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Everything posted by treetops

  1. They don't come as international transfers but there is a process to get the proof via the intermediary bank. It's detailed here: https://wise.com/help/articles/2932335/guide-to-thb-transfers
  2. A 30 day visa extension is obtained from your local Immigration Office. How you get there is up to you but a plane is not likely to be needed.
  3. I've not done it personally but Wise works OK, only not for the reason you mention. An overview of the process can be found here: https://wise.com/help/articles/2932335/guide-to-thb-transfers
  4. treetops

    City Hogs

    There's one lives along Soi Yume just a few hundred yards from Big C Extra. I don't think it's one of those pictured though.
  5. The page you linked to mentions it now needs International ACH format which it has already been mentioned most US banks don't use. SS payments do use that format so are OK.
  6. The site previously excluded use by those on retirement extensions but I don't see that exclusion anymore. Either I missed it or it's moved forward recently.
  7. At the bottom of the screen when I run Line I have four options. Home, Chats, Voom and Calls. Tapping Home gets me to a screen where at the top right I have four choices. Second from the right is the outline of a head with the "+" sign. Tapping that gets me to the screen I pictured earlier with the Allow button. You may have to wait until a contact agrees to be your friend before they appear as one.
  8. It's not in Settings. From the Home screen, select the image of a person's head with a "+" next to it.
  9. Try clicking on "Allow" here in the friends screen..
  10. The method chosen by Paypal to prove ID is only available to Thai nationals so they have effectively ruled out others holding accounts here. They could have chosen other methods of proving ID but didn't, so the decision was theirs and theirs alone.
  11. Rugby fans being equated with hooligans - OMG. It would appear that you've never attended a game.
  12. I can't see it on Playstore either but it looks like it's still available as an APK elsewhere. Here's one possible source: https://apkcombo.com/immigration-eservices/th.go.immigration.immeService/
  13. If you plug your route into Bolt you'll get a price. I just entered Terminal 21 to Nana Plaza and an economy car came in at 1,373 THB. A metered taxi would be more I believe and a private taxi maybe a little less.
  14. Last month there would have been a line below the FT rate that showed the discount applied but this month that line would have been blank, if your bill is presented the same as mine. It's the discount that changed (disappeared) not the FT figure itself.
  15. Agoda now has a setting you can select to always show the price including taxes, but a new one (to me anyway) is that they sometimes show the equivalent price after taking off their reward system payback.
  16. That quote is from a story in the early days of Covid restrictions so almost 2 years before Russia invaded Ukraine. https://www.thephuketnews.com/confusion-over-entry-requirements-for-russians-as-thailand-cancels-visa-on-arrival-for-18-countries-75231.php
  17. https://www.pattayamail.com/news/fire-adds-new-delay-to-6-month-overdue-pattaya-soi-15-drainage-project-414056
  18. Klook and Viator are package re-sellers so may well have used limousine.in.th to supply the service anyway, so without them they can't do the re-sell. Here's another one to try but it could be in the same position. https://www.kkday.com/en/product/30905
  19. Yes, the wider diagonal white stripe is above the red one in the upper quadrant nearest the flagpole. Flying it upside down is a signal you are in distress, and (hopefully) not noticed except by your fellow countrymen who will come to your aid. Historically, it was only called the Union Jack only on naval ships, but it's an accepted name for all uses now.
  20. The Union Flag comprising of the crosses of St. George, St, Andrew and St. Patrick. UK National sports' teams compete in the Olympics and similar competitions, although there's always discussions about how to structure a football team as the different governing bodies can never agree, and don't want to dilute the position of their own country in the game at large.
  21. No, there's a "Forgot Password" link on the login page that'll allow you to set your own.
  22. i'm still seeing this if I try to select baht in the "You send" box.
  23. Some more discussion here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1281233-tm30io-anyone-used-it-to-submit-tm30/
  24. Cycling path round Lake Mapbrachan if it's not too far from you.
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