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G Rex

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Everything posted by G Rex

  1. I have a tricked-up 2020 Raptor - and am getting tired of the noise from my monster tyres!! I am thinking of trading it in and going for the new Wildtrack. I will comment again after I drive one. I was initially very excited, thinking that the 3.0 diesel V6 would be available - like it is in Australia - but alas LOS only has the 2.0 Biturbo - same as in my Raptor.
  2. I am not a great fan of the Fortuner - having driven them a few times in the last few years. If your wife got everywhere she needed to go in her HR-V , I doubt whether she would ‘need’ 4WD. The 4WD may be safer - having better traction - but for normal driving this is a non issue. 4WD is also likely to have a slightly higher fuel consumption.
  3. I would not be game to cross the border now!
  4. Bangkok to Phuket is not a very interesting drive. Slightly more scenic if you go via Ranong, instead of Surat Thani. Like most countries - the drives are much more interesting if you don’t take the main highways. But in Thailand this is much slower due to the abundance of slow moving local traffic/bikes/chickens…!
  5. I have increased my beer intake - so I can recycle the empty bottles. Win win .
  6. We bought a 5KW Bison petrol generator from Global House a few years ago to use around the farm to run pumps and for building projects. It was relatively cheap - but we have had no problems with it. It is not as quiet as a ‘quality’ offering from Honda - but it does the job well.
  7. I sometimes get coloured marks on the back of my hands - normally when entering a club, or getting a pass out. They take a day or 2 to wear off..
  8. As OneMoreFarang has said - check the details of the seller to be sure they are legit. I have been caught twice like you have - buying an item - and having junk sent to me. Lazada will give you your money back once they do their checks. If payment has been made with CC they say it can take 1 month for refund to be processed - but my experience was less than 1 week on both occasions. Some scammers go to a lot of trouble setting up their ‘Lazada store’ - but you normally find that their items ‘for sale’ are cut and pasted from reputable stores!
  9. I feel your pain! I have a 2020 iMac that my f#%^ing cat managed to knock off my desk - resulting in a broken screen and similar damage to yours on the corner of the shell. I took it to an iCare Apple repair shop - they refused to repair it - citing that it may be difficult to fix the new screen in place. I bought a screen from China , removed the old screen , reshaped the shell with a pair of multi grips - and fitted my new screen. No problem ????. Apple service is very poor in my experience. Typical of many things I try to get done here. Employees don’t give a rats - and only want to sit/stand around playing with their phones.
  10. Nothing set in concrete yet. It varies a lot around Thailand. Last month we could find many bars and clubs in Bangkok and Pattaya/Jomtien that would stay open until at least 2am - sometimes behind closed doors. This month , in Kanchanaburi where I live , most bars are stopping serving alcohol at midnight. So - no official change.
  11. Luckily for me I have a medical reason for not wearing a mask now. I am sick of wearing masks.
  12. Maybe someone got tired of someone elses uncontrolled dog roaming around the neighbourhood. Maybe it ate one chicken too many! Some would say it got what it deserved. So many dog owners do not understand ‘responsible dog ownership’ . However in Thailand the example set by the authorities with Soi dogs sets the bar very low…
  13. I am a big fan of C-tek chargers. I have trickle chargers running on some of my cars to keep the batteries topped up and to enable me to drive the car whenever ‘I’ want! C-tek make ‘normal’ charges with the De-sulfation mode as well as the lower output trickle chargers that will not ‘cook’ your battery - just keep it operational. On Lazada you can find Chinese knock offs of these - some ok - some not. You get what you pay for. My suggestion is that if you don’t use the vehicle regularly, once you have ascertained the status of your current battery, consider a trickle charger to maintain the battery ????
  14. I come from a land down under…
  15. In a country of 65 million people - how is this even newsworthy? We are not told of the numbers of minors taking YABA , or those knowingly or unknowingly partaking in the demon alcohol. Give us a break please!
  16. Covid has a very low fatality rate for healthy multiple vaccinated people - but on this occasion I am rooting for the virus…. Go Covid Go!!!
  17. Hi. I can answer a few of your questions - but firstly - I am not sure if 1 million baht will cover entitle you to stay for 20 years - the terminology is a little ambiguous- it is an extension. with visa - cannot work. Can live anywhere in Thailand . No condo ownership requirement. No bank account balance requirement. No insurance requirement. No age limit . No language requirement.
  18. Rooster - there are so many haters here! I enjoy your take on things - and your delivery. Keep it coming - cheers
  19. May work if you are being attacked by a slightly annoyed chihuahua.... Pitbull/Rottweiler/Soi dog - I don't think so
  20. Looks like some fuel to fire the next batch of flip-flopping of the CCSA and Government decrees. Keep the masses scared! Control. Control. Control.
  21. I hope they didn't give it Covid! - no is ok - I see they were wearing masks ????
  22. I have wired in in one car , and have a few cheaper units that I plug into accessory power in my other cars. Both work the same way, it just looks neater if properly installed. Installed unit - F & R cams, plug ins are F only.
  23. G Rex

    Chatuchak market

    It is open in various forms (yesterday garden/plant market) every day. I got lost in the pet section yesterday!
  24. After my 15 days of quarantine - all I wanted was to go home! I was severely pithed off - and I did follow up with the Airport- but was told that the onus was on me to move the car or inform them of our situation beforehand. It was like banging my head against a brick wall! At the time because of the ‘medical emergency’ of Covid , there was little sympathy for a dirty farang like myself!
  25. I read this article over a week ago. The vet, the owner of the cat, and the cat all tested positive for the identical ‘strain’ of Covid . Genomic sequencing of the virus showed all 3 samples to be identical. This strain was different from any other samples tested. This is how they are certain of the source of the infection. The vet did not have any interaction with the owner of the cat - as the animal was presented to the clinic by another presumably uninfected person. Unusual- but this is not fake news.
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