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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. The neighbor with blue book is a witness, nothing to do with your yellow book/ID. Yellow/pink cant serve the purpose of being a witness for your extension.
  2. Thats an odd thing for the Amphur to say, its really up to them how hard/easy the process is. Some will issue them with a minimum of documentation.
  3. People need to be aware of the following clause in the Condo Act : Section 47 A joint owner may give a written proxy to the other person in casting the vote on his behalf, however, a proxy shall not be permitted to receive such written proxy to cast the votes in a meeting in excess of three units. The following persons shall be prohibited to receive a proxy to cast the vote on behalf of a joint owner: Board members and their spouses, The Manager and his spouse, Staffs or employees of the condominium corporate or contractors of the condominium corporate, Staffs or employees of the Manager in the case where the Manage is a corporate. Management companies, condo employees etc cant hold and cast proxy votes. A developer has to have a physical person holding the proxies at the meeting to vote. One person can hold 3 proxies, So to cast 100 proxy votes would require 33 physical people at a meeting.
  4. Any of these stories' about cant wash your own car etc, are rubbish. They are always told 3rd hand, and there always ends up being more to the story, ie: the guy had an actual car wash business and was washing 20 cars a day etc. Someone will pop on with a story of a guy they know, who knows a guy, who knows a guy who got arrested for making a cup of coffee. The real story will be the guy was working in a restaurant, serving, cooking, waiting etc, and got caught. Then the guy said he was only making a cup of coffee for himself. Nobody has ever been arrested for washing the car, mowing the lawns etc
  5. There is no high science when it comes to Thai English translations. Its not like there is an official book with the pronunciation, spelling, even meaning of Thai words in English. Often we see a phonetic translation (how it sounds) rather than the correct spelling etc. Lots of Asian languages don't have or use a hard R sound, and all languages have silent/dropped letters that are sometimes not pronounced or skipped in day to day speech. Nobody ever says the r sound in the word dollar. There are many sounds in asian languages that dont have an English equivalent or letter ngh, bph etc. its not incorrect, it often has no direct translation
  6. Yes you can, but it would be considered a marital asset and subject to spit in a divorce etc. Name on the chanote doesn't mean much if it was purchased during marriage.
  7. As the buyer you would usually only pay half of the 2% transfer fee. All other taxes etc would be the responsibility of the seller (the company). However, the seller may try and get you to pay half of everything. Its not the standard practice but many sellers try and do it. And unfortunately, some buyers being unaware, do pay half of the sellers taxes. Specific Business Tax 3.3% : the seller's duty Stamp duty .5% : the seller's duty Transfer fees 2% : the buyer's duty or shared Withholding tax (income tax at nominal rate) : always the seller's duty Any sales contract should state "Buyer to pay only transfer tax, all other taxes paid by seller"
  8. OP, Not sure that immigration "prefer" retire extension. Its just two different extensions with two different requirements. You are free to switch between both extensions. Nowadays with possible insurance, and extra money seasoning requirements, marriage extn isn't so bad. a couple of extra documents. I know in my immigration office, the retire desk can be very busy with a queue, while the marriage desk is never busy. Any immigration changes have a history of not effecting marriage extensions.
  9. OP, its rising damp, Water is sitting on the floor slab and the pourous concrete walls act like a sponge and soaks/draws up the water, in the bathroom case there is a water leak, tiles possibly need re-grouting, a leaky pipe in a wall etc. There is a leak, the water has nowhere to go, the water sits on the floor slab, the wall soaks up the water. Does water collect on bathroom/shower floor and not drain away The air-conn is the refrigerant pipes in the wall getting cold and condensation forming on the pipes, ie: another form of water damage. This is usually a sign that the gas is low or the indoor condenser unit it dirty, how long since its been cleaned.. Or, a leak/blockage in the water condensation drainage pipe.
  10. People take out 30 year mortgages and pay them using 30 years of auto transfers/direct debit. Same with car payments etc, 5 years later the same transfer is paying the loan each month.
  11. Non O visa can be for various reasons, OA visa is only for retire. The idea is retirees have insurance.
  12. The guy would own half the company, (and be the controlling director of the whole company). Whatever the company owns, he owns.
  13. A big difference between a gift and a genuine inheritance. If mum/dad die and have willed the family home to the children, little to no tax etc. IF mum/dad are still alive and own 10 rental properties, and want to transfer one to a child, then probably the usual taxes. As a side note, there is currently a reduction in the 2% transfer, down to .1% as a covid/ economic stimulus package.
  14. I met my (non-bargirl) now wife of 8 years on a dating site. I filtered out the hookers and she filtered out the guys looking for hookers. Unfortunately some of these sites are dominated by the sex industry and there customers, but if you are genuine, you can find genuine. I met and dated, not only my wife but 20-30 genuine normal Thai girls, schoolteachers, office workers, business owners, even a girl from immigration. Given that normal Thai girls dont hang in bars, are probably working all day etc, its probably one of the only avenues available to meet them, unless you want to strike up a conversation on the BTS, in a supermarket etc.
  15. Usually issued by land office when you buy the condo, but otherwise local amphur could probably issue a new/replacement book.
  16. Any transfer/taxes is calculated on either the land office appraised value, or the sale value, whichever is higher. You cant sell a property for 50 baht and pay no tax. There is a basic 2% transfer fee and .5% stamp duty, some other taxes that may apply in different circumstances, rental property etc. https://www.samuiforsale.com/knowledge/real-property-transfer-taxes-and-fees.html
  17. I did the same, vaccinated on day one of the rollout, using pink ID
  18. Its an ongoing discussion as to the usefulness of yellow book/pink ID. Personally I have found it very useful, others report different. To get the full benefit, you need to move things like bank accounts, license etc over to yellow/pink (name in Thai).
  19. I do marriage extension every year, its not the huge drama people make it out to be. A couple of extra documents and maybe a quick home visit, but its less money (for less time) in the bank, no insurance requirements, can work etc. This years extension, due to covid, I was in and out of the immigration office in 15 minutes, later that same day a 15 minute home visit to the condo office, a couple of photos and the office staff (witness) ID etc, done for another year. Its like anything, the extra checks exist because the system has been abused in the past.
  20. Blue book has nothing to do with property ownership, it simply lists the Thais that live in the property, owner or renter. A Chanote is the property title deeds for ownership. If a Thai moves into a property, the owner takes their chanote to the local ampher, proves ownership, then adds the Thai person to the blue book. This is exactly what I just did last week, my wife sold her house where she was listed in the blue book and (officially) moved into my condo. For 5 years prior the blue book was blank, I was listed in the yellow book
  21. Any Thais that live in the property would be listed in the blue book, any foreigners that live in a property (in theory) are listed in the properties yellow book.
  22. https://www.pattayamail.com/thailandnews/thailand-cuts-property-transfer-and-mortgage-fees-to-stimulate-economy-386597
  23. You still wouldn't get it as it only applies to Thais
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