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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Remember there could be a hidden bank fee if a 3rd party bank has to be used for transfer (often required) and there will be 1/4% fee on amount received by Thai bank in range 200-500 baht removed from amount before being deposited to account. Normally a good method for larger transfers but can be an issue making from some banks.
  2. That should not be a problem for first extension as 2 months is minimum - but once using 800k for extensions money must remain at 800k for 3 months after extension and 400k always and then 800k 2 months before next extension application.
  3. You already have the non immigrant visa so only need money for extensions of stay and if using 800k in bank there is no need for foreign source proof. This thread is about getting non immigrant O visa from immigration (before extensions). Once here on non immigrant visa he will not need to provide foreign source proof for extensions.
  4. Perhaps this for money in account? I have money in account but use income method so the account only serves to prove income. Sorry for my confusing subject - but that seems to become more common as the years pass by. ????
  5. Have never done more than update passbook/obtain letter as BBL passbook does not require activity to update and no mention of it from CW officers (been doing since immigration moved there).
  6. For US male from 67.1 to 75.1 from 1970-2020 (and going down since then). But agree attitude can make a world of difference - until our bodies start to kick us in the as.
  7. Do you have an extension of stay? And a new one due before end of March? Can take care of both transfer and then new extension on same visit. What is transferred is just a notation or original visa entry and current permitted to stay stamps. No TM/photo or fee for this service. Bank accounts should be updated to valid passport when you have time.
  8. Us my link above - these are microground coffee (not instant) but so fine they dissolve in hot water so no brewing required but they also have just coffee of several types available.
  9. Google shows Big C and Lazada options. https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=essenso&exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350204_2010350204::11:12404681184!123700850393!essenso!e!kwd-311466720188!c!!!!575104990931!&gclid=Cj0KCQiAubmPBhCyARIsAJWNpiO2tTBjFkMBxojEfCINmA3AEEmp3Je7suWczlvLDhZzUdXaJMy3sv8aAkJGEALw_wcB
  10. Actually no doctor is going to act on one BP reading or same unit for medication here (and have extensive experience myself as often more than 50 points higher). As for uncalibrated that it has not been sent to Timbucktu for official calibration does not mean it has not been checked. Nor does it not mean you go to jail for pointing out - in most cases medical staff are very responsive and do not threaten patients. And from reports I have seen over the years most hospitals/doctors will go out of their way to fix any errors just as anywhere in the world.
  11. What good is a one in a million right to sue when already dead/maimed? In Thailand you have immediate access to first class doctors at a reasonable cost and with family around you. But guess I am not of the lawyer/sue/not have to work generation that so many lawyers seem to be turning us into.
  12. Actually Bangkok has been a highly regarded international medical destination for decades - you may have access to the newest cutting edge, at a price, in USA but there is nothing second rate about the many first class doctors available in Thailand, many of whom have trained and worked in medical centers all over the world.
  13. Actually have found Omron meters very accurate and experience the 170/100 in hospital when at home 110/70 many times on both meters and sphygmomanometer. We can have very large increase as we go into the white coat world (even shopping centers for me - which made me believe home meter must be wrong many times over the years).
  14. That does not sound right - rooms are a pay for option - if no room you go to open ward AFAIK. Did you insist on private room perhaps? As for the price it seems very close to what you were quoted (doctor 130, actual 131) - normally nurse will provide a high estimate including everything in most hospitals in my experience as they do not want you to come back and say it cost more than you were told.
  15. That sheds a new light on intent - believe marriage and immigrant visa process is what you should look at - although may have to stay in Thailand up to a year before process allows travel - she could then live in USA and just visit Thailand until citizenship and would have the options (although in general Thai seem to prefer living in Thailand IMHO) .
  16. Not sure what that is about but OP stated living in Thailand and over 80 years old so do not believe USA citizenship is a consideration - as it was not in our case. If it is then marriage is a key factor.
  17. Marry her opens road to immigrant visa (to move and live in USA) after approval from a process which normally takes many months and is not really what you want. If you marry and apply for tourist visa much harder. I did the marriage and few years later tourist visa but key factor was wife had been approved by immigration for immigrant visa but we decided to live in Thailand and fact wife was of same age and I had already lived here several years married were positive factors - but review of that immigration paperwork was what got a positive response
  18. Likely not to be the case as Thai married to American will be suspect for not returning to Thailand and as you have no tie to Thailand other than her visit will appear to be a shortcut to stay without the normal immigrant visa process.. Non immigrant visa (tourist) likely not to be approved.
  19. Yes if in the digital database should be available anywhere. In years past storage was much less organized (often in local schools - so many are no longer available).
  20. Are you sure that was for a recorded birth certificate? Sounds like what is required when a birth certificate is not on file and alternative proof of birth is required. Or perhaps because the subject was not available to request a copy in person?
  21. AFAIK a birth certificate can not be replaced. If it is on file a legal copy can be made by a District Office in my understanding.
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