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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. People dont realize, The 50 baht note has been polymer since the mid 90s
  2. You can use the following USSD code to check the status/expiry of your internet package. Press *121*21# To check the remaining balance of all your packs. Press *121*22# To check the remaining balance of each pack.
  3. OP, there are many variables to do with speed, what you are downloading and from where, time of day, cellular signal strength etc. The theoretical capable speed of your connection is probably very consistent, so long as no other factors are slowing things down. At 2am, to a local AIS server, its probably full speed. We all own vehicles that can do 100 kph, but they wont do that speed in a traffic jam.
  4. I think you will find the 5+ properties relates to when the landlord owns an entire building of apartments, not 5 individual condos. Apartment buildings operate somewhere between hotels and individual condos, then the different provisions apply for more deposit, add to elec bill etc. As you say, it would be impossible to know how many individual properties a landlord has. As others have said, the penalty for breaking a lease early should be mentioned in the lease, its usually would be the 1 month deposit.
  5. OP, not clear if you are looking to buy or rent. If you buy a condo, its the government rate, your meter, your account direct with the electricity supplier. If you rent its up to the landlord. Most condos (individually owned) the bill will turn up in your mailbox and you pay the government rate. Its usually only apartment buildings, hotels etc, where an owner owns the whole building where they add on top for the electricity bill. Most places are Condos nowadays, once you move away from apartment blocks, guest hoses etc, the bill goes to you, not via a landlord. Just remember to check and ask when you are viewing.
  6. Its just semantics. The freehold villa would be "owned" by a share of a company, a leasehold, separating a structure from the actual freehold etc. A creative definition/interpretation of the word owned.
  7. A 10 year lease would be valid, but as you say, I think you would find most landlords would be reluctant. Most long-term leases would probably contain a clause covering future rent rises etc. 10 year is a long time to be locked into a lease, with possible long-term maintenance issues, with repairs and maintenance often being the tenants responsibility. Immigration wouldn't care less about the length of a lease, so long as its valid.
  8. It will depend on the requirements of the local immigration office, and what paperwork you have available. In theory you can file as the property possessor if you have a lease, copy of blue book etc.
  9. we pulled in to a pump today near Laem Chabang (where they make fuel) and no 91 octane
  10. Doesn't a monthly bank statement show the same ? I have friends who show monthly income for extension, all they show is monthly bank statements showing incoming foreign transfer.
  11. I changed from OA extensions to marriage extensions, a couple of years ago. Initially the office (jomtien) insisted that insurance required because of original OA, had to convince them otherwise and show them the rulings. Requirements will vary depending on office, often no more running around than an OA extn with seasoning/insurance .
  12. OP, the building is (or should be) already insured via the condo block, I think you will find it would only be for contents etc of individual condo.
  13. Depending on the ampher where you got married, 2-3 MFA translated documents are required, freedom to marry affidavit, passport etc. The process to get married involves an official MFA translation of your name. In theory, your name (in Thai) on marriage certificate, came from the translation.
  14. The requirements could vary depending on the local land office, and circumstances (Is it the family home, is it a rental property etc).. Basically, it would be property documentation, Chanote, blue book etc. ID for all parties, funds to pay transfer/tax etc.
  15. Sounds great in theory, but the day they say its ok to work as a volunteer, is the day it will be abused. Work for tips, a gift from the employer each week etc.
  16. OP, Your name in yellow book and pink ID is in Thai, hence the translation of passport, if you are married, you already have an MFA official translation of your name. That should be enough for step 1.
  17. That is not a usual requirement. Can you say which office required this photo ? Often, if an agent is doing an extension they may ask for a photos etc, to replace the usual taken at the office photo. Its a way of getting around the customer actually visiting the office. But otherwise, a 4x6 photo is not usually a requirement.
  18. It appears strawberries have become the default "quality of life" indicator. I remember the good old days when it was hookers and beer.
  19. People need to remember, there is often no difference between the suicide numbers in Thailand and suicide numbers back home. The big difference is we read about it in Thailand. To a certain extent, suicides in UK, Aust, USA etc , dont make the news. We are blissfully unaware someone jumped/fell from a building next suburb over. My ex wife in Australia used to work in the career/counselling section of a major Sydney university. They would have 3-4 suicides a year, students who couldn't cope etc. Never published.
  20. Yes, I agree, the owners and committee etc cannot manage a block, and a "good" management company can be great. But there is also a middle ground, where the condo block hires a manager (not a management company) and that person manages the block. The manager is supervised and takes instruction from the committee. The manager supervises and instructs the condo staff etc. People tend to think the only way to get a manager is to hire a company. Many condo blocks hire a manager (person) and it works well. Upfront, the managers authority and responsibilities can be defined in their employment contract. Ideally the managers contract expires every year, around the time of the AGM, and the owners vote to renew. (see my post above about mafia condo management companies)
  21. OP, The answer is No, a condo block does not need to use a management company, However, the block (unless its very small) does need to have a paid manager. In a smaller block the manager is usually also the admin staff. In a larger block the manager supervises the condos admin staff. Often, one paid manager is the normal situation. On a yearly reviewed contract that gets copied to the land office etc. Management companies can be an absolute nightmare, some of them are like the mafia. They embed themselves in the block, and literally take over the block. They sack the existing (paid by the condo) staff and replace them with management company staff, they put the gardeners, maids etc, in management company uniforms. They slowly take over to the point where they hire their own Management company staff for maintenance and repairs. They control all the data in the office, (owners literally cannot contact other owners) , arranging EGM/AGM etc, They literally change the locks on the office door, and at this point they control changing management company etc. These management companies get themselves into a condo block with ridiculous, unbreakable contracts, and its not until the owners decide to change management company, they find out its almost impossible to remove them. AND, they will use condo funds to fight the owners in court etc. I know of one management company that is in court with 3-4 condo blocks, where the block is trying to get rid of them, and they are not only refusing to go, but actually suing the blocks for millions. Yes, the block doesnt need to use a management company, but good luck getting rid of them.
  22. OP, try Index Living Mall stores for inspiration and design. My Local store in Pattaya (I presume they all do) has mock condos of certain sizes, 40sqm, 60sqm etc. Already built with lots of unique condo specific furniture, storage, fold away beds, shelfs that convert to tables, etc. What they fit into a 40sqm condo is truly amazing. (lots of stuff like the bookshelf/stairs you picture above) They actually have an inhouse computer design service and install. You can sit with them and do the whole layout, furniture etc. https://www.indexlivingmall.com/design-build/
  23. Does "free servicing" mean anything for an EV, there is literally nothing to service. No oil change, no consumables, no transmission, no radiator, some don't even have brake shoes to wear out.
  24. OP, do you realize that Bangkok Bank in NYC is not a Thai bank, its an American bank (US company, US banking license etc). A balance in that bank would mean nothing to Thai immigration, and they probably cant do much in the way of balance/statements/letters for a Thai account. Its a separate bank in a separate country, not a branch office of BKK Bank Thailand.
  25. Given that there is NO long-term visa options for these people. In reality they are just short stay tourists with laptops. They are no more digital nomads, than any other tourist with a smartphone or laptop.
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