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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. Apparently it's a possibility! Bangkok Snow Removal
  2. At 6'4" he would stand out if hiding up country somewhere. I see the PP expired in 2018, it may shed some light, either way, if someone was able to check if a replacement has been issued. To the roughneck who just sees this thread as an opportunity to throw <deleted> at Phuket, your inaccurate attempts to rename it Murder Island shows a pathetic side of your own personality.
  3. I put mine in five minutes ago and was successful first try. I didn't like the looks of the first capture so changed it for a fairly straightforward one. Took great pains to get my address exactly the same as previous times. Receipt confirmation email came back instantly, my application is now pending. (I might be a day or two early so won't be surprised if not processed)
  4. My IO is a 250 km round trip. When there, I usually have to wait for the laid back, out shopping or still at lunch, staff to slowly process an application, before the return journey can begin. Best part of a day wasted. Despite requests, they wont adjust my details to work with the old online system as that would require effort. However, they didn't have a problem making the effort to fine me 2000 bht when I went over by a week or so to coincide with the yearly extension. Since then I have used the postal method, but the return letter never finds me. My report is due again in a week or two, this new system will be gold if it actually works. (I have the password)
  5. Mexico. From the article: "The second best country for expats was Mexico. - the country was at the bottom when it came to safety and security," Mexico arrests 'gang members' over Australian surfers murders - BBC News Pass !
  6. Changes for booster timing announced 13 Dec 2021. Covid Booster Shot Criteria Unveiled » Thai For Us - Everything About Thailand (thai4.us)
  7. Will they be required to park large sums in a bank and buy useless health insurance? Can an O-A transfer to one if they buy a gopro?
  8. I haven't read all answers so apologies if this is just repeating what others have said. I shop a lot with Lazada and have had an increasing amount of problems, including with delivery times. My conclusions are that retailers have found people tend to avoid goods marked as "shipped from overseas" (China), resulting in many sellers now not stating this. When something is marked as packed, but doesn't move again for many days, I'm certain it's going through the China supply chain.
  9. They've granted your extension, but considering you fudged your first one using someone else's money you shouldn't be surprised they want to check it's yours this time. Just show your bank statement as requested. The changes a couple of years ago, involving closer scrutiny of money in the bank, were mainly initiated because of the type of ploy you used the first time. After these changes some offices did check a few applicants, but it seems to have largely stopped now. (extra non-productive work for IOs?)
  10. I recently read about a long stayer (over 20 years), who met criteria, being refused entry because of his strident political views. Could be a lesson there for some who believe they are living in a free speech democracy.
  11. Death is "important, because people rarely change their minds — they just die. If you live forever, we might become a very ossified society where new ideas cannot succeed'" - Elon Musk
  12. If the thought of a few nasty insects and snakes scare you the tropics is not the place to retire to. Try Finland.
  13. We've killed 3 large, fat centipedes, and one scorpion, inside the house in the last 8 or 9 days. (Also had a Burmese Python removed from our chicken house a couple of weeks ago! One chook was consumed)
  14. Thailand is not the best country in the world, but is the most suitable (ticks the most boxes) for very many retirees.
  15. This thread is nearly identical to another a few weeks back. I'll repeat, after my second Pfizer jab at Loei I asked about boosters, They said due in six months, they will contact me at that time.
  16. I was actually following the mercurial Gamma G, when you pasted a piece of rubbish in the middle of his thread. I checked back on your history to ascertain exactly how sad an individual you are, living somewhere you hate with a wife who scares you. I know you would never have the courage to tell me to my face to trot off ! I certainly am not, nor ever could be, a follower of yours. I'll concede you something, a few minutes ago a vender delivered my wife a couple of bamboo tubes with some sort of sticky rice concoction inside.
  17. You do seem to have a delicate constitution. Have you found the courage to ask your wife about the loan she took out behind your back described in your recent thread? The one where the Thai loans fellow couldn't speak a word of the Queen's English? (Presumably, you can't speak a word of the King's Thai!) To be forced into living in one of the most boring countries in the world must be torture for someone like you. Where I am in Thailand I'm hoping the sun soon burns off the fog and warms the place up enough to go outside.
  18. Er, yes. Origins may have been Latin and Anglo-French, but it has become part of the English language in the same way many other words have. 99 French words we use in English all the time – Busuu Blog
  19. Also just applied. Instant reply with password. A couple of weeks before my application needs doing. See how it goes then.
  20. Thai males have no business being in Pattaya! The city is a dedicated zone for foreign males and Thai women.
  21. There's no definitive answer to the question. People vary dramatically with their wants, needs, asperations and importantly, financial situations. Many pack up and move across the world for silly reasons without knowing what they are getting into. Without doing the research and planning. How often do we hear the old chestnut - "I came for two weeks, fell in love with the laidback lifestyle/tropical weather/hot, available girls/temples/etc., and stayed. " There will always be people who find it isn't the paradise they first envisaged. Others who don't have the finances to live in a foreign country, those who should never have left loved ones and/or their structured lives behind and need that again. And of course those who expected a place like Thailand to be a free living, exotic, paradise yet still have the amenities and structure of a modern western country, Some people flee back to their place of safety, and list all the things they consider are better there - road rules, policing, no Immigration(!), service, beer, sport, an organized relatively non-chaotic life. Things that existed before they left, which elicits the question - why did they leave? Then there are those who consider that paradise, once found, should forever remain unchanged in some sort of time warp. They lament the fact that Thailand has evolved or deteriorated, in the way all places do, including the country they left years ago. After 11 years away I don't miss, nor even recognise, much of what Australia has become.
  22. I miss the days when people looked forward to a brighter, exciting future and didn't spend all their time whining about the present, and reminiscing about/longing for the past.
  23. People can't remember number sequences. They used to name the variants after the country in which they originated, but those places strongly objected to the association. WHO settled for naming them from the Greek Alphabet - eg Delta, Omicron.
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