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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. Have you read the 'minutes' of his phone conversation with Putin?
  2. Or to openly lust after their daughter like Trump did/does!
  3. These pesky "foreigners"! Thai kids are always so lovely to their ASEAN neighbours! 😒
  4. This is going to be a long-lasting thread! From today's news, we can blame Trump for giving the green light to dictators like Putin to do what they like. If I lived in the Baltics or Taiwan I would be very worried.
  5. Yes, drag acts have a great history in UK entertainment, from pantomime dames to Hinge & Bracket, Danny La Rue, Lily Savage and the best one of all (but Australian) Dame Edna Everage.
  6. People like the Tate brothers and Tommy Robinson are such charmers. Jail is the best place for them.
  7. Only some Chinese-Thais do this. The majority eat loads of beef, especially in the south where many Thais don't eat pork.
  8. Yes, it's a nonsense to claim that an alcohol sales ban is "Thai culture"!
  9. I remember the days when pubs in the UK had to close at 3pm every day and couldn't open again until 6pm until 11pm.
  10. A grey area. Best not to ask.
  11. I'm not a fan of his music, but in the current climate his performance was brave and culturally important. 👏
  12. From the various threads running on this topic, the consensus seems to be don't make waves and whatever you do, don't visit your local tax office!
  13. No thanks. Although at least Elon realises how unfit for leadership Nigel Farage is!
  14. And don't forget to buy DanaboutThailand's burgers too!
  15. "One can only hope..." that no one reads this rubbish in the Daily Torygraph!
  16. That's where good TEFL training comes in. Properly trained TEFL teachers should be able to teach multi-language classes. No knowledge of the learners' L1 is necessary.
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 96 seconds  
  18. Yes, you're right. After Boris' landslide in 2019 not many predicted a Labour resurgence 5 years later, but they pulled it off.
  19. What were the Korean teachers teaching? Korean to Thais, presumably?
  20. "Muslims have already achieved critical mass"? As they constitute less than 7% of the UK population, you might want to use more reliable "facts" rather than Elon Musk and the American Right. And it's Labour not Labor.
  21. No. If the dispenser in the Women's toilet is empty, a woman can get a male to purchase one for her.
  22. Yes, the UK and Australia are multi-cultural countries and their State broadcasters rightly reflect this. They are not the USA!
  23. True. I don't doubt the possibility of a revival by the Tories, but it would have to be at the expense of Reform. And I think they will need a new leader.
  24. Are you old enough to remember the early 1980s when the SDP was formed? The Thatcher government was as unpopular as the current government and polls suggested the SDP would hold the balance of power or even win power, in alliance with other parties. Of course it was too early to make such a prediction! Maybe Starmer needs a Falklands war to come to his rescue.
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