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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. YES! You are just a TRUMP MEGA MAGA supporter who is totally incapable of accepting any criticism of your MEGA GOD (we would call it SATAN).
  2. I don't think trolls have a sense of humour! I think that this new/reinvented/avatar troll is nothing other than just that! A Troll!
  3. Just some? I think I would up that to a majority! (excluding you and I of course)😆
  4. What Red? Traffic cones? Anyone can place them anywhere anytime with no actual law enforcement or background/authority! A totally meaningless photo of Nakhon Nowhere!
  5. Are you suggesting that there is, or is not, alleged corruption and what has it got to do with the assault in any case?
  6. Do you think he is actually bright enough to have learned anything and will anything stop d!cks like him from picking their noses to try and find out if they actually have a brain cell or two?
  7. George has now answered my question. I assumed that people would realise that I did not want SMS advertising or calls!
  8. I don't think baked beans would be allowed in such a classy establishment! 😁 Images of Blazing Saddles come to mind!
  9. Did you go there to look at/enjoy the food or the customers? Who cares who the other customers are in a dining area as long as they are not misbehaving!
  10. I am asking about using the SIM without any connection to a phone. I.e. putting the SIM in a sim router and using that to only connect to laptop/desktop?
  11. Why bother as his longwinded answer(s) would just be his usual mentally unstable BS!
  12. This might sound a stupid question but if I put that SIM into my SIM router, rather than a phone/hotspot, would I still get the ads and SMSs? PS; For use with a desktop or laptop not connecting to a mobile!
  13. Will she have had the baby by now do you think?
  14. Where am I "demanding an answer to a whole group of complicated questions, under the banner of two questions"? I have asked only two simple questions! And as such I am still waiting for two simple answers, if it is possible, for them to be forthcoming from my two simple questions!
  15. So you are saying that everybody resident in Thailand over 180 days, of all nationalities, must file a tax return!
  16. Not just them! It is a very basic question which nobody seems to want to give a straight answer to! If you do not owe tax do you have to submit a tax return?
  17. What did the cake say to the fork? You wanna piece of me? What do you eat if you 3.142 cakes? You get fat. Pay attention, this is a thread about cakes, not pies. How am I going to feel if I don't get upvotes on cake day? I'm going to feel deserted! What can I say? I'm a man with layers and I might even burst into tiers!. The recipe said I had to put them in an oven turned to 180 degrees. I did that and the cakes burnt as I couldn't open the bloody oven door Wait...wait....I can do batter than this. You know what's yellow and swings from cake to cake? Tarzipan. Do you know why they put candles on top of a birthday cake? Because it's really difficult to put them underneath. My wife mentioned she gets heartburn every time she tries to eat birthday cake. Silly bitch didn't take the candles off.
  18. Lots of short comings caused that delivery I assume!
  19. Can anyone on this forum answer either of these two very simple questions with a yes/no response? "If a person does not owe any taxes to the Thai Government does that person have to make a tax return?" or "If a person believes that they do not owe any taxes to the Thai Government does that person have to make a tax return?"
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