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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. It's pretty funny that you consider him a salesman..... can you point us to any video clips of his pitches? Surely someone has captured video evidence of his great pitches? As for opportunities flowing to him.... I think it's much more likely that he just finds opportunities/good value before others. How does that illustrate "flowing to him"?
  2. Thanks for all the useful tips. I might try and combine the 1/2" PVC pipe with cap and hole and cutting "teeth" in the front end of the 2" PVC drilling tube. Easy peasy... I hope! 😃
  3. I considered that route too, but there's a grey water manhole and a concrete box between the garbage bin and the wall. The house water supply line is between that concrete manhole and the wall.... too many complications for that route.
  4. Yeah! That should work. I didn't think about just using the PVC pipe with a cap to make a high pressure water jet. Thanks!
  5. Another possible method I'm considering is trying to punch through the dirt about 10-15 cm below the bottom of the concrete with a 2" PVC pipe. Perhaps also periodically insert a 1/2" PVC pipe inside the 2" pipe to run high pressure water to the front to make it easier to push the 2" pipe through the soil. The procedure would be to pound the 2" pipe forward, pull it out and hopefully create a short tunnel, then empty the dirt out of it. At some point it may become too difficult to push the 2" pipe further. When that happens run some high pressure water down the 1/2" PVC to soften/remove dirt at the tip of the 2" pipe.
  6. The walk way surface is stamped concrete not tiles. Currently my plan is to dig down about a meter and a large enough area to work plus more area to collect run off water. Then I will start a tunnel with a slight upward incline. Once started I would then use high pressure water to increase the length of the tunnel. The upward incline should allow the water to drain back so I can bail it out. I'm not so sure the incline would be maintained for much distance and may prove ineffective.
  7. An oversight during planning of new home construction has resulted in two small area of the yard without access to water for automated irrigation for landscaping. In both cases there is water nearby but a concrete walk is in the way. The neatest solution would be a short tunnel under the walk to run a PVC supply to the dry area. The walk is 2.2m wide in the first case and 1.2 in the second. Concrete is 20cm thick in both or maybe only 15cm. The first case is also complicated by the restricted area available between the walk and the building walls. It's only 85cm on both sides. However selecting route B would give more open working area for the digging. Does anyone know of companies in Chiang Mai that can create tunnels in these situations? I have a decent landscaping company but they only advise that it could be done by hand with substantial labor. But labor in Thailand is cheap so I don't think the price would be shocking.
  8. Is that Warren Buffet guy just one lucky gambler? NOT! In his early years he had a significant edge over the majority of stock owners.... not so much the last few years as his competitors closed the gap.
  9. 😃 When I order it sounds like... lahdnah. The one I like best is not so far from Mae Hia. It's just South of Hang Dong road. Extra large size (peesate) with pork is 45฿....and it is quite a large serving with plenty of decent quality pork. Bon appétit. https://maps.app.goo.gl/1vaELM9MU3L94wHJA
  10. Oh... I see..... you so easily make assumptions with no experience or facts at hand. Were you in the market for health insurance as a two person small business? NO? When you know nothing, the best policy is to keep your lack of knowledge to yourself.
  11. You overlooked so much in forming your opinion. Small business owners didn't get insurance from any employer and they also were unable to purchase a group plan. Therefore the insurance companies would charge very high premiums because of the increased risk. I bet you can't explain why the insurance companies risk was higher for writing policies to small business owners. My wife and I operated a small business and could not get affordable insurance until Obamacare came along and effectively made us part of a large group getting insurance. Insuring large groups is much less risky for the insurers so they are able to sharply reduce the premiums but offer the same coverage. Checkmate!
  12. Like you, I used to make monthly transactions. If there were no transactions SCB’s monthly statement showed nothing, not even the balance. Eventually I didn’t bother and Immigration didn’t complain.
  13. It is very common that what many consider to be the “rules” are often bent/ignored/expanded by different offices or officials. It is also quite obvious when presented with an official 12 month statement that contains ALL the identical information as the cumbersome passbook the Immigration officers can make an absolute determination that the required funds were on deposit for the required periods. Since I have almost no transactions on that account, the 12 month statement is much easier to assess. Unfortunately SCB has started paying the interest monthly so 10 more transactions every year henceforth.
  14. Look before you leap. There were several AN/TV reports of successful extensions by expats using the SCB EZ savings account in CM before I “leaped”.
  15. I use this Accor for my retirement funds. It was accepted at CM Immigration for my Feb ‘23 renewal
  16. Computing power is continuously getting cheaper. The program to track those ATM withdrawals is not very complicated. As a retired software engineer, I find it difficult to assume that ATM withdrawals above a certain limit would/could not be monitored.
  17. Maybe I'm lucky but both Kasikorn and SCB stopped withholding on my first attempt when I gave them my TIN.
  18. In the 3rd post the thread author said he gave SCB his TIN. SCB stopped the withholding from my account when I gave them my TIN. I have heard reports that SCB is sometimes resistant/incompetent when adding the TIN to accounts to stop tax withholding. OP and I got lucky to be successful at stopping the withholding.
  19. That could be their policy, but I don't think that is the correct interpretation of the tax law.
  20. @matchar, don't listen to tax advice from a bank teller or even a bank manager. The 20K ฿ figure is actually the amount of interest that is exempt from taxation. There are several other exemptions/deductions that you may be able to subtract from your income to calculate your taxable income. I don't have the numbers at hand, but I think that the first 150,000฿ of taxable income is not taxed. For example if you have only deposit interest as income, the first 170,000฿ would be tax free. Go to the website of a big accounting firm for reliable information on taxation in Thailand. Try Price Waterhouse Coopers here: https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/thailand/individual/taxes-on-personal-income
  21. Perhaps SCB is just withholding tax on your year-to-date interest. Did SCB withhold tax from your June 25th interest payment? I've given SCB my Thai tax ID so I don't have any tax withheld.
  22. Unfortunately, I don't qualify for the stress waver given to the blissfully ignorant.
  23. One more good reason for motorcycle drivers to drive in the same track that the car driver side wheels normally use.
  24. The example they give is quite clear. The following uses the assumption that investor starts at age 45. You pay a premium of 983K each year for 7 years. They keep most of that money until you turn 77. At year end of each of those first 7 years they give you a cash benefit of 100K, but keep 883K. At the end of the 7 years the net total you have given them is 7 * 883K = 6,181K For the years remaining up to when you turn 76 SCB will give you 100K without requiring you to pay any more premiums. At the end of the year you turn 77 they will give you back the 6,181K plus another 819K = 7M. The total you receive from SCB is 10,100,000฿ and you paid in 6,881,000฿ So you come out ahead by 3,219,000฿ for SCB having 6,181,000฿ of your money for many years. To get that same total benefit you would need to let money earn compounded interest at 1.5% for about 28 years
  25. I upgraded to a newer iPhone and it was very simple. I backed up my old iPhone to my Mac desktop. I then restored that backup to my newer model iPhone. All my apps were already installed. For the Bangkok bank app I had to go through a verification process. I didn't have to go into a branch. I can't remember the steps involved but I did have to have online banking already in place. I think I was given a choice to verify my identity using my debit card, but that option is only available to Thai clients.
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