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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. My gf gave up asking me about marriage after about 10 years or so. Luckily, she mentioned it only a few times a year and we never had an argument about it.
  2. Why did you decide to marry her? As far as I can see marrying has almost only disadvantages for men. If she loves you, and/or likes to live with you, then she will stay also without that paper.
  3. Maybe they shouldn't sell it with lots of advertisement at every street corner if they don't want that people use it.
  4. The problem is that they don't know now. They know that he said X and then the opposite of X. When did he tell the truth and when did he lie? I am sure Trump fans see it similar to: In his show he told the truth, and when he testified in front of this politically motivated people, he had to tell a lie. It's all question of the perspective.
  5. Imagine the USA wouldn't be able to just print more and more money...
  6. Fact is, nobody who is interested in the truth would even try to get that truth from fox. It's like asking a bar girl if she thinks I am handsome and sexy: Sure, you are!
  7. There is an easy solution: Just cover those eggs with enough sauce - problem solved.
  8. The beauty of all these studies is that we can all find articles which support our lifestyles.
  9. All these scams wouldn't work if not so many people and companies would be willing to support those scammers.
  10. I drink a lot more than that since many years and I am still alive. We all will die somehow. Enjoy life!
  11. There is no such thing as the best. One might be reliable and fast in location A but not in B or C. Talk to the neighbors to find out what is best in your building/area.
  12. This was a very successful place to get away from drugs for many Thais - not exactly in Pattaya but not too far away. Wat Tham Krabok - Wikipedia I don't have any up do date information about them.
  13. What are LGBTQ books? Any books with any characters who are not "straight"? Or books which mention that there are also men who love men and women who love women? Or books which pretend everybody can be any gender at any moment and maybe tomorrow something different?
  14. More of the same. If that would happen in any other country, then a big part of the world, let by the USA, would boycott them. But Israel is obviously an exception. They can do whatever they want and especially the USA still supports them with billions. And just in case someone will call me an antisemite, like this always happens on this forum, my post is about the government of Israel and not their religion.
  15. I had a fine in my mind, not deportation. I have to admit I am not up to date with the current rules under which conditions people get deported.
  16. Probably worst case they prefer Thai prison compared to freezing and starving in Ukraine.
  17. This article is about immigration officers, not about other police who should deal with the bad criminals. I also think that arresting a guy for a little over a month overstay is not nice. But on the other hand, immigration police work for immigration. It's their job. And if they would sit in their offices and do nothing then the Thai tax payers would also complain. Hopefully there is some kind of grace period for overstayers so that he can pay a fine and that's it.
  18. Why not? According to the asylum seekers they come from war zones and fear for their lives. Any free accommodation where they don't have to fear death should be fine for them. And if it comes with heating, regular food and medical service it should sound like paradise.
  19. Thanks for the info. Sometimes we hear things, and we are not sure. And especially in Thailand the fact that things are strange doesn't mean that they are entirely untrue. If in this case the ceremony means legally nothing than that is obviously fine.
  20. Is that your personal experience or are you a law expert? I know many of us think a ceremony is not official and it shouldn't be treated like an official wedding. But IMHO that doesn't mean Thai judges will see it the same way. It's like couples in other countries living together because they don't want to marry and later they find out because they lived x years together it is handled as if they were married.
  21. Why don't you compare Hunter's laptop with Eric Trump or someone else from his family? Trump was the US president, the most powerful person in this world. Hunter Bidon is the son of a president with no political power at all. If Hunter is guilty of any crime, then he should obviously be punished. But that has nothing to do with his father or Trump.
  22. That's why some people from those villages come to Bangkok and enjoy life.
  23. Fine. But please also no GoFundMe page.
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