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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I definitely don't support this guy. But I am wondering why he is not in jail since a long time. And why did anybody over there ever think he could possibly a good president. Strange people exist all over the world. But normally people don't vote for them to lead a country (or anything else important).
  2. Obviously there are always some extremists who (try to) join mainstream parties and other organizations. And I guess sometimes it is good to try to listen to the extremists within the party compared to having them as opponent outside the party. But with people like her I ask myself: Is it worth it? Does she really bring new voters or other good influence to the party? Or is she one of those reasons why many people say: I would never vote for that party with that extremist? I try to be neutral here. I know there are also strange people in the DEMs and obviously that is a worldwide phenomenon. But it seems the GOP has just too many of these nutters. Why do people still vote for them?
  3. The following happened at least 5 years ago. I had a (big) bike which was registered in my name but then I didn't use it for at least 5 years and then I asked a big motorcycle shop if it is difficult to register that again. They told me that is no problem, i just had to pay the taxes for all the years since it was last registered. Maybe that works for cars the same way.
  4. What kind of idiot wears a watch, especially an expensive watch, so that it can slip of the wrist? Maybe next time buy one with a rubber band.
  5. For a gaming PC the most important part is the graphic card. It is a lot easier and cheaper to get the desktop gaming PC. That also allows later update with a newer graphic card, more RAM, etc. It is basically impossible to get a high end gaming notebook because they would get very hot and would need lots of energy. That means a very limited runtime on battery. Maybe consider two devices. A real gaming PC and a notebook for college. That would also allow you to restrict his gaming while he can still work on the notebook anytime. If you want more detailed advice, then it is best you tell us which games he wants to play. Some games need very fast hardware to be fun. With other games they can still be played on not so powerful PCs. There is a reason why those graphic cards have several big fans...
  6. If you followed a couple of years ago how Tarit and Thaksin worked together then maybe you would also hope that he goes to jail for the rest of his life - together with the criminal fugitive.
  7. It depends on her status. Maybe she should blow up her hair like those important old women. I guess a couple of diamonds and a 100.000 THB handbag will also impress the building management. That is just real life in Thailand about where people are on the pecking order.
  8. I don't know any in Phuket. But sometimes in Bangkok I am still surprised how humble some drivers are - even in Sukhumvit.
  9. In the subject you ask specifically about great restaurants - not just good. Great is and must be (a lot more) expensive than just good. I talked about this with the Italian chef of one of the best Italian restaurants in Bangkok. He told me that the difference between (very) good and great are mostly the ingrediencies. And the best of those cost double and more compared to just good ingrediencies. And that is a big factor which makes great restaurants a lot more expensive. Then it's up to us what we are willing to pay and able to pay. Personally, for espresso I am only satisfied with great taste. For a steak I can live with just good quality and taste. Otherwise it just gets too expensive for me.
  10. It's about time that that guy goes to jail for the rest of his life. Give him a reduction, maybe only 50 years, if he shares his secrets about the fugitive wanted criminal.
  11. I always wonder how many people care about those badges. Ok, I have to admit it feels good to be in the top 1% or something like that. I just read and post because it is fun. I won't hurry to write 10 more posts to get another badge or so.
  12. I am so excited that I just got my Newbie badge. Now I will work relentlessly to get the Rookie badge. How exiting!
  13. I suggest every taxi should have a transmitter installed which records if the meter is on or off, how many people are in the taxi, the location, etc. Technically that should be easy. And then compare how often that meter is on when passengers are in the taxi. Honest taxi drivers should be happy to support this...
  14. Thanks. 'pe film' shows definitely lots of entries. Let's look if I also find that tool.
  15. Many modern rechargeable batteries, i.e. in phones, have the expire date built in. X amounts of charging are allowed and that's it. The internal logic will not allow that the battery can be used forever, even if it would be good for longer.
  16. He should read Private Dancer to get a good idea about what is going on. Otherwise I don't recommend anybody gets personally involved with this guy. Because likely it will end bad - one way or another. Maybe he does not find the right girl, then obviously all girls are bad. Maybe he finds the perfect girl. And then he can't afford her anymore. And when she leaves him, she is obviously bad. Maybe some girl plays the long game or gets pregnant or whatever. There are just too many versions of what can possibly go wrong. And it is just so much easier to blame everybody else. I think the best he can do is hire a girl by the hour and look how it goes. And maybe the same one again or another one. I am sure he will need some time to get used to the new situation. Take it easy!
  17. Maybe he should have thought about that before he jumped into the sea.
  18. It's funny that I see all the time people with these devices in Thailand. And nobody gets arrested. Strange.
  19. Let him be fish food. That's what he wanted, that's what he should get. Why use all those resources for someone who wanted to die and is probably already dead?
  20. In Thailand I would learn from a Thai instructor, or at least a person who drives/rides in Thailand since many years. What's the point of learning how to ride like a civilized person if that never happens in real life?
  21. For my renovation I have two things which I want to be able to do myself with a saw: a) Make long straight cuts in wood. This is for cutting wood sheets i.e. for kitchen cabinet installation. b) Cut floor skirting and crown molding with 45 degree cuts. The material is wood or some foam material. c) Similar to b but bigger. I have plastic cable trunks which are 130mm wide and 70mm high and I want to cut them straight or with 45 degrees. All together I have to make maybe 100 cuts. If necessary, I can do this with a hand saw. But I don't mind buying some power tool if that makes the process easier and better quality. I found online miter boxes like the following. But even the biggest is too small to cut something with size 130mmx70mm. This is the biggest which I found. It's too small for my purpose. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/multi-function-woodworking-saw-ark-clamping-mitre-box-101214-inch-miter-box-with-backsaw-i3446400924.html I have already a good quality power jigsaw. I guess best case would be a track saw or table saw for the long straight cuts and a miter saw for the angled cuts. But because I likely won't use those tools in the future and because they are pretty big, I am reluctant to buy them. What do you suggest? Or are there options in Bangkok to borrow professional tools for a few days or a month? Thanks
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