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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Seems to me Australia is ruled by tyranny, the fine seems out of all proportion to the offense.
  2. Do the anti-weed folks enter the I drink too much sections and complain about alcohol, or the gay section and boast about not being gay? I'd ban the bigots for a couple of weeks, if I were in charge.
  3. I get inundated from sponsored ads on FB for weed ......... here's one from yesterday. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Kepq8rwxVbMQ7AAA6aT47HxKna3hrVBwfd5jyn5VyPpwAuYumgP2u24rK9YVX62Tl&id=108316065309377
  4. It's a great place to visit, hour or two train ride from Hanoi. I hired a bicycle from a restaurant opposite the train station and cycled all around.
  5. Nah, it's the same guy with different lies.
  6. Irrelevant to today, different rules, different laws. Before 1997 most women got nothing in divorce, so they didn't. If the rules were changed so the women again got nothing on divorce, they wouldn't divorce.
  7. My woman gets the benefits of a 7-11 wage, transport and accommodation without having to work for it, and no beatings. Free High school and university education as well. Which is a lot better than she got before me. If she wants more she could always get a job like I had to do.
  8. I didn't expect my Brit wife of 30 years to start banging other guys and chuck me out.
  9. She could always get a job and earn her own money.
  10. E. Mommy bangs on his door and tells him it's time for school.
  11. Looks like it's a scam ......... https://www.emiratesgroupcareers.com/ "What is recruitment fraud? It has come to our attention that various people and organisations unrelated to the Emirates Group are sending emails or otherwise contacting individuals offering fraudulent employment opportunities in the Emirates Group. These people and organisations may request personal information or money from you in order to progress the application. We would therefore advise that you never provide your bank account or credit card details as part of a job application."
  12. Why not contact Emirates through their website and ask.
  13. Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
  14. Would point out under Buddhist teachings, the general population are only required to choose 3 precepts to follow.
  15. Photo of coffee and bagel or it isn't real!
  16. I would hardly consider a glorified telephone exchange operator as a 'figure of authority'.
  17. Topic isn't about love, it's about marriage.
  18. Why not, there's no downside to marriage in Thailand. You can still bang other women, and you get a VISA extension with 400k in the bank.
  19. Never marry, cohabit or impregnate in the west. Save that money to use on Temple and beach holidays in Thailand.
  20. Best to leave your woman at home, plenty of other Thai ladies available to share your room when you get there.
  21. Not relevant what you think. In the USA men earn 75% of all earnings, and women spend 75% of it. Men save, women spend, it's the why things work.
  22. I've been discussing big manly horse faced women. Fat is an eating disorder, big tall women is a hormone disorder.
  23. Considering most women contribute nothing to a married couples house purchase, are you claiming a 50% chance of losing half your money (best case) is a good investment?
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