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Everything posted by treetops

  1. When did this happen? I made a booking as recently as September 2022 with Mr T.
  2. But a different entity altogether when on the ground. City Hall jurisdiction also covers Naklua but again, everyone here knows it's a different place from Pattaya.
  3. I always have a little laugh when I see a notification that Leaver has commented on a thread as I know I'll get a bigger laugh soon.
  4. Just over 3 years ago I got the 90 day Non-IMM O visa (on the basis of being over 50) when well short of State Pension age and just applied for an extension ~ 3 months after arriving on it. I did it this way as I thought it was a safer route after having made several entries on VE or TR already that year. This was in the early days of the E-application so maybe you're talking about further back than that?
  5. https://thaiextension.vfsevisa.com/ It was only launched recently as a trial for those applying to Bangkok Immigration. I'm not sure if that's still the case. ETA: It is still only for Bangkok.
  6. It's been mentioned in another thread that they light up at night and will be removed after the Christmas period.
  7. Three posts up you said your wife had a claim on your UK house. How does that work if it's sold?
  8. Not all back on - only 31st. 29th and 30th fireworks still cancelled from what I've read.
  9. Fake looking cherry trees now it seems from The Pattaya News on Twitter. https://twitter.com/The_PattayaNews/status/1607632674063278080
  10. Soi Post Office.
  11. Not necessarily. It can sometimes be difficult out in the sticks of Sri Racha district, and there are often no win motocycles for miles unlike Pattaya where they're every street corner. If she's used to never using taxis she could be unaware of what's available nowadays.
  12. You want to go to Sri Racha and that would mean getting a taxi in Pattaya district so that doesn't matter. If she's that good you won't be worried about coming back. It's easy to check anyway by doing a dummy booking on Bolt or Grab and putting your origin as Sri Racha and see if they offer anything. They do from Sri Racha town, but you never said if you needed to go to the town or elsewhere in Sri Racha district.
  13. What bank do you send to in Thailand? KannikaP's claim that it's not immediately transferred if long term stay is selected is true for Bangkok Bank and I think one other (Kasikorn?) so I suspect you're using someone else. You probably don't require it to be marked as international for immigration purposes, or you obtain Credit Advice Notes if you do.
  14. Line notifications and call alerts are unreliable IMO. I've experienced the same as the OP on several occasions as have others I know. It's never been frequent enough to overly concern me.
  15. It's Soi Phettrakul and there's some constructions at the other end of the tents that appear to be more than just temporary. The banner outside from over a month ago.
  16. But if they continually get it wrong then using the map pin and/or a note to the driver may help.
  17. Can't you adjust the pick up point using the map pin or add a note for the driver to guide him?
  18. inDrive works in Pattaya too.
  19. Sri Racha town or Sri Racha subdistrict? I got to Bueng, Bowin and Nong Kham fairly regularly. All are in Sri Racha but far enough away from Sri Racha town that my suggestions of how to get there would depend on where precisely you want to go.
  20. I see the login option clearly on the opening page after following this link. Are you using this address, or if not, how are you acccessing the site? https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login
  21. Nothing to do with "Winter time". How you fund it, whether you use a Wise multicurrency acount, value of the transaction and the reason for the transfer could all affect the time taken but you haven't mentioned details for any of these so I doubt if you'll get any decent feedback.
  22. I've recently started turning mine off as it seemed to be "leaking" data even though my Thai SIM was selected as the data SIM. A phone call to O2 got me a credit for the leakage but in order to stop it happening again I leave it off, and every day or two I disable mobile data, turn the SIM on and it lets me know any calls I've missed and downloads any SMSs. Once done I turn the SIM off again, enable data and I'm good again for a day or two.
  23. I just saw an advert yesterday saying WU collections could now be made at 711's which might make it easier for the recipient.
  24. 5,000 baht up from these guys. https://www.limousine.in.th/
  25. https://www.limousine.in.th/
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