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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Just clean every six months - the extra cost will likely be offset to some extent by better operation/less electric used. And you have a clean machine. As said often happens with a poor drain slope but fixing that may not be an option if not your own home.
  2. Just booked via DTAC web site an hour or so ago at Fashion Island for 24th using passport - very fast response.
  3. You are aware you can do 30 and at some places as much as 45 days early. Will not change actual date of extension however.
  4. Having less than high regard for some actors in the legal profession would prefer to see the proof in the pudding than have their assurances. Not everything on paper is treated as real and legal when push comes to shove (idiom day).
  5. As a foreigner you could leave at any time - expect you might have more luck with the medical facility providing payment options or use a government facility at much lower cost than most private hospitals (often an option).
  6. Several others (also over a million subscribers) worth a view: Scammer Playback Trilogy Media
  7. Up to point of live fire only. https://videos.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2022/02/05/846860024613747579/640x360_MP4_846860024613747579.mp4
  8. Hotel California can always be checked into. Expect there are currently major money laundering operations taking place as Wise has been limited to 50k transfers except for 3 banks now. As Thailand appears to be a primary banking transfer center for Indian telephone scam operators that may be a factor (plus fact these scammers operations are now being shown on Youtube).
  9. Had to look them up - 1.7 star rating on Google it seems.
  10. Simple answer - as have been there several times - they check the margin to make sure there is non cancer on all sides - when they operate they draw an approximate area of cancer and then add a bit and hope for the best - it is the after surgery biopsy that confirms it - or a need to remove more. Not by a plastic surgeon I suspect - much higher prices.
  11. Indeed first reported in home country forum on January 7 (and did my FBAR that day).
  12. Indeed and this link provides. https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/datasets/treasury-reporting-rates-exchange/treasury-reporting-rates-of-exchange
  13. Bumrungrad I believe is a cancer center? Bangkok Hospital has a dedicated hospital called Wattanosoth Cancer Hospital. Be aware cancer treatment can become extremely expensive so if government facilities are an option they should be considered.
  14. I speak as a patient. They test for different issues and normally both are given if glaucoma is suspected. The CVFT (computerized visual field test) checks your peripheral vision loss and as such can result in glaucoma diagnose (and results should be available immediately). The puff of air checks inner eye pressure which if high can worsen the glaucoma (you may need to take drops to keep low if have glaucoma). At my hospital that eye pressure test is a normal pre doctor routine for everyone, along with digital computer eye check followed by manual 20 foot eye check. As for cataracts that is normally a personal issue - remove when/if they cause you issues (like not being able to drive at night).
  15. He was Indian and deported from Canada years ago for gangster activities per below. https://vancouversun.com/news/crime/former-b-c-gangster-shot-to-death-in-thailand
  16. Enough is enough - have just canceled account (easier than expected). Had one recurring payment and canceled that and then closed account. Can use CC for that payment and only other thing ever use for was FaxZero so will have to use another service or mail when infrequently required for insurance.
  17. FYI received IRS refund to bank on 2nd of February so must be going good this year.
  18. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-02-05/cameras-found-in-bathrooms-in-australian-embassy-in-thailand/100805908
  19. Have not driven in Florida for 30 years but road rage was not uncommon even then.
  20. This is not about importing masks - it was about exporting from Thailand and when announced in 2020 was a valid concern (although draconian penalties seem more than crazy).
  21. It just gets better by the hour. Now seems this was law from 2020 but AOT (airport) only received it last month so decided to publish it (from one news source). ???? Talk about not talking between agencies.
  22. And that was the notice on Suvarnabhumi Airport Facebook page yesterday for departing pax now that travel is back to a sense of normalcy. Today a different message per Richard Barrow translation: Original notice below:
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