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G Rex

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Everything posted by G Rex

  1. Snap! here's a couple I am rearing inside - so the parasitic wasps don't get them
  2. Now I understand the reason for the pitiful screams & wails that emanate from her... ok - I admit - she did an ok job of the Titanic theme
  3. The other common food plant for this species is oleander. If larvae are taken from this plant - the cardiac glycosides ingested by the caterpillar could kill your chooks! Caterpillar Revenge!
  4. Hi. This is the caterpillar of Daphnis hypothous - a beautiful Hawkmoth species - related to the Oleander Hawkmoth. I have these on my desert roses too - but the plants recover quickly - and seeing the beauty of the larvae and the moths outweighs the temporary carnage! (IMO). Edit: any topical pyrethrum insecticidal spray will get rid of them ????
  5. The likelihood of the prospective purchaser introducing an infection - viral or bacterial - is extremely low. IMO opinion this is just bs to create the aura that their bloodlines & breeding are so wonderful. It depends what the OP wants - a genetically wonderful canine - or a good socialized pet.
  6. Thank you. This is my new word for the day! ????
  7. Off topic - sorry! We recently bred a litter of French Bulldogs. We have both parents , now desexed. Our quiet house is now mayhem with 6 frenchies running around ! We had no interest from anyone to buy them! Advertised on Bahtsold (waste of time) & put numerous posts on wifes' FB page. French bulldogs sell for more than $7K in Australia - here, we couldn't give them away!! (actually we did give 2 away!). 65K Baht for a Dobermann pup with no information about parents & sight unseen is complete bs.
  8. Snap! I find petrol better than turps for tar removing, and much less labour intensive than clay bar. Yes - I forgot to mention - drying the car after washing is very important to prevent water spotting. We have very hard water (full of Limestone) and the cars look hideous if left to air dry. After washing I use my garden blower to remove excess water, and then dry with microfibre towels. I am a bit OCD with my cars!
  9. Park car under cover , maybe get a cover to put on it if you aren't using it everyday. This will protect against birds hit , tree sap, and if you have exploring cats - they are less likely to scratch the paint. Wash the car regularly, and apply ceramic coating. I DIY with Armour Shield IX - but there are many reputable places that will apply ceramic coat to your car - prices vary from 5 to 30K - but you should be able to get a good job done for under 10kK
  10. sorry - I neglected to say that my OS is macOS
  11. I get several like this every day in Gmail - but go straight to spam/bin , so I rarely see them. Todays surprise... Dear customer,We are here to make it clear to you that $50,000,000.00 wastransffered in your name our Western Union Branch Office byInternational Monetary World Bank Group/IMF.The World Bank Group stated that the funds[$50,000,000.00] is yourCompensation and also inherited funds by I.M.F.Sender name: Rayna Jennifer [ [email protected] ]MTCN/REFF No: 9664037936 [track the transfer payment by yourself as aproof westernunion.comCountry: U.S.A.Kindly get back to us asap with all your information/details such as,1]Full names-2]Address-3] Tell-The MTCN/REFFERRENCE NUMBER: 9664037936 ] will be Activate again sothat you can start picking up the funds [$5,000.00] per 72Hrs butbefore we can activate the MTCN NUmber [9664037936 ] you are requiredto purchase $100 Steam wallet card or ITunes card $100 and send us theafter scratching the card number side photo so that we can activatethe MTCN number for you to start picking up the money asap,Warm Regards,Western Union Team.
  12. Steven - if we combine this windfall of yours with mine Dear Congratulation!!!,You just won yourself a sum of $10,500,000.00 on our random emailselection on microsoft prize winning exercise on 1ST December 2022.This exercise is held periodically and is organized to encourage theuse of the Internet and promote computer literacyworldwide. You are to provide the below personal information to enable usprocess your winings to you without no any obstacle:(1). Name:(2). Address:(3). Nationality:(4). Age:(5). Occupation:(6). Phone:Congratulations once more from the entire management and staff ofMicrosoft Cooperation to all our lucky winners this year. Thank you forbeing part of this promotional lottery program. Our special thanks andgratitude to Bill Gates of Microsoft and all his Associates foralleviating poverty round the world.Sincerely.The Microsoft Internet E-mail lottery Awards is sponsored by ourCEO/Chairman,Note that your award information was released with the followingparticularsmicrosoftcompany(1). Award Numbers: UK/149/2022(2). Batch Numbers: MSOFT/421/8PDH(3). Reference Numbers: GB/54/132/921/MSOFTDr. Satya N. Nadella. We can build a lot of orphanages!!
  13. WE have a cheap SmartHome Air Fryer. It's the ducks guts! Wife cooks meat/ribs in it - they come out great - and is much easier to clean than a conventional oven or messy frypans. I heat (frozen) pies in it - they come out crispy & perfect - not soggy and cold in the middle like from the microwave. We are setting up a new kitchen - and will probably equip with Air fryer convection microwave combo.
  14. I agree that Ebay will give you greatest choice - but the products being sold will not come from Thailand - most likely US or Europe - and you will pay exorbitant shipping charges (and duty). When I am trying to source parts for my European cars I search Google - especially using a VPN to give me more 'local' access - and the find a company, or breaker yard that will ship internationally. You can also try FaceBook marketplace here - but there is not usually much there. In LOS, not many cars seem to be broken for parts - they all seem to get a Toyota engine put in them - and they live on!
  15. the Lord giveth , and the Lord taketh away
  16. "However, these points will be points deducted whenever they are caught committing a traffic offense." So not very likely to happen then. "Speeding, failing to stop for pedestrians at a zebra crossing, talking on the phone while behind the wheel, or driving a vehicle with no license plate will cost the driver one point." Bowling over a pedestrian is only worth one point?? Things will have to change greatly for this to work in LOS. I was pinged by a red light camera while driving my wifes' car a few weeks ago. I was very apologetic and told her that I would confess as being the perp - but she said was no problem - plod does not need to know who the driver was! TIT.
  17. I have almost zero interest in watching soccer. However, I am interested in this farcical will we/won't we have televised games palaver. All for a tournament that Thailand did not qualify for. 555
  18. Yes - this concept has been difficult for me to comprehend in LOS. No No Claim Bonus to carry onto your new car , no multi vehicle discount on policies. I have insurance on all of my cars - I just hope to never need to use it here!
  19. I installed a 4.2kW system on my home in regional Victoria in 2011. At that time , the system was not cheap - about $15K - but due to the higher feed in tariff I was getting - I hardly ever had an electricity bill , and the system paid itself off in less than 6 years. After 2012 , systems became cheaper, but the 66c per kW feed in price was scrapped and was reduced to about 6c - so return on investment was lower. With high feed in payments, we made sure to use little electricity in the daytime - so that our generated power would return to the grid, and we would use cheaper off-peak power at night. The system now is skewed towards using your own generated power in the daytime. I looked into solar installations in LOS - too expensive (unless you can DIY) - and because electricity is relatively cheap here - too long to break even. I went for solar to save money - not to feel great about saving the world. Dictator Dans policies will be purely aimed at vote catchers. No doubt the battery storage banks will be installed in Labour or marginal seats!
  20. I get the same , and I somehow got onto a list receiving messages from a ‘lonely’ Thai lady. My wife fixed that problem..????. (Not the loneliness though) i delete or block unwanted incoming messages.
  21. Jacobs Creek 'Classic' Shiraz Cabernet 2020. - eminently drinkable! Wife loves this one. She finds CabSavs & merlots a bit heavy , and most shiraz a bit 'nothing'. About 550 Baht @ TMK, a tad more at Tops.
  22. If Rich or poor are both doing the same crime - why should one subset be penalised more than the other?? Sounds like jealousy to me... BTW - which countries would these be?
  23. It is because there is generally so little excitement during a soccer game, that the spectators feel compelled to create their own entertainment off field!
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