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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Glad your recovery is going ok. I don't know how much of it was over exercise or fact that due to previous DVT and PE my blood situation may have been big contributor. Fact is they say listen to your body, which is all great but I felt great. Walking 3km a day up and down the corridors of my condo. I did start to push it as my flight to Oz coming up. I have another trip coming up Nov 17 and I'm taking it very easy. Doing only one lap (50m) a few times a day. Gone from walking in room unassisted (half of the time) to now needing stick for few steps to fridge. Sad look. I also lost most of feeling in buttock and privates which is bit of a mind game, apparently will slowly back to normal. This was all from the bleeding in leg. That pain was off the scale. Oh I also have a small hairline fracture from over exercise. Not being negative but yes .. Slow and steady wins the race. Best of luck.
  2. In hindsight would have been best to do it when you went for new extension. Years back when I renewed my pp, I traveled for months with both pp,s before attending CW to have info transfered to new pp.
  3. It's very helpful and a damn shame that these hurdles were put in place. Ridiculous requirements.
  4. Pretty confused. Given @Bruno123 earlier post it's only fair to update with recent "live chat" Jetstar. The previous time I did live chat (as shown in attachments earlier post) I was told that the return flight is 'lost' as I was tagged no show on outbound flight. In my upcoming flights on my Jetstar profile the return flight was still there. That flight was eg Thurs 17 Nov and used "manage my booking" to move it by couple of days. My reasoning was that I might get credit for taxes etc. Sure enough the "change flight" charge was $280. The same booking done a separate stand alone booking was $450. So I had another go at live chat. Screenshots attached. Seems I might be good to go. credit where it's due to Bruno123.
  5. Ignore it. If I'm wrong on this uj will be along to correct it.. Or guys with an elite visa
  6. True the PE (elite visa) are serious about overstays it's incorrect to state they have zero tolerance. Especially short overstay. In this case one day.
  7. It's not "a new visa each time you arrive" It's a new permission of stay. Have no idea why "they" told you that a TM30 is required. You do not need to file a TM30
  8. Rumors become persistent when they are repeated. Why would Jomtien have any inside knowledge re this.
  9. Multi reentry is 3800 baht. Single reentry permit 1000baht.. Can obtain at airport (best option) or immigration. Requires TM8 form with photo. At BKK the io will do form etc for service fee of 200baht
  10. Generally (Saigon for example) drop in application AM and pick up PM next day. Check if appointment is required. Personally I would be going to Saigon. Good consulate close to tourist area of Bui Vien District 1. Bus 109 to district 1 quick and easy from airport door 1usd.
  11. You could chat with ThaivisaCenter as a starting point. Some folk use Pattaya agents even though they live in Bangkok. You could sus out Maneerat for options. All decent agents are listed on Google. Most use Line or similar for chat.
  12. https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login OP, the link above is for the new online system. Perhaps try on that. BTW ....for others , when I received the reminder email (excellent idea) on Saturday, I did the 90 report on the spot. Received confirmation on Monday. This post is more an advertisement for new system. Works really well and basically auto fill after first time of using it.
  13. Yes that is what happened with me. I just checked now and I did that in 2016. So the L desk transferred my visa information and perhaps last entry stamp etc. They then sent me off to reentry permit desk and the io said words to effect.... This stamp from DMK you need go there. No problem.....I just traveled with both pp. At that time I was in out Thailand minimum once per month. The io (even at DMK) never directed me to reentry permit office to transfer reentry permit. Things change ...that is what happened at that time for me.
  14. Indeed it's a cycle. 800k 2 months prior maintained for 3 months after extention granted and must be not less than 400k at other times The requirements are carefully checked by immigration when you apply for subsequent extension. Some folk opt to maintain 800k year round to avoid any slip ups. Immigration are strict on it in most cases.
  15. Cannot follow your posts. Now you refer to agency. Yes you can spend it all after you have obtained your extension. The thing is you won't be able to obtain your next extension. The thread is not about agent assisted extensions.
  16. Being in or out of the country has zip to do with the financial requirements using money in the bank method. When you apply for the next extension your bank records will be checked back to your last extension to make sure you have followed the rules. Which part don't you understand. Think you may be caught up in the 3 month check that couple of rogue offices ask for. Jomtien being one. That's irrelevant you don't even need to do that.
  17. The guy I quoted was referring to "two letters" What he meant was bank letter and presumably banks statements. Hence the confusion.
  18. Thanks for advice. Replying to let others know that it wasn't the email or the online report site. I ended up forwarding the confirmation email to gf and her phone could download file. My cell has a glitch.
  19. You have gone off on tangent talking about Jomtien (and couple of others) requiring report back at 3 months. Irrelevant. Read your words above. NO ..you cannot "spend it all down". The rules are simple. Maintained at 800k+ for 3 months after extension granted and back up to 800k+ TWO months prior to next application and not less than 400k in-between those 2 periods. What don't you understand. Is it checked by immigration! Absolutely!!
  20. Stop. Even at Jomtien in reality the "3 month check" is not done by everyone and they obtain their extensions when account is checked.
  21. Read my posts carefully.. I was not referring to bank letter that's a given. I was stating that CW will accept photocopies of bank bank pages and not require 12 month bank statements
  22. That is completely incorrect. Please do not post information that is so wrong. For money in the bank method immigration is meticulous in checking requirements have been adhered to for previous months back to last extension.
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