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Everything posted by Boomer6969

  1. Forgot to tip for a-level, once too many.
  2. Wolf Blass Cabernet Sauvignon Yelliow Label is a decent entry level. You can find it for 599 Thb at Macro. Anything below that is hardly wine. Don't forget that wine sold at 400 Bahts here would be sold for 3 or 4 Euros back home, hence plonk.
  3. Nope, one of its legs should get crushed in a vice 24 hours before execution. The dog owner's condo should be confiscated and the proceed's of the sale be given to the victim.
  4. You are out of your mind. That would be burning 1 MB for the privilege of reporting to Immigration every 90 days. Just get normal retirement extensions based on Non O visa. Or if you are married and have a wife that can take care of the formalities go for "Thai wife" extensions.
  5. If they limited education to the ability to ape a proper Wai I'd agree with you, but I reckon that they (the educated hiso ones) are painfully aware of that: Nobel prizes by country. The others, probably 69 millions of them, are kept unaware of the existence of such distinction.
  6. Hilarious, implies water is a component of hydrogen.
  7. I'd hand it in, as most Thais would.
  8. Bunch of boarding school educated perverts.
  9. Fear of the unknown IMHO. Remember, they have never been colonised hence never learnt to handle the Farang like the Vietnamese or the Malaysians. The are so proud of their independence but fail to see that the remain inadequate in the world we have shaped. But the might be in wait of the Chinese reshape.
  10. Free market "Thai style", just like Prayut's after coup "Thai style democracy"; laughable.
  11. Well, this is what I read: "Although progress has been made over the past decades in clinical trial transparency, and there are some successes for COVID-19 vaccines, there is still much room for improvement."
  12. Sure, but that's not always possible with kids at school and/or a working wife.
  13. And what is the market never recovers? Or at least a huge chunk of it, as climate change drives a major reshuffle of the economy?
  14. You may also consider air renewal, as split air AC don't contribute to that. As far as I know some chemicals used in photography are mildly toxic when breathed in.
  15. The simple fact that this can be an issue expose the degree of xenophobia in this country.
  16. My guess is that have to work in the dark. But seriously OP should buy some black sticky tape to cover the indicator lights.
  17. OP your test will not reveal the actual issues with EVs these days. I'd love to read a report from someone who would have taken an EV from Bangkok to Koh Chang for a one week holiday. What you did is relevant a commuting situation. And yes, if I was still working I'd seriously consider an EV, as a second car, for commuting to work, shopping, going cross country skiing (25kms from home), etc.
  18. You couldn't imagine the number of luxury cars these potholes pay for.
  19. Yes but check connectivity with such old hardware. Even though adapters exist but can be a hassle. But honestly it only happened to me when connecting multiple screens.
  20. Looks like you've reached the second stage.
  21. "mostly Chinese quality tourists" sir.
  22. Yep, the whole Koh Chang experience is being destroyed by Bangkokians who drive for a one night trip, just to take a couple of selfies on white sand beach and/or inaugurate their red plates. While this could easily fixed if people weren't allowed to take their cars to the island for shorter stays.
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