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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I don't care about climate change, but I do care about nutters like Greta and con men like Al Gore wanting me to live in a mud hut with no heating, electricity, internet or a vehicle to drive. (while they drive around in humvees and motorcades, and live in beach front mansions) The only way for evil to triumph is if the rest of us stay quiet and let it happen.
  2. Generally it's the young people who pretend to care, while consuming as much as they can afford. I don't care about climate change as 1) I'm not convinced it's something that can be changed, and 2) I'm not convinced it's bad. I'm 80% solar, because it saves me money. As you do care, I'm assuming you're already 100% solar? Or are you expecting someone else to fix it for you?
  3. It was Trump or Hillary. Trump didn't win because he was a good choice. Trump won because he wasn't Hillary! Trump would have lost against almost anyone else.
  4. Do you really think Hillary would have been a better president?
  5. Tourist food, usually not on sale in restaurants that cater to Thais.
  6. Is there a t-shirt that shows support and solidity for the people of Russia? (Asking for a friend)
  7. Absolutely, no need to let 'an inconvenient truth' get in the way of your beliefs.
  8. Straw man post, What countries did he invade, what foreigners did he kill? Did he drown any of his gfs and cover it up? Did he press any of his staff into having oral sex? Any mysterious $1M payments to his family?
  9. Lots of posters are obsessed with Trump. Do they want to be him, or just have sex with him?
  10. In other news the ice sheet is getting thicker ............ https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/05/13/what-s-behind-the-surprising-growth-of-one-antarctic-ice-sheet and https://www.severe-weather.eu/global-weather/arctic-sea-ice-second-highest-18-years-end-2021-rrc/
  11. Was in a bar in CM (LK boxing ring) and one of the girls noticed weed in my manbag. "Let's smoke it now", she says. "I've got no papers, and it's illegal", I replied. Ash trays and papers appeared and the whole bar started smoking ............ "Nobody cares", she said.
  12. Then lose your money when the solar farm goes bust. https://www.energylivenews.com/2022/11/15/solar-energy-company-goes-bust-owing-taxpayers-655m/
  13. Financial institutions own much of the rental market now. The Cons won't let their pals lose money.
  14. It's the UK government inflating house prices, the building costs won't matter. Building could be free, but the government wouldn't allow planning permission or land availability. In France you can buy a run-down farmhouse and land for under E20k. https://www.french-property.com/sale-property/1676-FRP141303-1603?source=property-alerts-latest
  15. Presumably they'd need to show tax had been paid. Rico allows doubtful assets to be seized. Receiving money over $5000 with no proof of source also contravenes money laundering law.
  16. They choose their tribal/feudal representative/overlord. Bangkok Thais vote for Prayut Lao/Lanna/Issan speaking Thais vote for Thaksin. Southern Thais vote to be in another country.
  17. My former Thai lover (2009) did the same thing. She said, "I'm just going to burn some rubbish in the next field" I says, "It's a bit dry, careful you don't burn the place down" She says, "I am Thai farmer, I know everything about farming, you know nothing" So I went back to watching the footy. A bit later she comes back, "Can you help me" I look out the window and the whole field is ablaze, 6' high flames. We put it out between us using two brooms and beating. Last time she ever pulled the "I know everything" line on me. Lovely woman, but never listened!
  18. I would expect a stabbing or shooting!
  19. Natural selection has selected white folk to plan ahead, if you couldn't you'd die in the winter. In Thailand it's warm and food grows all year round, no planning selection has taken place. Most of the foreigners in Thailand are superior to the local Thais. Why they think they are better than us is purely Thai government propaganda.
  20. I thought any burning was a criminal offence at the moment? No fires to be lit under any circumstances.
  21. I suspect the poster to whom you're replying is only suitable for minimum wage work, so sees all adverts as 'suitable'. Edit: There you go, he's just replied that is the case.
  22. Go alone to Pattaya for a week or twos holiday. No funding for the misses and home while you're away. Just the threat of that removed my MiL from our family home. Money Vs parents/siblings = money wins every time.
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