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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Probably already mentioned, and also a Xiaomi fan, and this is the LAZ 'Flagship' page. I've had 2 for more than a few years, and work flawlessly. I don't bother with their app, so can't comment on that. AQI can be 100+ outside, and they take it down to -0- or single digit with no problem. Replacement filters easily available, have 2, and yet to need. @mrmicbkktxl
  2. Don't know what opinion of mine that I need to support, it's my opinion. Other parts of your post, I have no interests in, as don't relate to me ... at all. I guess we're done. Have a nice day. Note: you still haven't answered my question. Faced with a bad man with a gun ... you would ? On the street ... myself ... either comply or shoot, depending on the threat. In the house ... shoot and eliminate the threat. No conversation necessary.
  3. Grab, 2X. for transport, more for food Panda also for food (not listed) ... Lineman maybe, if that's food delivery Never heard of the rest, get the impression they are all transport apps, in which case we self drive. Unless at Krung Thep, then rail or bus lines. Rare to be in a taxi. Apps on my phone that I use: ... G-maps ... G-lens ... BBL BkkBank (check account) ... Dtac (check balance) ... HFunPro ... drone ... M RC Pro ... drone For the EV; ... PEA Volta ... EleXa ... PlugShare ... Charge Loma Ones most folks use, FB msgr, messages (usually just to delete), Drive (upload photos/vids), calculator & Camera of course.
  4. It's not their trope, it's every gun owner's trope, that owns a firearm for self defense. Seriously, if faced with a bad man with a gun ... Your options are: ... call the police ... ask him/her/it to wait, as you fumble for your Swiss knife ... hide behind your wife ... run and hope to out run the bullet ... ask him to sign a petition to ban guns ... pray for divine intervention ... or cap the MF'er ... hmm, which one would actually give you the best chance of survival ?
  5. Supply & demand on the biggest week long holiday of the year, and the expect everyday pricing or discounts Try getting a riverside hotel in BKK on NYE
  6. To the title ... same reason I don't go to any bars with expats. I get enough people complaining about life and bashing Thais right here on AN Sit in a bar or buffet restaurant during daytime ... NO. Don't usually do buffets anyway. At night, unless on the prowl, got better things to do. If on the prowl, it wouldn't be a bar with other expats in there, as they're probably in the P4P bars. Use to attend once a month forum get togethers and quite enjoyable. Once a month was more than enough, though most at night market or open air venue. Early ones were in bars, but think got old fast, and fresh air was a welcome change.
  7. Last EKG that I had, I simply took a photo of the print out sheet with my phone. Just ask. They'd probably make a copy for you if you asked also, they are YOUR records. I've had hospitals make complete copies of my medical records in the past. Don't remember any charging for that.
  8. Asking the wrong person ... go to travel page and read up, if curious. Personally wouldn't believe much she posts on TT. Hopping on an inter'l flight with $7 ... yea, that's almost believable
  9. I don't know about you, but if I hear noises in my house, I would go and investigate to see what it was. Always lived in 2 story house, so looking down the steps into lower floor always possible, and if seeing someone, yea, I'd want to have a gun, whether seeing him with one or not. If not a 'explainable noise', then I'd be investigating with gun in hand. Since I rarely lock my doors and windows anyway Always had a dog also, and since most burglaries are probably from someone who knows you, you'd be an idiot to come to my house. No pros coming to my house to steal all that high end art I don't have hanging on the walls. No TV at my house either, though always a nice sound system. Although you'd need to make a couple trips to carry the speakers out Going to have to come into the bedroom for any money, and not a good idea, as usually a gun in the bed with me, since having so many guns in the house, always keep the one, unlocked and under the pillow. Not paranoid, just prepared. All silly 'what ifs' as only a true idiot tries to rob a house with a dog, and a gun owner, when they are there.
  10. Because that $7 isn't going to cover any hospital bill she incurs if having an oops.
  11. I only wanted to address the one part of you post, so didn't contravene anything, as kept my reply to that aspect of your post. Didn't change the meaning of your post, and replied direct to that part of your post, with my thoughts & opinion. As I stated, I'm not a fan of the NRA, AND to add to that, don't support and would never support the NRA. I think they are counter productive to firearm deaths in the USA. Since wanting to keep the few loopholes open, in the few states that have them. Simply addressed the statement you implied the NRA/gun huggers would ramble on about. Which I agree with. You ant to stop someone with a gun, you better have a gun. Notice you also didn't answer my question ... You wake up in your house, and realize there is someone in your house with a gun ... now what ? All those links you post are generalization, I think, as didn't bother opening any of them, considering the title off. MSM BS ... all gun owners are idiots, and having one would result in nothing but negative outcome if they needed a gun. Pure silliness. They all lack stats (not reported) of crimes stopped by legal gun owners. And cherry pick other stats. I only deal with me and my experience, and ability to defend myself with a firearm.
  12. Don't know about now, but we've never paid ฿5 per kWh, and think we use, abuse electric more than most. But a nice round number. Local driving, is about 10k kms per year for us, if all 20k were local, that would add 215 kWh a month or ฿1071, @ ฿5 / kWh, about 7.2 kWh a day. All things being equal, with solar. Still a lot better than the ฿4285 a month petrol would cost to go the same 20k kms. EV in TH (on topic) save people a lot of money, as most drive locally anyway. With the Neta V, cheaper than most entry level 4cyl ICEVs, that's a bargain all the way around, and out performs them all Over ฿3200 a month X 12 = ฿38,400 a year. Unless you really need a truck, you're an idiot for having an ICEV ... IMHO Out performs for less cost. Curious, and had to check. We use 8000 kWh last year, or 667 kWh per month, which would be an average monthly PEA bill of ฿3240 or ฿4.85 per kWh, all things being equal. So ฿5 works pretty good, as I prefer to use negative #s, eliminates surprises. Petrol fluctuated between ฿32-40 last year (91). More than ฿36 now, which is the number I used above, so very generous with that number.
  13. I carried a gun for 25 yrs there, and never needed, Lived in crap areas, and ventured into even crappier areas. Stop watching MSM. Did you ever feel the need to carry a gun, while in the USA ? Violent crime is actually down, almost every year, with a few exceptions. Same with the murder rate.
  14. If the Neta V had arrived a wee bit earlier and I didn't have an 'iffy back', the Neta V would have been a good choice for local driving, and we would have simply kept the MG ZS ICE for O&As ... maybe. Getting in the lower siting sedans, really isn't that comfortable for me. I was seriously considering the MG EP, but wife wasn't having it. Got use to the higher seating position of the ZS, a good thing for me. Added plus, the ZS having LFP battery chemistry 👍 so all work out for the best.
  15. And none of that hp & torque @ 4000 & 6000 rpm BS
  16. Saw that, and replied to it. Similar to what ? I saved ฿47.8k the first year owning on petrol, and half our kms were out & about.
  17. The Neva V outclasses the Mirage, and isn't exactly small (relative). Mirage really was a poor choice to compare to any EV, except the 'minis', and I'm not talking Mini Cooper. Mirage ... 78 hp & 100 Nm Neta V ... 94 hp & 150 Nm Mirage ... H 1345mm, W 1585mm, L 3790mm Neta V ... H 1540 mm, W 1690 mm, L 4070 mm
  18. That's when that uncommon common sense comes into play. Simply being responsible.
  19. Yep ... why I'm glad I'm here, and hope the Dems win 2024 Do you really think I care what goes on 14,000 kms away ... ... ME ME ME You elect idiots, you get failed policies ... Som nam na
  20. Any responsible person can indulge whenever they want, by just using a little common sense. That the harsh criminality of smoking a doobie has been removed, makes things easier for everyone. Nothing has really changed, except the price, depending how ignorant you are. It's simply cheaper now. Was easy enough to find and smoke before declassified. Not much has changed in the 55 yrs of me indulging, except the legality and quality of it. The last thing an 'honest' police officer wants to do, is waste his time processing a ganga smoker
  21. Yes, COLA is BS, but good if needing some type of reference, how the administration affect everyday living for the working stiff. In the USA anyway, not so much here if one is retired, or even married, as 800k or 400k to live here/TH, is easy enough, if not having health issues and you know how to say 'NO'. The economy is what's on most people's mind. Is the administration's policies "making things worse or better for me.' That's all people really care about ... folks tire of being 'working class heroes'
  22. Must be both 😂 not sure, but rarely had, have a problem finding like minded people, when out on the prowl. If the chickie initiates the 'hello', then makes things easy. When on the prowl myself, easy to tell after saying hello, if they also are on the prowl. It's what we do at night time. Daytime may require a bit more thinking & effort. Woman aren't that much different from men, no matter how much TV or media tries to tell you they are. Once you realize that as a youngin, does make things easier. Life is easy, people make it difficult.
  23. I've never had a woman ask for anything, except provide a good time. YMMV
  24. Gun hugger that I am, that statement is quite accurate. (for the record, I'm anti-NRA) You are faced with a bad guy with a gun ... how would you stop he/she/it ? Apparently all the police, laws and prison sentences aren't stopping bad people from getting firearms. A total ban on firearm sales & ownership in the USA wouldn't stop criminals from having firearms. You can't stop drug trafficking, you can't stop human trafficking, so how are you going to stop the firearms from being available to criminals. Police rarely stop crime, and simply take a report after the fact. You wake up in your house, and realize there is someone in your house with a gun ... now what ? Don't know about you, but I'd be grabbing my firearm.
  25. How to stay in TH illegally ... more quality tourist. Inspiration for others to arrive and stay illegally. Travel insurance ?
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