...... If they don't perform as the husband requires, they often are beaten (or worse)... Consider 'muslim women' who are in many ways treated as 'slaves'..... They are forced to do so many things that they might not personally choose to do........ (from head scarves to not going out alone, or driving a car, etc).....

As much as i 'personally' HATE Trump, he in one way may be doing most 'Americans' a favor by ending the muslim slavery in our country.......... (by limiting their 'influence' and existence in the US)............ 

I have a theory that there 'Just ain't no 10's'....... Likewise there 'Just ain't no 0's'......... We all know where Trump fits in...........

AND another thought ........ Why was the 'Confederate Flag' banned but the 'Pirate Flag' is still readily available......... 

Edited to change  the word outlawed to banned.

Slavery is alive and well to this day. Sadly.


Trumps antics regarding Muslims is stuck in the courts. The problem isn't in the U.S.,  it's in the middle East.

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2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Slavery is alive and well to this day. Sadly.


Trumps antics regarding Muslims is stuck in the courts. The problem isn't in the U.S.,  it's in the middle East.

You say........ "The problem isn't in the U.S.,  it's in the middle East."

I say:...... It 'IS' in the US......... only not as bad as some parts of Europe, The Philippines, South of Thailand and many other places.......

And they could be much worse 'Slave-drivers' than the confederates.....

I hate Trump but I am with him on that one issue....................

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A lot of women, around the world, are essentially slaves.   


>>>  they are required to work all their waking hours for a pittance, or no pay at all.   Some rich family homes in Thailand have that arrangement, as well as some restaurants, massage parlors, etc.


It's not uncommon for a family to 'sell' a daughter for a given amount of time - usually 3 or 6 months, to, let's say, a Chinese couple who run a large restaurant.   The girl may be between 12 and 19, and she is essentially owned by the manager/owners of the place.  She is required to do all that they're told, and are not allowed to leave the premises without permission or an escort.  It's also not uncommon (tho less common than 20 yrs ago) for one place to 'sell' a girl to another place.   


It may happen also with boys and young men, though females are easier to manipulate, because they're more genetically adapted to being owned.  And then there's marriage.........

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Yes, slavery in different forms still exits, but the topic here is specifically about the legacy of Africans being enslaved in the U.S. Those rebel leaders in the monuments were all white supremacists who fought in the losing side of the civil war primarily to preserve slavery of Africans. 

How about stopping with the off topic diversions? 

Edited by Jingthing
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Here we go.


I posted earlier, as a UK citizen, as to my concerns regarding the removal of statues that reflect real history - bad and good.


I was/am worried about what this could start. Lo and behold, I've just seen a group on UK TV demanding the removal of Nelson's column in London on the basis Nelson was a racist.


Jeez.......why don't we simply remove every statue and have done with it. I bet you could always find someone who would justify such removal, on the basis of their own prejudice/political view. I'll start with Churchill who ordered armed police to quell demonstrators in London. Crazy eh!

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9 hours ago, emilymat said:

Here we go.


I posted earlier, as a UK citizen, as to my concerns regarding the removal of statues that reflect real history - bad and good.


I was/am worried about what this could start. Lo and behold, I've just seen a group on UK TV demanding the removal of Nelson's column in London on the basis Nelson was a racist.


Jeez.......why don't we simply remove every statue and have done with it. I bet you could always find someone who would justify such removal, on the basis of their own prejudice/political view. I'll start with Churchill who ordered armed police to quell demonstrators in London. Crazy eh!

PC Matters  lol

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22 hours ago, emilymat said:

Here we go.


I posted earlier, as a UK citizen, as to my concerns regarding the removal of statues that reflect real history - bad and good.


I was/am worried about what this could start. Lo and behold, I've just seen a group on UK TV demanding the removal of Nelson's column in London on the basis Nelson was a racist.


Jeez.......why don't we simply remove every statue and have done with it. I bet you could always find someone who would justify such removal, on the basis of their own prejudice/political view. I'll start with Churchill who ordered armed police to quell demonstrators in London. Crazy eh!

Again, Nelson never fought a war in defense of white supremacy,  his statue was not erected as a symbol of white supremacy.  His personal views for which he never fought against his country are not the issue. It's not the the same as the Confederate memorials erected during the peak of the Jim Crow era 50 years after the civil war.


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(history is complicated...)


Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson will be removed from CUNY of great Americans because New York stands against racism.  - Andrew Cuomo


New York is named after the head of a British slave-trading monopoly.  - Sean Davis




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 I suggest watching whole speech it's  F  KING  scary,  

Lying  and quoting himself on his Charlottesville comments didn't mention his "Two sides" or "very good people on both sides" comments, 

Loves Fox news because it's not fake news. 

Calling press dishonest and bad people

Kim Jong UN respects him 

Says he can't say he'll pardon Joe Arpaio here "but let me say Joes going to be ok"

They are going to build the wall

Terminate NAFTA

Abuses congress and the senate

Created a million jobs

Tax cuts for everyone

America first

America won 2 world wars

The future belongs to us

"Build the wall, build the wall "chanting

<deleted> lunatic


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"“What we have witnessed is a total eclipse of the facts,” Lemon observed. “Someone who came out on stage and lied directly to the American people and left things out that he said in an attempt to rewrite history, especially when it comes to Charlottesville.”



Trump Is Falling Apart And Having A Real Time Breakdown After Phoenix Rally Disaster


"The White House obviously was hoping that the Phoenix rally would boost Trump’s mental state and put him in a better mood, but all the rally has done is cast a national spotlight on the declining mental condition of this president. "


Edited by Opl
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