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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Since TH does NOT recycle most of what they do collect now, which we do give our recyclables to the vendors that collect it (reading comprehension), there isn't much hope is there. Seems to be a work in progress, where none is being made. My post and reply to it, is not about recycling, it's about non-recyclables. And TH, not EU/UK/US or any other sh!thole. Even if we lived in one of the Nanny sh!tholes the fine you for to much trash, we wouldn't even come close to that amount. (reading comprehension....again). As already pointed out, TH's recycling effort is a failure. Recycling bins at PTT/7-11s/malls are evidence of that, where nobody seems to care. It all mixed up. I like Japan's method of no trash bins, and you take it home with you to be disposed of properly, maybe. 4.8 tonnes of trash per European yearly .. Lucky if we produce 50 kg a year, and I think I'm being generous with that number. Not much left that doesn't go to the compose pile or get recycled.
  2. More wasted tax dollars. Y'all need to stop buying American junk. Overpriced F35s, and apparently Tridents don't work very well either. RTnews blip, but sources from the Sun, and an unarmed nuke missiles test had a major oops, and not the first time. More wasted tax pounds, maybe better spent subsidizing citizens' heating or food bills instead of defense budget. "British nuclear submarine test fails An unarmed Trident missile splashed down into the Atlantic Ocean moments after being fired from a sub The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) has said an “anomaly” occurred during the test-firing of a Trident missile from a British nuclear submarine off the coast of the US state of Florida last month, raising concerns about the effectiveness of London’s nuclear deterrent. UK tabloid The Sun, which first reported the story, said on Tuesday that the missile, which was fitted with fake warheads, splashed back into the ocean after its launch from HMS Vanguard. The state-of-the-art nuclear submarine was not damaged when the 58-ton missile re-entered the Atlantic Ocean. According to the report, the “anomaly” occurred when the missile’s first-stage boosters failed to ignite after launch. “It left the submarine but it just went plop, right next to them,” the outlet quoted an anonymous source as saying. The last Trident test in 2016 also failed when the missile veered off course, the BBC said, adding that each weapon comes at an estimated cost of £17 million ($21.5 million)." source
  3. There's that reading comprehension again. Of the 3 choices, burning, or dumping in landfill or seas, I believe burning is the lesser of 3 evils. Especially for the amount we burn and the area we live in. It will dissipate and be least harmful, since living rural, rather than collecting it all from everyone, and burning or dumping it all in one more populated area, that already has too much of their own waste. You seem to not understand that. Have a nice day.
  4. Had the same problem with new upgrade version 4.6.3 So uninstalled and reinstalled version 4.6.2 ... working as before, by just clicking on magnet, then qbittorrent auto opens & starts the DL.
  5. "Cross illegally Many people turn themselves in to seek asylum. First of all, it’s worth getting a basic sense of what it actually means to cross the border illegally. Sometimes it means traversing a desert or forging across a large body of water — but it’s not always that hard. In some places, like parts of Ciudad Juárez, the Mexican city across from El Paso, Texas, you can get to American soil by walking across a relatively narrow and calm stretch of the Rio Grande. If migrants did that when Title 42 was in place, U.S. officials could send them back to Mexico within minutes, which will no longer be an option. Now, people who enter the country without proper documentation will either be put into formal deportation proceedings, which is a years-long, drawn-out process, or an expedited removal process that is intended to process and deport people much faster. Families and children will mostly be put on the first, slower track, which means they will be given a date to appear before an immigration judge, but will be allowed to wait inside the country, living and working legally until their case is decided."
  6. They don't even bother trying to go around the border control, as they know they will be admitted to the country. That's open borders. Walk in, get you court date, then released into the USA ... doesn't get any easier than that. Shy of 10k a day. Before they avoided getting caught, as they know they likely be returned to Mexico.
  7. I'll burn it, before I let the gov't dump it in the seas. Or more likely, simple burns it themselves. I don't believe in MMCC/GW. I can only limit so much contribution to the local low level air pollution. I can't eliminate it all, simply not practical. Plastic in landfills certainly isn't a solutions, as will eventually make it to the water table. Microplastic is already in almost everything it seems, so people don't need to drink it. Though we only drink RO filtered water, delivered in hard plastic bottles Then transferred to glass vessels of course. Also why we live away from metro areas, so our burning isn't a major impact on the local air quality, or need to breathe in more than the atmosphere can dissipate during this time of year. Is it perfect, no, but best I can think of. Next up, smokeless burn barrel, and been putting that off too long. Our once a month burn will at least be less smoke. If you're still driving a petrol vehicle, please don't tell me about my contribution to air pollution.
  8. Yep ... nothing 1000s of us haven't already done, and apparently with better forethought (flood area & smog). They obviously had a nice bank account, since stating they can live on $500 a month, along with the 400k in the bank, if marriage visa. Since that's not enough to meet Imm requirements, and nothing financed, or their monthly bills would be more. There monthly petrol bill is probably their biggest expense, since out of town a bit. Don't think they are living off the land yet, or they wouldn't need to spend ฿17k a month, as we spend less than that on necessities, and our garden isn't producing enough food to live on. So quite of bit of BS in that story, and suspect leaving quite a bit out. Kudos for the move, and being independent, as I can relate, but worthy a news-blip ... I think not. OK, I'm officially bored ... Sniffy, time for a walk.
  9. No gamble for myself & wife. I'll be long gone before anything better than present BEVs are affordably mass produced. And the wife probably won't need them either, as the present EV may even outlast her. Solar will continue to give us a free supply of energy, as the price of the sun, will never fluctuate, or run out of energy. So wait for something better that may not come along in your lifetime, or keep wasting your money on petrol UP2U
  10. During Obama, the USA was a war, more years than an other president. He ordered more drone strikes, than any other president. Ordered a drone strike on a 16 yr old American citizen without due process. He deported more people, than any other president (a good thing, but Trump is the bad guy for suggesting deportations) Obama's immigration policy separating families and put the kids in 'cages'
  11. I worked for AeroMech (W. Virginia) commuter, use to subcontract for Allegheny Airlines/US Air, back in the day (1978/79), @ Beckley W.V. Now merged with Wright Airlines: Then Altair Airlines, regional based in Philly ... (worked at EWR) and jumped ship before they went bankrupt. Saw that coming. Then Continental Airlines, started at EWR, then PHL, then they went bankrupt, and I got laid off. Enough already, so went self employed from then forward. 10 yrs later, getting older (33 yrs old), thinking about retirement, not really needing money to live on, but thought I might need 'free' health insurance', (never did) and almost 'free flight' to recon retirement locations while having fun, so applied to the only airlines that allowed beards, NWA & US Air, both hired me the same week, so went with NWA, full time & better pay. 13 yrs 3 months later, and I retired here/TH. 23+ yrs later, and I'm chit chatting to you When living at Udon Thani, met another like minded NWA retiree there. The world is quite small at times.
  12. NorthWest Airlines Newark (NJ) (airport code) Round Trip
  13. 996 ... the should be so lucky. When I drove a truck, it was 80 hrs a week (5 day week). When I worked for NWA, it was also 16 hr days, OK, only 2 a week w/5 days off, and both of those, truck & NWA was voluntary. As I could have worked elsewhere. Then there was the 18 hr days, when I worked at EWR, 12 hr shift and drove 6 hrs a day R/T from below Philly. for a 5 day week, so 90 hr week w/transport. During 1980 recession, so not that much choice, if wanting to stay working for airlines.
  14. There's no landfills around me, so what do you think the municipality does with it. I'm thinking either burn it, or dump in the sea. I chose the lesser of 2 evils, and don't give them the option. Besides, we have very little trash to burn, since not big on buying processed foods. Large paper, plastic and very little glass gets sold. Biodegradable paper/food waste goes to the compose pile, to feed the garden (fruits & veggies). Do you have one ? Leaves very little for us to burn. We have solar (basically off grid) & EVs, so guessing we pollute less than 99% of the rest of the population in Thailand. Thanks for your contribution. Hypocrisy - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.
  15. Don't really have any thoughts on it myself. As long as the recycle center will pay for our trash, the wife with keep selling it to them. Myself, almost a bit too much trouble for small amount they pay for it, as I would just burn it with the rest of the stuff that we burn. Or give it to someone else that could use a few baht, and let them sell it. So leave it to the wife to handle, as too lazy myself to care. If a wee bit gets recycled, then a good thing. If they burn it, then not different than us, but away from us, so also a good thing ... for us. Only negative, is if it gets dumped in the sea, (plastic) and actually floats, as a hazard to some marine life. Oh well ... such is life.
  16. I don't remember a national election when abortion / right to life, or laws to regulate, was not an issue. And it will be forever, same as it was before & after Roe vs Wade. it's what politicians do, argue and talk about issues that have been resolved with laws (state & local), that they have no control over, with 'what if' scenarios, instead of actually fixing problems on a national/federal level, that need fixing. Simple distraction from their failed administrations.
  17. Did he ? ... NO Was that the charge, or 'abuse of power', as there is a difference. And he was originally sentence to 8 years. That sentence commuted, which is available to and criminal sentence, if lucky enough to have done. Embezzlement & fraud is a different crime, and carries a different sentence. And I believe a minimum of 2 yrs for each incident, so if committing fraud, 25 times, then a 50 yr sentence would be correct, whether served concurrent or not would be a major issue.
  18. I celebrated when my father passed ... nuff said. The more I raised kids, the more of an A$$, I realized he was, and unfit to be a parent.
  19. Obama & LB Johnson ... that's takes any credibility away. Johnson was so embarrassed (as he should have been) with himself, he refused to run again ... nuff said. Bush 2 & Nixon should be on the bottom of the list
  20. I mix up the Dairy Rich milk every few days, and less effort than a cup of coffee, or same as instant. Water in jug, add milk powder & stir. Put in frig. Keir is easy enough, bought the grain on LAZ, and simply add milk, wait 24 hours. Push through a fine strainer into a bowl, put grains back in the jar (Mason type). Takes all of 15 ish minutes, but does have to be done everyday. Started off with 20gr of grains, and now have 30+ (two weeks later), and probably why it's as thick yogurt now, after a day in the frig. Actually preferred vs thick milk. Natto, now that's a bit more involved, since no pressure cooker, and wife does that. Soak soy beans 12-18 hrs, then cook the beans for about 4 hrs in slow cooker, till squishable soft. Then ferment in the Natto cooker, for simplicity, with added Natto or Natto spores, for 18 hours. Basically, kept at a low temp, same as making yogurt but that only takes 8-10 hrs. Only bought the 'cheap A$$' Natto cooker, so no need to pay attention to temp & time of or fermentation of the beans. And doesn't tie up the oven, as where most people stick it while fermenting. Natto cooker can be used to make yogurt, Natto or Sake, with presets for 8/18/36 hrs, respectfully. Natto is what you really want, for K2 and clearing your blood vessels. Along with good gut bacteria/probiotics. Need to take care if already on any heart or BP, thinner or anti clotting meds, as it does the same thing ... naturally. Screw Big Pharma, pushing their side effecting poisons ... DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a DOC, so consult your doc before mixing Natto (nattokinase) or any supplements with your meds
  21. Yes, and simple enough. 6 L per bag for us, 165gr of DR / 835gr of water vs their recommended 140gr / 860gr ratio. Last a few days, as I usually only use for cereal. I drink kefir as a beverage & use as a yogurt. Strange, I still buy Magnolia fresh milk, to make Kefir, as does a better job than my preferred DutchMill. Milk powder milk doesn't seem to work good with my Kefir grains. That's a daily prep, explained at this link.
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