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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Oh boy, ramping up! Subpoenas issued! Real nail-biting and edge-of-the-seat action! You know how the news sites have links to other articles on the same topic? Today I clicked one that said "T____ indictment imminent!" It was dated March 2021. 2+ years and counting since the Capitol was attacked, 6+ years since the inauguration, arguably his first egregious act was on that day pocketing inauguration funds, and the hits just keep on coming. "Oooo, look what he did now!" Georgia trial no sooner than November -- nice move, bought him nearly a year, which means no judgement until next year, oh, but wait, it's an election year, so that's yet another year, 2025, and if he gets back into the WH (note: I did not use the word elected) either it all gets scrubbed or back to square one in 2029. Forget about justice, we'll probably have to settle for just keeping the blackguard out of office. They can at least lock up his verminous abettors. I'm sticking with my prediction that this will drag on thru the next decade, I hope I'm wrong. What happened to the concept of a "speedy trial?" Even the Dominion case looks looks like it is making progress.
  2. Chinese nationals, four Laotians, Thai authorities. But what's with the white guys on the scene?
  3. Ted Cruz has pushed for Mark Levin to be a presidential debate moderator. I think Mitt did also in 2012. I also recall Mitt say at that time that "we need our own fact checkers." And that was years before Kellyanne presented her explanation of how facts work.
  4. Putting those 2 together creates a most unappetizing visual.
  5. I'm not going to call you a liar, perhaps you watch with the sound off, and I'm not sure which channels you mean by both. Real news entities only report after the information has been verified, and when that particular news outlet reports something they haven't been able to verify themselves they will say so, and attribute it to the source they received it from. If not, they face all sorts of consequences, like a billion $ lawsuit, perhaps their broadcast license. It would be an extremely stupid thing to do. This stuff about firing someone for fact checking is pretty damning. And of course that attributed source must have some kind of cred. No sane station manager would permit RT to be cited as a source, but as Fox is growing closer to the people running Russia, with some of its shows picked up by RT (they love Tucker!) they just might. Waiting for them to quote Q. Also Fox may be a little too big for their britches, what with a certain president listening to their stuff and acting on it the same day -- they understood they were the dog and POTUS was their tail. Roger Ailes was the architect of Fox, and when he died there was some speculation that they may become more down to earth. Well, the joke was on the speculators. Ailes knew when he was crossing legal lines and would back off. One of his rules for his on-air personalities was to only attack those who are weak or will not bother to fight back (remember Beck and O'Reiily going after professors at obscure universities?). I am not stating this in his defense, IMO he was a vile excuse for a human being, just telling it like it was -- I think the most impressive thing he did was on the night of the 2012 election when Karl Rove tried to make a fuss and challenge the results, and Ailes told him to get bent. It seems the top of the pyramid on this switch to support the Big Lie is on the Murdochs, either papa or Lachlan. Time for Tucker to retire back to Southern California and turn himself into a raisin.
  6. I remember it was in a single day that Powell (and her husband was it?), Rudy, Pillow Guy, Overstock guy, maybe a few more, appeared. Suddenly it was cuckoo's nest time with this bunch. My theory is DT dangled something out there (like a billion $) for whoever kept him in office. It then turned into a stunt out of The Magic Christian.
  7. Her publicity played down that she was Latina in her early days. I think she was at her best doing bit parts that parodied her public image. The last thing I saw her in was Tortilla Soup -- not a great movie, but she steals the show playing a certain type of aging Latin woman (I've had in-laws like that).
  8. He definitely has some sort of fetish regarding men in positions of power and influence. Not just to dictators, he was in awe of Bob Woodward when he met him, there is even video of his fawning; he probably takes it back now because he didn't like some of the things BW wrote about him.
  9. People on the media same-same. "Wait until you hear what he said today!" A few months ago there was a poll that concluded that because people watched his public displays it was not an indication that they supported him. He has become his own show, just like the K family. Something to bear in mind as he heads into season 3.
  10. She oughta give him a lesson in Scots language by verbally tearing him a new airhole.
  11. Strictly my own opinion, I think this whole drag queen story hour thing is something the conservatives set up as an anvil to beat the LGBT crowd against.
  12. Rod Stewart has been knighted? In the 1970s he was one of those hapless celebrities always in the news for something embarrassing. He (supposedly) shed his UK citizenship because taxes were too high; a flight he was on had to make an unplanned stop in England, where there was a warrant of on him for tax evasion and he refused to leave the plane. And there was the time he OD'd on some recreational substance and when they pumped his stomach, supposedly found semen -- maybe that boosted his popularity. Yeah, he and his then gf Britt Ekland was scandal sheet fodder for a few years, so all the things above may be only slightly truthy.
  13. A few weeks ago you made a joke about fat GOPers. That was the first time I heard of Hogan.
  14. Back when Dick Cheney was acting president and getting out of hand his team stated the VP was not part of the Legislative branch, nor the Executive branch. I wasn't able to follow it closely, but I don't think anyone figured out how to rein him in. The thing I'll always remember Pence for is during the Covid epidemic, when asked why he didn't wear a mask, he said it was because he wanted to be able to look people eye. Need it be pointed out the masks did not cover the eyes? He should leave politics and go into the fertilizer business.
  15. And so the clown car begins to load up. Well, JT, I'm trying to keep with your "everyone loves a fat man" approach to the GOP primaries. Do you think losing so much weight has ruined Pompeo's chances? If Nikki added a few inches to her hips would it up her chances? The nomenclatures collide sometimes: yeah she's conservative, but a female US president? That's pretty damn progressive, no?
  16. I don't know where this was taken, but I can tell you NYC and San Francisco no man doing drag would be caught dead in those shoes!
  17. Ever been to Walking Street in Pattaya? European families, with pre-teen kids, going into the open-front girlie/dance bars, posing for pics with katoeys on the street.
  18. Another ploy to buy time for the orange messiah, same-o same-o. The guy has no spine. There's a clip of him being interviewed that I keep coming across, the whole while he is moving his feet in a very nervous manner. Why is someone who is so religious so nervous? Jumpin' Jack Flash doing the boogaloo right in his chair. Refusing to leave The Capitol on 1/6 was his finest hour, don't expect any more of him. I doubt that Smith is going to put things on "hold" while Pence stalls. BTW, that business about DT grabbing the steering wheel on 1/6? I don't buy it. He told his minion to say that happened to convince the saps who did the attack he was with them, while he was in the safety of the WH.
  19. There was a place in NYC called Club 82. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Club_82 An old-time vaudeville-style dancing girls review. All the dancers were men in drag, except for one natural-born woman -- part of the experience was to try to spot her. Who were the clients? NYC working-class housewives! They would charter buses and get shirtfaced drunk and whoop it up for a few hours. Other cities will have the same kind of places with the same clientele. One night on the way to the Fillmore East (a few blocks away from it) with a friend we passed the place, a bunch of empty buses parked outside, and he said his mother was there that night with her ladies' club. We were both teenagers at the time, scratched our heads in wonder of why housewives would enjoy such a show. I guess the answer was they were able to get drunk and stupid without caring about what men would think of them. No children involved, no one under 18 admitted.
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