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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. There are plenty of Fire Sticks for sale on Lazada: https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=amazon+firestick+4k+&_keyori=ss&from=input&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.search.go.6f3186bdx4DCqB OP. You can find plenty of walk through videos on Youtube to help you set up a Fire Stick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38oLnI5vj5g Your IPTV provider should be able to help you. They will have to give you sign in details anyway and will tell you which IPTV app you will need to download. Plus you will need to sign up for a Google account to access the Google Play Store which is basically a place for downloading any particular apps you might want. Some examples: TuneIN ( an app for listening to internet radio), Netflix or Amazon Prime apps if you subscribe to those services. Though you will need a VPN to get the best out of those, but that is another matter. Maybe a weather or news app. It all depends on your personal interests. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcM9tFoAH8 HTH
  2. I would like to know where to find all 'My Vouchers'. Lazada says look in your Account, but I can never find them. I know some are automatically added to purchases, but the ones I collect just seem to disappear.
  3. She's a real bright spark that one. Burning what was possibly her own inheritance. That is besides destroying a home possible filled with memories and sentimental items for her poor old dad. I hope the old guy is left with enough to not have to suffer hardship for his remaining years. Or that the rest of the family step up to support him. Very unlikely he had home insurance. I
  4. It depends on how much you want to spend. The best one you can buy at the moment is the Nvidia Shield. You can also find the Amazon Fire TV stick 4K for sale on Lazada. They are pretty good, and very portable too. Here's a link to a few sellers: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/a019-amazon-fire-tv-stick-4k-with-all-new-alexa-voice-remote-includes-tv-controls-dolby-vision-streaming-media-player-i271197494.html Plenty of other boxes on Lazada, but the above two stand out.
  5. I was recently asked to provide a resident certificate as proof of identity for KYC. So far I have used them for opening bank accounts, applying for / renewing driving licence, buying and selling motorbikes. Also need blue book for renewing retirement extension. As I live in an apartment building, my name isn't actually in the book. I just usually show a photocopy of said book and that has always proved sufficient for the last twelve years.
  6. I agree. But the OP specifically mentioned his banking apps and I have no problem using any of my ones. Such apps are probably on many other countries stores due to the number of foreigners having accounts here. The only thing he might have to check is if there is any difference downloading a particular app froma different store. I just did a quick search and found Kasikorn, SCB, Bangkok, KrungThai, Bank of Ayudyha (KrungSri), CIMB Thai, and Thanachart. There are probably more.
  7. Things being what they are logistically at the moment, two weeks delivery from mainland China might be rather optimistic.
  8. I have Mor Prom. Never had any problems updating. My Thai phone has only ever been used with UK app store. Same my Thai banking apps.
  9. Isn't carrying people in the back of a truck supposed to be illegal? Fifty is really pushing it. That's about the same capacity as a 'coach' as we call them in the UK..
  10. I have an iPhone with a Thai phone number. The phone is registered to my UK App Store. I have downloaded several Thai banking app from that store and use them all without problems
  11. Are they going to drop him on top of a mountain?
  12. Probably for a meet up with his followers. Not too far from the southern border.
  13. They'll be getting plenty of them soon. Mainly military reservists flying out of Russia to avoid conscription to fight in Ukraine.
  14. Adding to his collection must be getting expensive.
  15. Perhaps as Buddhists they believe n reincarnation, so are not afraid of dying. Same in India.
  16. I know some here who won't go back because (a) they have friends or family in Ukraine, and (b) they are afraid they will be called up again and forced to go there and fight.
  17. Ah! The old listening to another Thai girl on social media. They paint a picture that the roads are paved with gold Maybe show her some photos of the Mall, Hyde Park Corner and other local landmarks when gridlocked in the rush hour. I had to explain to the GF that London only ever looks empty like that at very special occasions, such as a State Funeral and that normally it is packed with traffic, and suffers polluted air the same as BKK.
  18. If she had bought a chihuahua instead, they wouldn't have needed an iron bar to pry its jaws open, and the damage would have been far less. Then again. A Chihuahua named Nazi might have looked ridiculous. ????
  19. What puzzles me is how they could sell the stolen cars as new. Were they brand new cars stolen before sale in the UK? Or second hand cars sold as new? That must have required some work and replacement parts to hide that they were used. There must be some p****d off Thai owners having paid for, and having confiscated their 'new' pride and joy. That is of course, if they were not aware of what was happening.
  20. Will probably just be written off as another unfortunate accident. But as you say, that amount of damage to the front of the car seems to indicate speeding.
  21. For the same reason we can't go and live in or sell No.10 Downing Street or Chequers, or many other buildings. They are owned by the State (Chequers was gifted to the State) and used by the elected government of the time. Chequers as the official Residence of the Prime Minister. Just as in the US, the White House is owned by the Federal Government and used by the elected president.
  22. Lightweight, light coloured, loose fitting, long sleeved shirts. Preferably linen or cotton. Those tight, stretchy things are too uncomfortable for me. Can easily find synthetic, loose fitting sports shirts. by Adidas and nike etc Long sleeve not so easy, but to be honest, I find all that synthetic stuff too hot. Same for shorts or trousers. light weight and loose fitting. How those construction workers can work all day covered from head to toe, even wearing a balaclava, is beyond me. Needs must I suppose.
  23. Then perhaps you should tell the police, because they don't seem to know.
  24. So is it illegal or not to sell or smoke cannabis? I only ask because everywhere I go, I see shops and stalls openly selling it. And I am not talking oils.
  25. The state already owns all the castles. I believe the late Queen only owned Balmoral and Sandringham personally.
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