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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. Modis operendi. Tentacles slide in slowly and serriptitiously until they've got you by the b*Alls and squeezing your heart.
  2. This OP is a re-run, and pretty dull the first time through. Not again please.
  3. Agreed. You can even buy a spot welder for the nickle connecting straps on Lazada very cheap. However, I've used acid flux and a soldering iron with tin/lead solder on several occasions as well.
  4. One of the principal joys of living here is that I can more easily totally ignore christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Easter, etc.
  5. Exactly correct. It's more dangerous to walk, ride, or drive in this country than any other activity.
  6. Salt is sodium chloride. Chlorine atoms have mass. Someone failed chemistry too.
  7. Ah. Thanks for that info. Trust.Zone has an option, at a small fee I think, to get a permanent OP, but I don't like that idea either. I use a 'manual' steaming service. From tracker to torrent to memory stick to TV. TV disconnected from internet completely. I know, I'm a tin foil hat guy who values his privacy. I can live with that moniker. I have done all I can to virtually disappear from the web.
  8. My mood has been boosted the last few weeks just watching the republican party fall into chaos and China imploding. In both cases they did it to themselves and deserve what they get. Let the good times roll! Childish and gratuitous I know, but I just don't care anymore.
  9. Walker passes a farm and see the farmer has a pig with one leg missing. He asks farmer why. "he's too good a pig to eat all at once"
  10. Exactly correct. Proper title for this thread is: 'China tightens velvet covered iron fist around Thailand's throat while smiling broadly. Hopes to do the same to all member states in ASEAN'.
  11. Thanks for the Pic. Only thing that made this thread tolerable. I'm gotta here now.
  12. I've had a Proton Mail account since before the service was actually activated. Now I'm a 'plus' member. I tried to use their VPN but installation failed because my computer clock didn't match theirs. I worked with support but that didn't help. Then I dug deeper and found that there are very few server locations unless you pay more. Not worth the trouble or cost to me. I used Express VPN for 15 years but moved to Trust.Zone because express changes the IP address so often it keeps my private book club torrent tracker from working. I've exhausted all options by working with both parties. So I'll let my Express account end and move completely to Trust.Zone which is working fine for me. $8.88/month on monthly plan.
  13. Yes. So ironic that he's obsessed with preventing war in other countries while waging war on his own government and populace for the last seven years. I don't believe in alien abductions but can think of one person who badly needs to be removed from this planet. Hopefully studied with multiple serial anal probes as well.
  14. I misread 'tale' as 'tail' and was expecting a picture of Godzilla in a condo room. My bad. At least she didn't destroy the entire building.
  15. I second that. This edition of AN is rank with navel gazing by the usual suspects. It's all good though. It helps me wean off the site entirely. There is seldom anything of interest here now.
  16. You're absolutely maybe losing it dude.
  17. So that's a definite maybe GG? You're losing it dude.
  18. Google translate on phone.? Or, use the translate web app to prepare description of what services you need and print it to take to bank. This is not a hostage situation or rocket surgery. "I need to have a document notarized" ฉันต้องมีเอกสารรับรอง Done.
  19. Any all all banks have certified notaries. If your own bank they should do it free or small fee. Can provide witnesses also if needed.
  20. Ah yes. But that might be somewhere in the unknown future. Thai people don't do 'future'.
  21. To simplify it: Be Here Now. (Ramdass aka Richard Alpert, Timothy Leary colleague)
  22. OP. I'd recommend a second opinion too, and bringing your question to this forum is a good idea too. Not to hijack the topic, but.... I just had a video colonoscopy, general anesthesia, done 4 months ago at San Paulo Hospital, Hua Hin. $600 USD. Very professional staff and equipment. I'm 74 and they found no polyps. I ask for and readily received full review documents and color pictures they took. I am very impressed with their work.
  23. Well GG, I think you got answers commensurate with your inquiry. In other words, mostly nonsense from bored people. Loquacios verbosity does not denote quality.
  24. Coming north from Pranburi toward Huahin there is a sign saying "HUA NIH 20km". It was clearly done with a paint stencil and the user flipped the second stencil backwards. There is no place named Hua Nih. We pass there frequently and always conjecture about who lives there and what they do. We've concluded it's a government black project location. ????????
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