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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Without a battery, an ICEV wouldn't ever start ... Without trees you would have tires ... what's your point ? Without fossil fuel conglomerates, the world would be running on alternative energy and EV all ready. Or the corruption that allowed their control. Again ... what's your point ? Humans corrupt ... people have had enough ... that's my point. I have solar & EVs for spite, as much as I do for the savings. F'em all
  2. Yea they knew, as 2 doubles in a row was the limit, and no triples allowed. Although some stations were a little lax on enforcement, as long a nothing went wrong, they were pretty agreeable. Though 3 shift in a row, definitely not allowed, ever.
  3. Yea, 2 double 8 hr shifts. If I'm there, might as well knock out the work week in 2 days. Just gave the last day (8 hr shift) away. The company didn't care who worked your shift, so just find a like minded person, and work doubles. If on 1st shift, trade with someone on 2nd shift. I couldn't be bothered with coming in for an 8 hr shift, unless it was overtime. You could even trade weeks at a time with people. Which was great since working for an airlines, and use the flight bennies to travel, for pleasure or recon retirement options. I really was having way too much fun. And still made 45-50k a year at that job. When I moved to TH, Sept 2000, and left the company April 2001, I was in TH more than at work, (Memphis airport), as the commute was a killer. So used up all my sick time, OJI time, and vacation time.
  4. TH, you can probably get away without wearing one, maybe, and depends on the 'look' of the bike. My DIY, still looks like a pedal bike, although, doesn't take much to realize it's motorized. I don't bother with a helmet, though rarely go over 25 kph, even though it will do 40+ kph. Keep a low profile, as don't need the attention, and better not to be noticed, since not wearing a helmet. Saying that, they don't enforce the helmet law here anyway, unless a check point, which aren't even set up on a weekly basis. Everyone actually drives pretty good here, unlike other areas. Do wear a helmet all the time on the MB, as simply common sense.
  5. If I wasn't an irresponsible idiot and having way too much fun, I would have retired even earlier than 45/46 yrs old. Didn't expect to live this long (69), or I might have planned an earlier retire. I don't need a schedule or a routine to be happy, and really couldn't imaging working another 20 yrs especially if it was a 9-5pm, 5 day work week. As last 10 years, I worked, it was a 2 day (32 hrs) work week (salaried), which left the other 5 days for me, whether paying myself what I deserved, or simply having fun.
  6. Mixed thoughts on that one. Raising my daughter has been a major highlight of my life ... BUT ... ... not a thing for everyone, as know more than a few, most, that should have never had kids. And myself, never lived with (married or living together) someone that I'd consider mother material. Even present wife and a great mother, had to be told, 'I'm the only and final word on daughter's raising', though she has adjusted and been excellent in her own right. Took some adjusting for her to realize, 'daughter gets free speech, and allow to express ANY thoughts' .. IF .. done right. Not really a Thai or Asian thing. Also couldn't see raising a kid when working towards retirement, as simply would have sacrificed too much of my time & money (yea I know, selfish) to play parent instead of retiring. After retirement, yea, too easy, and had the time & finances to do it right. Though still didn't meet anyone worthy of motherhood. That all said & done, not raising our daughter, or having, wouldn't have made much difference in my life. It does give one purpose, but playing single or DINK lifestyle would have been just as much fun. Not knowing how rewarding it can be (either I was a very good parent, or just lucky), I don't think I would have missed that much, especially if the kid was an A-hole. Although since a village orphan, could of just dump the little sh!t off at grandparents, and never looked back ...
  7. EV cost about the same now (location dependent) as ICEV. Why anyone buys ICEV, with few real reasons to, is still a mystery to me. Waiting for price war maybe, though it's costing you while you wait. Paying for the fuel that degrades the parts of an underperforming vehicle. Oh well ... HAPPY MOTORING
  8. A battery price war is kicking off that could soon make electric cars cheaper. "The world’s largest maker of batteries for electric cars, China’s CATL, claims it will slash the cost of its batteries by up to 50% this year, as a price war kicks off with the second largest maker in China, BYD subsidiary FinDreams. CATL and BYD now make EV batteries without any cobalt, an expensive, scarce metal linked to child labor and dangerous mining practices in the Democratic Republic of the Congo."
  9. 2 month old story... he gone in the wind, and unless an interpol red notice (don't think so), good luck getting him back.
  10. That's about the only interesting eps. 3 ish or so, while flying missions, getting shot up, then goes downhill from there. Further eps I found myself fast forwarding, then gave up around 6th eps. Not sure how it kept the high rating after mid way through.
  11. We make our own kefir (for K1) & natto (K2), so guessing better than store bought, and has no smell or off taste. Certainly wouldn't call the natto tasty, but eating 50-100gr a day isn't unpleasant in any way. Actually chase it down with the kefir. Kefir is quite tasty, and I'm surprised I like it. Really thickens up in the frig, and think Greek yogurt.
  12. I get my K1 & 2 with Kefir & Natto
  13. If down in deep south, hwy #410, between Yala (city) & Betong, is quite nice, although a long ways off. Bottom 2 hrs before Betong. Nice and windy, good scenery.
  14. too much as way to old. If liking the ZS, stick with that, couple ex. from FB Marketplace:
  15. Our MG ZS's WLTP range is 320, and we exceed that knocking around town (360 +/-), and meet or exceed on the highway, at 90 kph +/- Example of that, O&A now, and home to first unscheduled 'P' break, and while there, a quick munch, and topped up, since didn't need much, and hate to waste a stop. That at only about 165 kms from home, as usually don't think about charging till 225 kms, then hit one before 250 kms, as that's 3+ hrs on the road. But that first stop was a bit early, and we averaged 83 kph, actually good for TH. Using 14.2 kWh/100 kms = 326 kms range on full battery. Based on real life experience, yesterday.
  16. Might want to try a different EV, as those #s suck. Our MG ZS's WLTP range is 320, and we exceed that knocking around town (360 +/-), and meet or exceed on the highway, at 90 kph +/- Example of that, O&A now, and home to first unscheduled 'P' break, and while there, a quick munch, and topped up, since didn't need much, and hate to waste a stop. That at only about 165 kms from home, as usually don't think about charging till 225 kms, then hit one before 250 kms, as that's 3+ hrs on the road. But that first stop was a bit early, and we averaged 83 kph, actually good for TH. Using 14.2 kWh/100 kms = 326 kms range on full battery. Based on real life experience, yesterday. By your estimate, I shouldn't go further than 160 kms round trip, and I we have no problem going 250, with nice reserve when back home. We pop up to Hua Hin quite a bit, and it's 200 kms r/t, and we always return with at least 1/3 battery/100+ kms remaining range.
  17. For us, PEA's spacing, installed by PEA, is 20m apart ... BUT, they when with 22m, to avoid 1 more pole, as we're 155m from main road, and they installed 7 pole, main rd - corner of lot. The rest we ran underground to house, less than 20m of wire.
  18. Have you read some of the excellent advice you've received, along with heads up, that your OP was entirely wrong. You apparently didn't do any real research before posting. You're welcome for the advice ... RENT, JIC you missed it.
  19. Might just want to skip all the individual ones, and just take a multivitamin. I take Kirkland multi-vit, as when tested, they actually contain what they state. Fairly healthy, but diet lacks the amount I used to eat, along with enough servings of veggies & fruits, I think. So the vit should fill in all the blanks. You state fairly health, eat decent, and get a bit of exercise, so all sounded good, and not really seeing the need to supplement the assortment of individual ones you're taking. And too much of one, may interfere with another, hence why I just take the multi-vit, as fairly balanced.
  20. That's after taking the statin ... Here's mine after taking Rosuvastatin (10mg), which I'm weening myself off of now. Even though didn't start till 68 yrs old, really don't want to be an any med for long term. Before statin ... so they do work:
  21. Things will only get better & less expensive in the future; https://electricdrives.tv/the-top-three-battery-chemistries-coming-soon-to-evs-and-none-of-them-are-solid-state/ My own unscientific calculation of battery degradation is <4% over the 8 yr warranty period, if continue with 20k kms a year driving, which I suspect we won't rack up that many as the years go by, so probably less.
  22. https://electricdrives.tv/the-top-three-battery-chemistries-coming-soon-to-evs-and-none-of-them-are-solid-state/
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