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Everything posted by treetops

  1. A poster suggested you learn about the quote function on Monday morning so no, not taking the piss and yes, really necessary. Thanks for making the effort.
  2. Congratulations on finding the Quote button.
  3. https://aseannow.com/topic/1303849-concrete-floor-paint
  4. I wore only one for years as advised by my provider in the UK.
  5. Reported as being open at 8:30pm last night but closed again by shortly after midnight, which ties in with the midnight closing mentioned a couple of posts up.
  6. Closed altogether? I'd seen reports of it being closed about 12:30am but thought it was maybe closing earlier than before.
  7. I can't speak for the OP but I use SIM routers for a couple of reasons: 1) It's widely report that using your phone as a hotspot should only be done short term and not as a permanent setup as it's detrimental to the phone's life. 2) If I go out with my phone in my pocket then any other internet connected things at home lose connection. For me these are security cameras, heating and any other users, and there are numerous other devices around the home available now which require connectivity. OP. This was my latest one. https://www.strong-eu.com/app/uploads/4_GROUTER_1200_UK_LL_LR_EN_20-06-22.pdf
  8. Bumping this post as the OP seems to have missed it.
  9. Your replying to a 16 year old post. How helpful.
  10. The router specs could vary considerably giving different outcomes. When I was looking into it last year I went for the cheapest Chinese knock-off router and it worked, but having installed a couple more since then I know there's much more to it, and I still haven't really scratched the surface. Hopefully someone will be along soon with details, but maybe read up on what channels your preferred mobile company uses, what channels each router supports and what you need for carrier aggregation. Check also for signal coverage in your area, especially if you're out in the sticks somewhere.
  11. Nobody knows yet what rules wiil be applied, or if you apply your preferred rules whether these will be accepted by the Thai tax authorities should it come to an audit.
  12. Depends on the value of the transaction and how it's funded. The calculator on the Wise homepage currently shows estimates of seconds to Tuesday 9th July depending on these, and the Wise guide to Canadian Dollars says:
  13. It was brought up a few days ago but not much/any discussion on it. https://aseannow.com/topic/1331051-data-breach-warning-email-from-wise/
  14. This reason (long stay) was introduced a few years ago to replace "tagging" accounts to force the routing via BBL and ensure the International Transfer annotation to deposits. Choosing this means the deposit will land in your account just after 2:00pm the next day (same day if you're up early enough). "Tagging" was introduced after a change in Wise' procedures meant a lot of people relying on the International marking were left without it for a while causing issues with Immigration for many. The reason about purchasing property also goes this different route as condo purchases may have to show the funds coming from overseas.
  15. It's not standard for BBL to sit on inbound funds so if they are in your situation try to change things about until they don't. Different reasons for remittance, higher value of transaction, funding method and source of funds can all affect the process so there's no "right" answer but only "right for you". You just have to find it and it could easily be Wise.
  16. Definitely not the only one going by posts on here and elsewhere. Most reports I've read seem to be transferring from North America. Are you in that boat?
  17. Call him back and tell him he's talking rubbish.
  18. Using Wise' calculator on their home page you can see the Wire Transfer fee is fixed at $6.11 USD. The ACH fee varies dependent on the amount being sent and at $2,190 it is exactly $6.11 so anything greater than that would be better sent using a Wire Transfer.
  19. The shuttle train to/from Sat 1 clearly has accommodation for wheelchair users, as can be seen in this video at 1 min 58 seconds as he films through the train windows as it arrives into the station. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnrXosPHSgs
  20. It's mostly live TV I watch using the Firestick - I stick on BBC News when I wake up and just leave it playing for a while. I use a free service so occasionally see buffering but can usually find a site that's OK. The 1Mbps speed was from a SIM router so a phone should easily achieve that.
  21. 16 years later and an irrelevant bump. Well done.
  22. Can you explain why? I watch SD television via a Firestick and can monitor download speeds in real time. It seems to run OK at about 1 Mbps.
  23. No they don't. The poster who said that is not renowned for his credibility. I pay for flight ticket purchases with a credit card.
  24. Lots of places.
  25. As already mentioned upthread, that's down to your settings. Click on the currency symbol at the top of the homepage to change it.
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