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Everything posted by digbeth

  1. to be fair, happens to thais to, teenage boys hook up with the daughter, next day the parents come after the boy's family, pay up or we go to the police
  2. Not up to her, up to the parents to press charge or not
  3. Consent for sex is one thing there's also the 'taking away a minor away from their parent' or abducton which in this case minor is 15-18, doesn't matter if she consents to having sex or not
  4. be mindful that not all branch is equipped to handle foreign exchange, especially out in the sticks
  5. Because it's Krueng Neu, Neu Krueng would be an inch and a half 🙂
  6. I've never seen anything measured in actual 'hun' most of the time they just substitute it for eights of an inch, There's Chinese inch 寸 which the hun is based on which is actually 1.3 imperial inch and the 'hun' is 10th of that, they're roughly 3cm, not a problem for hardware like rebar or pipe fittings that's supposed to screw together but the actual measurement is 31.7 for the 'hun' or 33.3, confusing and starting to creep in more as I've noticed measuring tape from China that looks like inch on one side but not quite right.
  7. 13 is the legal minimum holidays , and many only pay just that, while this might seem a lot compared to say the UK with only 8 bank holidays, Thai workers get much less paid annual leave, usually 6-10 days depending on tenure compared to westerners that got almost a month annual leave
  8. Usually they come with lead 'seal' that's tamper evident
  9. The fact that Samsung Pay was available, and left Thailand due to lack of use, and now Some Thai Banks (Bangkok Bank and K Bank, which controls the majority of credit cards terminals in Thailand) works with Google Pay/Wallet I would say the onus is more on Apple not offering a competitive deal or anything to the Banks rather than anything more sinister
  10. see the colour of your money scam
  11. A separate TOU meter while your previous house meter remains on the old tariff is only possible with EV charger though, they don't want you having the best of both worlds, this is only done in PEA area and not MEA (Bangkok)
  12. The news that the government is going to start collecting VAT on the previously exempt under 1500 baht shipment only applies for online merchant that has presence in Thailand (like Lazada or Shopee) that they can force the VAT on from the moment of purchase. The post office don't have the manpower to check every packages so if your orders slip through the net, it'll continue
  13. How would you check in your pets at the terminal, some airlines allow pets in cabin now.
  14. she 'owned' multiple villas used in her business on the island and has access to a lawyer's service, I'm sure/hope she has proper state of mind to get her lawyer involved in the will before procuring the firearms to end her life
  15. Hopefully for most buyers all they stand to lose is the deposit/ downpayments, the rest is between the Banks and developers, whoever put cash for the whole unit 100% off plan when even when you can wait until completion and there's always units available, the discounts for buying off plan is not worth it
  16. The 'maid' better pray the media circus goes away quickly, or people will start asking how the French women is able to own land, next thing the government will be forced to act and scrutinize use of shell companies to hold land for the whole island
  17. Usufruct was suggested on both his and his wife's Chanote to guard against being absentmindedly giving away the Chanote due to senility he has 1 Chanote, his wife holds the other, if he has his name on the back of wife's Chanote, she can't sell without him agreeing, and vice versa if she is on his Chanote,
  18. Interesting way to list the item, though it's only time they're found out
  19. having anything recorded on the back of the chanote like usufruct or superficies is enough to put off any creditors or banks, so you record a usufruct or superficies on each other's plot
  20. Many other countries would have clearly defined how many days in a year you can stay using visa-exempt the previous and oft-cited 180 days in a year sounds reasonable, could even serve as a guideline for current regime where anything above you're pushing your luck but could be let in after stern warning would no back to back exempt entry or same day re-entry and land border be reasonable? no genuine tourist would pass up a chance to explore Laos, Cambodia or even Malaysia, Would anyone be caught out by this?
  21. Advantage of superficies is that you can sell/transfer or lease out the superficies, but in either case if they don't want you there there's plenty of means where legal protection isn't worth much
  22. Hasn't there been cases where immigration showed up and asks that Juristic office keep a file on all foreigner and TM30s
  23. 300 baht sounds like local cable, are you in Pattaya or someplace like that with Local Cable company? they re-broadcast digital terrestrial as well as some international channels over the cable in both digital and maybe still analog, as long as the new TV has aerial input you'll be okay, most new TV should still have them and able to tune into the cable's channel, wifi and internet are optional and you don't have to use it
  24. The way the air force sees it, AOT, the airport authority is a private enterprise that is depriving them of their perceived income from use of their 'land' the fact that the land goes back to the government which them reassigned to whomever they see fit has no bearing on this
  25. Previously what did you watch on the old TV? the TV that has wifi or internet connection usually don't require it to watch broadcast over the air like off an aerial or cable box
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