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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. Probably a thief checking out if the deceased had left any drugs or valuables behind. Turning lights on and off as searching rooms. Question: How can you tell someone wants to cut the grass by how they wander around the house? Were they pushing a lawnmower?
  2. DO NOT throw away passbook. It is very important if you are on certain types of visa as immigration will require to see it for proof of funds staying in account. As for updating it. There is normally a machine outside the bank to update your passbook. Or you can go in and queue to get it done by staff. Basically it is just like a savings book. An account of deposits, withdrawals and amount in account. The bank staff may also use it to verify your signature if doing in bank business. You must have signed the book twice (invisible) when opening the account.
  3. https://www.holidify.com/pages/naga-fireball-festival-1231.html
  4. Don't they have a Naga Fireball Festival around this time of year? When the balls of light shoot up into the air from the river at night.
  5. Looks like Blue Lagoon Chaweng. There are lots of hotels in Thailand like that now. No customers during the pandemic meant they couldn't pay the banks.
  6. Apparently Box jellyfish can swim, as opposed to just drifting with the currents. And swim quite fast by all accounts. Up to 4mph. which is faster than the average swimmer. And they have eyes. So while they might not attack, they might be attracted to movement.
  7. Three out of the same family? This is starting to look like a dynasty.
  8. Lots of ways, but if the hotel doesn't change the default master PIN makes it very easy. https://www.corporatetravelsafety.com/safety-tips/hotel-room-safes-may-not-be-safe/
  9. Most half decent hotels seem to have CCTV covering access to rooms nowadays. Should be easy to see if anyone entered the room.
  10. That first pic made me chuckle. Hot English Mustard 200g...From France. ????
  11. Someone I know makes his own up using that Coleman's Mustard Powder. Says the stuff in the jar is too weak. I think he just adds powder to a little olive oil and mixes it up to his own taste.
  12. If Herpes cold sore, it would probably resolve itself in about ten days. If you have had it longer, it would be advisable to see a doctor, or dermatologist.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKUAki80wRY
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud1zpHW3ito
  15. My GF turns her nose up at my western food, so I think my emergency canned food will be safe. ????
  16. Not sure about Thailand, but I bet Ukraine regrets giving up it's own nuclear weapons now. Another thing to consider. Any nuclear strikes would likely disrupt the internet and banking systems among others.. That could in turn prevent the transfer of funds into Thailand. Where would that leave us?
  17. I could have worded it better... "at your age for the purpose of self defense."
  18. I wouldn't suggest learning a martial art at your age for the sole purpose of self defense. Younger men will have much faster reflexes to say the least. Even Mike Tyson was recently warned that he is too old for the fight game. But as a method of keeping fit? Sure. I can highly recommend Muay Thai. I usually train five times per week and I am older than you. Currently having a month off on doctor's orders after unrelated surgery, but as soon as the doc OK's it I will be straight back in the gym. There is even a guy in his seventies who comes now and again.
  19. I thought cannabis was supposed to chill you out. Perhaps the attacker should try some of his own soda. Why did he get involved in the first place? Was his friend coming off worst in the fight?
  20. DJI Service Centre? https://repair.dji.com/repair/index?site=brandsite&from=nav PDA THAI COMPANY LIMITED 801/60-63 Mu 8,Soi Phahon Yothin72 ,phahon tithing Road, Khu Khot Sup-district,Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province Thailand 12130 Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 7 pm +66(0) 8-5176-6661 [email protected] Support Product Mavic, Phantom, Matrice, Ronin, Osmo
  21. No pants on? Which head did he injure in the crash?
  22. Now that the tragedy the other day in Nong Bua Lampu is in the public consciousness, I hope it is not going to be the start of a spate of similar events. Too many fragile egos here with access to guns. Too many, "She hurt my feelings. I'll show her." stories in the news. The gov't really need to get more guns off the streets. It seems as if almost everyone has one, or can easily get one.
  23. Just finished watching Un Asunto Privado (A Private Affair) on Amazon Prime. An eight part Spanish crime, (with a bit of comedy) series. Dubbed into English. Starring Jean Reno, and Aura Garrido. She reminds me a bit of a young Julie Andrews. Marina Quiroga, a daring upper-class girl with a detective's soul, sets off to catch the serial killer that has been terrorizing her town with her faithful butler Hector's help. Quite good.
  24. So many red flag warnings in that article, but this one, takes the biscuit: The police managed to keep this quiet so that Panya was not prosecuted.
  25. +1 For monthly transfers I have found them to be very reliable and fast. For OP. If sending a large amount, it might be better to compare with some other forex services.
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