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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. He lost the popular vote. If elections were truly fair and not rigged by the electoral college, he would have lost again.
  2. THIS one seems to have gotten it right.
  3. No. It's extremely biased as is just about EVERY piece of "info" stinking up the internet.
  4. You didn't check out for the long dirt nap.
  5. You're the exception, hardly EVER do people have all three.
  6. This one's almost as bad in the other direction. https://www.allsides.com/news-source/guardian
  7. Oh FORCHRISSAKE! Biden won't get any Nobel prizes for his accomplishments, but the WORST?!? How can you people buy into this crap? https://www.allsides.com/news-source/daily-mail
  8. This old tale: You have three aspects of life and can only enjoy two at once - time, money, energy. When you're young, you have time and energy but no money. In the middle, you have money and energy but no time. Towards the end you have time, money, but no energy to really enjoy it. I still make very infrequent trips to the go-go's and enjoy stroking a beautiful young thing or two, but the get-up-and-go has gone-up-and-got. Still no regrets.
  9. A "for profit" healthcare system is wrong on every level.
  10. I have a friend who has worked in the airline industry as a flight attendant over 20 years. The entire industry is swirling down the toilet worldwide. It started with busting the unions so pay and benefits across the board have been cut drastically including pilots. Entry level pilots are getting less than half what they used to so folks aren't as interested in such a career any more, resulting in pilot shortages everywhere.
  11. Better do it before The White Christian Nationalists put it on a "banned" list just like they've done with books.
  12. Right after WW II, the US launched a program called the GI Bill which provided education for all former military members, and even then college was affordable. If you had a part time job and lived frugally, you could put yourself through college and still afford a basic, decent standard of living. Corporate tax rates were around 90% with generous tax breaks for corporations to help with things like infrastructure. https://www.wolterskluwer.com/en/expert-insights/whole-ball-of-tax-historical-income-tax-rates A family could afford to buy a home and send their kids to nice private schools on one income - if they were white. The blacks were still very oppressed and provided a lot of labor for little pay. These conditions created the greatest middle class ever seen, and the US truly was exceptional at that time. Since then, education has become so ridiculously expensive that it is out of reach unless you want to place yourself in a lifetime of debt or come from wealth. Add to this mix corporate greed which has nearly eliminated the middle class and continues to chip away at it. The best way to control a nation is to create a ruling class and a subservient class, do away entirely with middle class. Keep the masses ignorant and desperate just to maintain a living so they aren't aware as the yoke slowly tightens around their necks. The US is the wealthiest nation in the written history of the planet, but statistics show it's failing in these categories: Healthcare The Commonwealth Fund found that the U.S. ranks last overall among 10 high-income countries in health system performance. Immigration The Partnership for New York City found that the U.S. is falling behind in the global race for talent due to its immigration policies. Education A 2015 Pew Research Center report found that only 29 percent of Americans rated K-12 education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics as above average or the best in the world. Infrastructure The American Society of Civil Engineers gave the United States' infrastructure a D+ grade for 2017. Paid leave The United States is the only developed country that doesn't guarantee paid maternity leave, paid vacation time, or paid sick days. Travel The U.S. ranks unfavorably in terms of the number of countries it permits for visa-free travel. The US also has the highest incarceration rate and the largest number of prisoners in the world. It used to be exceptional, now that's fading into a myth. If you haven't already done so, watch "Idiocracy." It explains everything.
  13. ANOTHER reason why the Dems lost: Biden COULD order FBI background checks on all potential cabinet member selections. Perfectly legal, not "lawfare" but protecting US security. Sleepy Joe won't, he's too busy pardoning turkeys. BTW, just putting this out there - if Don Jr had been convicted of a crime, do you think daddy dearest would hesitate for a SECOND pardoning him?
  14. ^^^^ Above comment by someone who embarrasses himself by making really ignorant assumptions, and we all know about assumptions.
  15. I'm honestly worried about my pension. I think back how the Greek government bent their retirees over and slammed it home, no lube, with their austerity programs. My pension is linked to Social Security and these asshats implementing their DOGE garbage ideas haven't a clue. Ramaswamy was floating the idea of firing every civil servant whose social security number ended in an odd number, and they've been salivating over privatizing Social Security ever since Reagan started using the fund like it was his personal piggy bank.. THESE are the best we can hire?!?
  16. You said a mouthful there. I take this all the way back to Merrick Garland who TRIED to ignore/shirk his duty until the Jan 6 committee exposed what he tried to sweep under the rug, but it was too little too late from that loser. I'm starting to wonder if he has actually been in on a coverup from the start. Now fast forward a bit to Sleepy Joe who led everyone to believe he would be a one-term president ("transitional" was the term he used). THEN Joe claimed "I am the only one who can fix this" - where have we heard THAT bullsh!t before? There was one guy, Dean Philips, who wanted to run in a Dem primary who looked VERY promising. He checked off almost all the boxes INCLUDING having really good hair. The DNC shut that down to their current embarrassing demise. What REALLY frosts my ass is all the talking heads wringing their hands, crying "how are we going to bring back voters?" All they have to do is stop sucking up to corporate interests and serve the PEOPLE! Believe me, if they start actually performing like they keep PROMISING they will, the Democratic platform will sell itself. Duh.
  17. No, you replied about border issues. Last time, the topic is tariffs.
  18. The topic is tariffs. Try to keep up.
  19. This is as idiotic and simple-minded (read: stupid) a tactic as one can take. Targeted tariffs are a useful tool. What this shallow-minded fool is planning is just like performing open heart surgery with a chainsaw. Bottom line: you gonna kill the patient.
  20. Naturally you have no real argument, no facts. You just misspell idiotic ideas. Just what we've come to expect.
  21. The op is deep and thoughtful. The typical, willfully ignorant repond exactly like you just did rather than make an intelligent rebuttal.
  22. I used to fly economy-plus. Then China air gave me a free upgrade to business class. Since then, it's always business. Like any successful pusher, "the first one's free."
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