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Everything posted by treetops

  1. The padlock in front of the thread title already indicates this for me. Example on the current forum support first page:
  2. And have the option to disable the card in the app should we fear cloning or other fraud might be attempted.
  3. Technophobe. Are you sure? https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/technophobe
  4. Emirates website explains the action required, timesale and cost. https://www.emirates.com/th/english/help/faq-topics/booking-with-emirates/faq/can-i-change-passenger-name-on-an-emirates-ticket/ Call them again or use the online chat.
  5. Dee Money are a transfer partner for Wise. If you look at your transaction PDFs you will see which transfer partner they have used, either Dee Money, BBL or Kasikorn. TMB used to be one too, but I don't think they use them any more.
  6. What's your backup for when there is a problem? It's bound to happen.
  7. Which is true. They can't stamp everyone as the plane pushes back so do it in the hours before as people pass through the airport. They're stil in Thailand though so it makes sense from that point of view.
  8. Yes, most (all?) ATMs offer to do the conversion to the card currency at a poor exchange rate. Just refuse the offer and it'll revert to the Visa/Mastercard rate. Google Dynamic Currency Conversion for more info.
  9. This guy would disagree, although it was 15 years ago and things have hopefully tightened up since then, but he was as convinced at the time that it could not be done. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7174760.stm
  10. Sleep when you're tired and eat when you're hungry. Forget what your watch is telling you.
  11. Wise have procedures specifically set up to prove funds have been transferred from overseas.
  12. This is irrelevant to the thread where the OP is not getting close to completing let alone submitting an application. Can you help with that?
  13. Thanks. I don't quite understand how it was explained to me obviously. 🙂
  14. Was this an original 10 digit code or had you changed it to something easier for you to remember?
  15. Delete any incomplete applications that the system has saved if there are any.
  16. I pressed the "Quote" button in your post, then positioned the cursor in that quote box at the start of the text and pressed return to generate an empty line. Put the cursor in that empty line and pressed the "Quote" button in chickenslegs post. I'm not sure if creating the empty line is needed but that's what I did (if it makes sense). Just tried it and it sounds even easier. Edit. Should have included Mutt Daeng's post as that's what I was replying to.
  17. I pressed the "Quote" button in your post, then positioned the cursor in that quote box at the start of the text and pressed return to generate an empty line. Put the cursor in that empty line and pressed the "Quote" button in chickenslegs post. I'm not sure if creating the empty line is needed but that's what I did (if it makes sense).
  18. Thanks but they are still separate and if on different pages I seem to have issues. I have seen one poster in particular who regularly uses nested quotes so I know it should be possible...... Like this?
  19. Not quite (as I understand it). The user ID is the original 10 digit user ID issued. If you have changed that to something more memorable on the iBanking site you need that 10 digit number, not your replacement. This can be found by changing the PIN at an ATM which will generate an SMS containing that original 10 digit ID.
  20. Most foreigners are not taxpayers and it's not clear if the new law will affect them, despite the amount of discussion going on about it.
  21. Although it seems to have settled down and yesterday and today has seen service as before, I've been continuing to discuss this with DTAC. I think what they've said is I've used 100GB of data this month so far and 141GB last month. Does tha sound correct given my description of usage, and is it at a level where suppliers could be expected to restrict the service?
  22. TLDR version. " . . . .because of increasing required, expensive and onerous compliance measures they need to take." Full version. https://www.retailbankerinternational.com/news/barclays-to-close-thousands-of-expats-accounts/
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