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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Not for my first 10 years in Thailand. Then I was an international jet-setting playboy.
  2. You think they couldn't manage 'hansum man'? I don't believe I've ever been in a situation where I had to refer to anyone, at any time, using a possibly insulting term.
  3. I was always at work in the UK. Here, retired, I'm always at home.
  4. In Thailand I always assumed 'alien' was a translation error. Person from another star (ดาว), and person from another country (ด้าว) only have one accent different in written Thai.
  5. I've reduced my grid consumption by 90%. Solar power in Thailand is very useful, I'm surprised more homes don't have it.
  6. The Filipinos do quite well using 'sir' or 'boss'. I'd be OK with Thais calling me 'sir', 'mr', 'boss' ...... maybe even 'massa' or 'Brit man'.
  7. I'd keep my money in a box under the bed before I was daft enough to pay a bank to store it for me. Surprised the value of the Euro hasn't dropped through the floor as everyone abandons the banks.
  8. Believe women! (Obviously no man that's ever lived with a woman would agree with that sentiment)
  9. Social card is only good at your registered hospital.
  10. I'm OK with OMF speaking for me ............ you, not so much, even if you're actually a man. I can define real and fake rape if you want. Real rape ....... abducted off the street by strangers, staggering to the police station covered in blood as soon as they can stand. Fake rape ...... going back to a guy's room after a date, then reporting it 10 years later, coincidentally at the same time as 13 other women.
  11. I prefer the girls from CMRU, My woman (Political Science) and step-daughter (International Business Studies) both went there.
  12. Why do you think they need to refer to you by your skin colour?
  13. It's part of showing they're more Thai than you ........ even though it's the only Thai word they know.
  14. I visited my mum 5x a week before she died.
  15. Why would anyone keep large sums of money in WISE? It's not bank, it's for moving money between currencies. Sometimes I leave money in WISE for 2 weeks, no longer.
  16. You are posting what you are looking for in a woman. A Thai woman mostly thinks, 'does he have a lot of money and how much can I get from him'. So if you're gonna slam her, slam her for being too stupid to find out how much he was earning. When I was doing 'online dating', I always limited the first encounter to an hour in a 'resort' room. (Usually 'Movement' but sometimes 'China Chic' or 'The Love Boat')
  17. Negative interest rates are usually for financial institutions, not personal customers.
  18. How often do you see your Brit sons? How often do/did you visit your Brit parents? I suspect hardly ever ...... so why are you expecting more from nieces? I expect children to leave home after their education, and my expectations are usually met. I did the same when I was young.
  19. I was always taught Thai language insists the correct honorific should be added before addressing another human being. Something not required if addressing or calling a dog. So in Thai language calling a person 'farang' would be rude. But calling a person 'khun farang', 'lung farang', 'pee farang', etc would be polite. When a Thai person calls me 'farang', by the rules of their own culture, they are being rude. And I treat them as such. When a non-Thai calls me 'farang', they are being stupid, as I speak English, and they usually speak English too.
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